Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord (Year B)
Please see special card for all details of Holy Week services
Pray for the sick esp. Eddie Caddle, Carmel Bates, Cathy Walker, Finola Hickey, Bridget O’Donnell, Kelly-Marie O’Donnell, Simon O’Donnell, Pat Gleeson and Mary Myles.
Parish Collection: Last week’s collection was £867.67. Many thanks.
A card is available at the back of the church with the times of Holy Week services.
Opportunity for confession before Easter
On Monday 26th March we will have exposition of the Blessed Sacrament at 8 pm until at least 9 pm. During this period Fr Leo Edgar of the Dominicans will be available in the confessional, and Fr Terry will be available by the Sacred Heart statue. A chance for confession in quiet and prayerfulness.
Easter Sunday Envelopes
It has come to our attention that some of the boxes have two envelopes for Easter Sunday. Normally, we just have one in the box. Use just one of the envelopes and discard the other. It doesn’t matter which one.
We heard with sadness of the death of John Bates, known to many in this parish. Our condolences go to Carmel and their family. His funeral will be here on Tuesday 10th April at 10 am, followed by cremation at Islington Crematorium.
Special Easter Rota for Eucharistic Ministers and Readers
If you are already a reader or a Eucharistic Minister and you wish to volunteer for the Easter triduum, there is a folder in the sacristy where you can put your name down against the day and time of service where you can help out. Many thanks.
Holy Places – Special Collection
On Good Friday, 30th March there will be a special collection held for Holy Places.
The Solemnity of the Annunciation will be observed on Monday 9th April because the 25th March this year is Palm Sunday.
If you have signed up for a weekly envelope the new season’s boxes are now available for collection. Please note: in order to comply with new Data Protection requirements, a designated person will be available before and after the Masses in the church porch to hand your box to you. Please consider Gift Aiding your donation if you are a UK tax payer through direct debit or envelope
Stations of the Cross for Families
Join us on Good Friday in church, at 11 am to pray the Stations of the Cross with all the family. Suitable for all ages. If you are young or young at heart and would like to read or help, please speak to/e mail Sandra, .
Our Lady of Muswell Catholic Primary School – Nursery Applications
Nursery applications are now being accepted for Our Lady of Muswell Catholic Primary School, September 2018 for children born between 1st September 2014 and 31st August 2015. Please contact the school office on 0208 444 6894.
Society for the Protection of Unborn Children – Petition
The Society for the Protection of Unborn Children has launched a petition calling on the Prime Minister not to give any parliamentary support to moves to decriminalise abortion. Decriminalising abortion will strip from unborn children any remaining effective legal protection from abortion. So please support this petition. You can sign online at .
Skateboarding Workshop and Easter Trail
Booking is now closed. Many thanks for all your interest in our afternoon of Easter eggs, skateboarding and rollerskating on Easter Monday, 2nd April 3-5 pm for ages 6-18. Sandra, .
INCENSED Youth Group
We’re meeting in the community room (Fr Terry’s house) after 10 am Mass today to think about inspirational people and how we can follow their examples. New joiners welcome, ages 10+. Contact: Sandra,
Lenten Art Project
We are creating a Holy Week display of images of the cross and other motifs linked to Jesus’ passion. Please join in and use the art materials available in the hall after 10 am Mass today to contribute to this community project. Open to all ages.
SVP Quiz Night – New Date!
The SVP Quiz night has been rescheduled for Saturday 14th April, at 7 pm to raise funds for supporting families in Finchley. Through the generosity of the parish, 25 families in Finchley were helped over Christmas. A sausage and mash or vegetarian meal will be provided. Some soft drinks and white wine will be available but otherwise, bring your own beverages. Please put your name down (even if you did previously) on the new list in the porch; £10 on the door.
Cardinal’s Mass of Thanksgiving for the Sacrament of Matrimony
Westminster Cathedral, Saturday 19th May 2018 at 3 pm
The Cardinal invites all couples in the Diocese who are celebrating their 5th, 10th, 25th, 30th, 40th, 50th and 60th (and every year over 60) wedding anniversary of Catholic marriage in 2018. If interested please give Yvonne Merola, Parish Secretary by Friday 6th April 2018 the following details: husband and wife’s names, wedding date, full postal address and e mail (or telephone number is there is no e mail). Many thanks.
National Catholic Men’s Pilgrimage to Walsingham
Sunday 22nd April 2018, 10.30 am – 17.30 pm
Catholic National Shrine of Our Lady and Catholic Man UK write: A warm invitation to the first annual pilgrimage for Catholic men. Meet, talk and share the faith with other men, listen to speakers, celebrate confession and Mass, pray for families and for the country, process to the old Abbey grounds for Benediction. We welcome lay and religious, single and married, young and old, fathers and sons. “When England returns to Walsingham, Our Lady will return to England”. Pope Leo XIII, 1887. For more information visit
The Passage and The Big Give – 22nd – 29th March 2018
Andrew Hollingsworth of The Passage writes: The Passage is raising funds through the Big Give from 12pm (midday) Thurs 22 March - 12pm Thurs 29 March to support its work with homeless people this winter. Double your Donation, Double your impact. This is a matched giving scheme for online donations. If someone (can be company, individual or trust) gave £10 online matched giving of £10 would bring the Gift up to £20 (and for individuals to £22.50 with Gift Aid with higher rate tax relief it may cost the donor less than £10). For more information ring Andrew
Hollingsworth on 0207 592 1856 or contact on The maximum is £10,000 from any one person/body. It is not a limit per household but per person.
Beginning Experience Weekend
Charlotte McNerlin, Marriage and Life Ministry, Diocese of Westminster writes: There is a healing weekend for men and women who find themselves single again following separation, divorce or the death of a partner from 20th – 22nd April 2018 at the Domus Mariae Centre, Chigwell Essex. For more details, please phone Freda 01322 838415 or Sandra 01293 783965 or e mail .
Cardinal Vaughan Memorial School – Four week internship
Helen Brooks, The Vaughan Foundation writes: The Cardinal Vaughan Memorial School is running a 4 week internship programme in June/July 2018 focusing on Mathematics and Physics. Participants may receive a bursary of £300 per week and will have the opportunity to explore a potential career in teaching. Participants will require an A-level in Mathematics and must be in their penultimate year of an undergraduate degree course in Mathematics, Physics, Engineering, Computer Science, Geography or a related subject. For further information please contact or complete the application at
Pilgrimage to the Shrine of Our Lady of Consolation, West Grinstead
Pilgrimage with the Consolata Fathers to the Shrine of Our Lady of Consolation, West Grinstead on Saturday 23rd June 2018. Coach leaves St Mary Magdalen’s Church, Athenaeum Road, Whetstone N20 9AE at 9 am sharp. Returns 6/6.30 pm. Cost £22 per person – includes travel by coach, teas, coffees, soft drinks. Please bring your own picnic foods. How to book: Cheques should be dated 1st May 2018 and made payable to Consolata Fathers. Post cheque with details of booking to: The Superior, Consolata Fathers, 3 Salisbury Avenue, London N3 3AJ. Please book early. Cheques will not be banked until 1st May 2018. For further details about the pilgrimage contact Stella Devlin on 0208 445 3099.