Newsletter Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year A)
The phone line was down recently and is now fixed. Apologies to anyone
who was trying to get through and who could not do so.
Refugee Drop-In - Thank You
Thank you for your donations of hard-boiled eggs last weekend. We were able to take 140 eggs to the drop-in for refugees in East Finchley. A big thank you also from the team at the centre! Next date for your diaries: 7th May.
Mass for Bereaved Parents – 11th March 2017, Westminster Cathedral
On Saturday 11th March at 2.30 pm at Westminster Cathedral a Mass for bereaved parents will be celebrated by Bishop Paul McAleenan. During Mass, after the homily, parents will be invited to write the name of their deceased child on a card and the cards will be taken along with the offertory to the sanctuary. It’s a time to remember, to pray, to give thanks and to entrust deceased children to the Lord. All are welcome to attend.
Pilgrimage to Fatima 14th-20th September 2017
There is a special pilgrimage to Fatima being organised for the centenary year of the apparitions. The pilgrimage will include Santiago de Compostella and will be led by Fr Luis Tomas of the Consolata Mission House here in Finchley. Four nights in Fatima, two nights in Santiago de Compostella. Cost: £679. Further details: Tony O’Byrne 0208 361 1300.
First Holy Communion Course Takes a Break
There will be no First Holy Communion classes tomorrow 12th or on 19th February because of half term. Next session: 26th February – usual time and place.
Christian Meditation Group
There is a Christian Meditation Group which has already started – in Nazareth House, 162 East End Road, every Tuesday morning at 10.30 am – after the 10 am Mass.
SVP – Senior Citizens Lunch
The SVP would like to thank everyone who helped to make the Senior Citizens’ Lunch such an enjoyable afternoon. Special thanks to Billy Faughnan and Michael O’Hare for the fantastic live music.
Gospel Choir Rehearsal on 26th February – All Welcome
Come along and sing with us on Sunday 26th February at 11 am in the Large Hall (pancakes served by our teenagers!). All ages and abilities welcome. We’ll be preparing for 10 am Mass on Sunday 5th March. Liz and Sandra,
Next INCENSED Youth Group (ages 10-18)
Pancake party! Join our next youth group meeting on Sunday 26th February at 11 am in the Large Hall. New people always welcome. Contact Sandra –
Lenten Film Evening – Letters from Mother Teresa
Join our Lenten film evening on Friday 3rd March, at 8 pm in the parish centre and watch ‘Letters from Mother Teresa’ starring Juliet Stevenson (2014). The film explores the life of Mother Teresa through letters she wrote to her longtime friend and spiritual director, Father Celeste van Exem.
Grassy Area between the church and the parish centre
Please note that you must not let your children play on the steps or the strip of lawn immediately behind the church. If they play on the lawn above the steps please make sure that there is at least one parent present at all times.
Bishop Douglass School Magazine
Copies of the Bishop Douglass School magazine The Douglass are available free to anyone who wants one.
Growing in Faith Campaign Update
Although it’s three years ago since this diocesan fundraising campaign was completed in our parish, both the Westminster diocese and our own parish of St Mary’s East Finchley continue to benefit from the 116 generous parishioners who have pledged donations over five years. By the end of last year they had donated £101,000 towards our goal of £150,000. In the diocese, this giving is helping to train new priests, care for sick and retired priests, and fund Caritas projects like Bakhita House for the victims of human trafficking. In our own parish, those making donations through their pledges to the campaign are helping to fund our parish project through the youth and Christian formation work of Sandra Lipner. Thank you for your generous support.
Youth Worker sought by Westminster Justice and Peace Commission
This role is to promote peace and social justice concerns in schools and parishes across the diocese. Energy and enthusiasm to encourage young people to make a difference in the world around them is key. See diocesan website for details. Closing date Feb 21st 2017. Visit:
Vacancy for Part Time Teacher of Economics at St Michael’s Grammar School
St Michael’s Catholic Grammar School, in North Finchley, London N12 7NJ, has a vacancy for a part-time Teacher of Economics, wtih effect from April 2017. Closing date 12:00 noon Monday 20th February 2017. Further information and an application form please go to the School website: or ring St Michael’s on 020 8446 2256.
Looking for Residential Care?
Nazareth House in East Finchley has just completed a full refurbishment programme and have vacancies. If you wish to go and see, please contact Christine Small – General Manager on 0208 883 1104 or Sister Celine-Marie, Sister Superior on 07778 512144.
Our Lady of Lourdes Bow Lane N12 – Nursery Applications Sept 2017
Our Lady of Lourdes, Bow Lane, N12 are still accepting Nursery Applications for September 2017. If your child was born between 1st April 2014 and 31st March 2015, and you wish to apply, please contact the school on 0208 346 1681 for an application form.
Pray for the sick esp. Sister Sheila, John & Carmel Bates, Cathy Walker, Finola Hickey, Kelly-Marie O’Donnell, Pat Gleeson, Annette O’Gorman.
Parish Collection Last week’s collection came to £ 1124.05 Many thanks.