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16th Sunday in Ordinary Time 23.07.2023

Sun 23rd July

8.30 am Josefa De Lemos Van-Dunen, 2nd anniv.

10 am Angela Coleman, RIP

12 pm Pat Meally, intentions

Mon 24th July Feria

10 am Anne Kennedy, RIP

Tues 25th July St James, Apostle

10am People of the Parish

Weds 26th July NO MASS

Thurs 27th July Feria

10 am Requiem Mass for Maria Merola RIP

Fri 28th July Feria

10 am Anne and Seamus Dunne, intns

Sat 29th July 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time

5pm Joe Ryan, 21st anniversary

Saturday 10 am – 11am; 4.30pm – 5pm: Confessions and Exposition

Your Prayers:

Let us keep in our prayers: Michael O’Boy, Christina Cahill, Eric Nicholas Darwent, Therese Kemp, John O’Shea, Rekha, Bina, Noel, Jose Luis Pérez, Alice, Karina McKiernan and Izabela Lissowska – all unwell at this time. We also pray for: Madeleine Melling, Jenifer Danvers, Enrico Soracchi, Raymond Tissot, Sr Theresa, Antonio Ostacchini, Lilian Murphy, Martin Wyrazik, Rita Graham, Judith Agholor, Anne Kennedy, Alan Ferrett, Zsofia Benczur –Papp and Christine Quinn, Glen Petrie, Father Mark Leenane, Mary Flannery and Maria Merola whose anniversaries occur at this time or have died recently. May they Rest in Peace.

Maria Merola RIP:

Maria died peacefully at home on Thursday having being care for by her children Joseph and Antonella. Maria was married to Donato and they were long standing parishioners of St Mary’s. Marias funeral will be 10am Thursday. May she rest in peace.

The offertory collection for the week ending 16th July was £719.40. Please do not forget, that arranging a standing order is the easiest way to support St Mary’s. Please contact the parish office for a Standing Order form.

A Talk on “A.I. and the Catholic Church” at St Mary’s:

7:30pm – Tuesday 19th September

Interest in Artificial Intelligence (AI) is at an all-time high with major influencers in business, government, science, technology, and even the arts telling us that it will revolutionise our lives. Is there a specifically Catholic perspective on AI? In this presentation, the speaker will explore what some great Catholic thinkers in the past, like Sts Augustine and Thomas Aquinas, have written about Intelligence in general and sketch how their ideas can help us evaluate the claims being made by AI enthusiasts today and guide us in making the best use of this technology." The speaker will be our very own Will Cappelli. Will is a highly regarded software industry strategist and analyst, who has spent his 35-year career in IT studying the application of AI to the management of computer systems. Refreshments will be available on the night.

MASS WITH BLESSING OF SCHOOL UNIFORMS Sunday 3rd September - 10am To mark the start of the new school year all parish children are invited to bring or wear their new (or old!) school uniforms to this Mass where they will receive a blessing to take with them into their new classes and schools for the coming year.

The Rite of Christian Intiation of Adults:

Fr Peter writes “If you are an adult and feel called to become a Catholic, or you are a Catholic adult and have never been confirmed, then you are invited to a special meeting to discover “the Rite of Christian Intiation of Adults” (a formation programme required for those seeking to become a Catholic or to be confirmed). Our meeting will be on Tuesday in the small hall starting at 7pm and finishing by 8:30pm.

First Holy Communions 2024

If your child is in Year 3 or above, a baptised Catholic, and you feel they are ready, you are invited to register them to prepare for and make their First Reconciliation and First Communion. Please collect a registration form from Fr Peter after one of the weekend Masses. First Holy Communion Classes will begin in November and take place every Tuesday in term time from 3:34pm - 4:45pm in the small hall. Therefore, please do not book your child into any “after school activities” on a Tuesday between 3pm and 5pm.


Come and see “Risen” the 2016 film which explores the dramatized search for the body of Christ after his crucifixion. “Risen” is suitable for those aged 12 and above. The film will be shown at 7:30pm on Thursday (using the big screen) in the small hall. Ice Cream lollies will be distributed!

Eucharistic Ministers and the Return of the Chalice:

Fr Peter writes: “From September the chalice will return for the distribution of the precious blood at every weekend Mass. You are under no obligation to receive from the chalice, but its return signifies there is a low risk level of infection from Covid (according to the Bishops Conference). Eucharistic Ministers will be “re-commissioned” at all Masses on Saturday 8th and Sunday 9th September.

The St Mary’s Men’s Group:

The next meeting of the St Mary’s Men’s Group will be on Saturday 9th September from 9am to 11am. We will meet for breakfast and discuss the Church’s attitude to Homosexuality. If you would like to join the group please email or speak to Fr Peter.

Booking a Mass Intention:

If you would like to arrange for a weekend or weekday Mass to be said for someone who has died or is unwell or for a private intention, please see Yvonne in the parish office, located in the presbytery.

During August:

During August there will be no 10am – 11am Holy Hour on Saturday and no newsletter.

Bishop Douglass 60th Anniversary School Reunion

You may be aware of the Bishop Douglass School 60th Anniversary Reunion, taking place on Saturday 9 September 2023, from 4 - 11pm at Hamilton Road (N2 0SQ).

This special event is a chance to reunite with past pupils and former teachers, in a friendly atmosphere with cake, light refreshments, drinks and music. There will also be an opportunity to take a tour of the school to see its extensions. Tickets are available for £10 and can be booked through Eventbrite via the link and QR code below. Some tickets may be available on the day of the event for £15, but to avoid disappointment, please ensure you book a ticket in advance to guarantee entry.

The New Benches outside the Church:

Fr Peter writes: “ The benches outside the church have been donated by Peter Murphy in memory of his late wife Lilian and her parents. They are beautiful and deceptive! They give the appearance of being made of wood but they are actually made from recycled plastic bottles

Look whose coming for our 125th Celebrations in September…

Invites have been posted and so far Fr Eugene Curren, Canon Colin Davies, Canon Mehal, Fr Terry, Fr Tony, Fr Dan Magnier and Canon Robert Plourde have replied to say they will be attending. Martin Tissot from Bishop Douglass and Mike Freer the local MP have also said they will attend. Apologies from Fr Gerard Quinn. Who will reply next? Please do not forget our special 125th celebration 11am Mass on Sunday 17th September.

Have you an extra 50p or a £1

If you were able to spare an extra 50p or a £1 and add it to the offertory collection alongside what you normally contribute it would help St Mary’s navigate some heavy energy bills. Taking out a standing order and completing a gift aid form (if you pay income tax) would also help. Many thanks for all that you do and give


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