26th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year A) 27th September 2020
Welcome back to the 10am Sunday Mass!
Sun 27th Sept
10 am People of the Parish
11.30 am Jim Heenan, RIP
Mon 28th Sept Feria
7pm Bridget Doody, RIP
Tues 29th Sept Ss Michael, Gabriel and Raphael, Archangels
10 am Mr and Mrs Bannerman and Anne Maame-Botchway, sp. intentions
Weds 30th Sept NO MASS
Thurs 1ST Oct St Therese of the Child Jesus
7pm Bridget Doody, RIP
Fri 2nd Oct The Holy Guardian Angels
10 am Brendan Corcoran, RIP
Sat 3rd Oct Feria
5pm Edward Clem Dooley, anniversary
Please pray for the sick and those who care for them, today especially for the frail elderly and for those who work as carers.
Attending Mass at St Mary’s
∙ You do not need to book your attendance for Mass at St Mary’s
∙ However – you must give to the steward your name and telephone number written on a piece of paper. You will need to provide this at every mass you attend. ∙ First come and First Served – those who come early are certain of a seat –if you arrive just before Mass, St Mary’s could be full to capacity (60 at each sitting) and you will have to attend another service in the week.
∙ Remember – any Mass will serve as a Sunday I have tried to give as many alternative Mass times during the week to spread out our normal Sunday congregation. Monday evening at 7pm has plenty of space.
∙ Please do not come to Mass if you are in the vulnerable category and shielding at home.
∙ Please do not come to Mass if you are feeling unwell.
∙ Please remember to alcohol gel your hands when you enter and leave the church. ∙ You must leave two seats empty between you or your family group and the next parishioner.
∙ Offertory money can now be deposited in the basket as you enter the porch.
Vacancy at Finchley Catholic High School
We are looking to appoint an experienced Personal Assistant to the Headteacher, to join our wonderful staff community at Finchley Catholic High School. If this may be of interest to you or a friend please visit our website for more information.
Last weekend was the culmination of 3 First Holy Communion weekends. Congratulations to the children who celebrated in the “pop up chapel”, and I look forward to those who have deferred to 2021. Thank you to Helen for playing her harp – and Holly for her wonderful preparation of our parish children. Opposite the “pop up chapel” in the garden is an ancient rose bush – without any flowers. For each First Holy Communion Mass a single pink rose bloomed – always in the direction of the altar – quite lovely.
The Wall is nearly here…….
Next weekend I will launch our “Wall Campaign”. As you know, the wall separating the car park from the High Road is splitting and leaning. Repairs are due to begin in November, and will cost £30k. So far we have raised £5000. The Wall Committee has been chipping away at some fantastic ideas to make our fundraising fun and profitable. However we need a “brand” or “slogan” to engage the parish and the local community. It needs to be something dignified but distinctive. It will appear on all literature and banners. You have until Monday at 7pm to email or deliver to the presbytery your suggestions. The winner will see their slogan everywhere (!!) and I will name a brick after them. Please email me your suggestions by Monday at 7pm via peterscott@rcdow.org.uk
Fr Peter and October:
Thank you to everyone who has offered prayers for my upcoming surgery. My last day of duty will be Thursday 1st October. Fr Terry will make a very welcome return and look after Masses while I am away convalescing.
First Holy Communions 2021:
Registration is currently open for anyone in Year 3 or above who would like to prepare to make their First Holy Communion in May 2021. Please email Holly for a registration form finchleyeastcat@rcdow.org.uk
Our Parish Finances:
Below are the “offertory Virgin Just Giving Money Page” collection totals for June. June 3rd - £490; June 10th - £874:12; June 17th - £166:85; June 24th - £50. As you can see they fluctuate. July is similar – July 1st - £75; July 8th - £460; July 15th - £119:10; July 22nd -£104; July 29th - £470:95.
Our average offertory collection before the pandemic was £1000 per week. Your offertory collection contributes towards the running of the presbytery, church, parish centre and non clergy salaries. The parish priest’s salary comes from baptisms, weddings, funerals and Easter & Christmas collections – all of which you are very generous.
IMPORTANT -Secondary School Transfer Forms:
If you need me to sign your child’s secondary school transfer form or validate a certificate of catholic practice, please ring the presbytery during office hours (Monday Tuesday, Thursday & Friday 9:30am – 1pm) with the time of the Mass you and your child will be attending so Fr Peter can meet you afterwards. I will be away from 1st October. It is best that you fill out your child’s name and address details.
I hope as you arrive for Mass you remember to thank our wonderful stewards. They are keeping us all safe from the virus by cleaning the church after each Mass. It would be very helpful to have a few more – the duties include welcoming and seating parishioners and after Mass helping to clean pews. Please email me if you would like to join the present gallant crew.
Baptisms, Sacrament of Marriage and Funerals.
Baptisms can now be organised (attendees are limited to 6 as of this newsletter – but that might change) and like Weddings: the maximum number permitted to attend is 15. For weddings, a simple nuptial mass may be celebrated.
Funerals: the maximum number permitted to attend is 30. A simple requiem mass may be celebrated.
The return of the Sacrament of Reconciliation:
You can now return to the Sacrament of Confession with certain safeguards: Please do not come to confession if you are feeling unwell or shielding at home. I will be available for confession Saturday, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday from 11am – 12 noon. Please come to the presbytery.
Due to social distancing and ventilation, I will either hear confessions in the presbytery garden or, if it is raining, in church.
Due to above practicalities, all confessions will be face to face.
Being St Mary’s Parish - Staying in touch - Registration & Parish Census:
It is very important that I am able to keep in touch with you. The shepherd needs his flock. Please update your parish details using the parish census sheet and return to me hand delivered via a volunteer who can come to the presbytery. It is so important that we stay in touch with each other. I will endeavour to send out a weekly newsletter to those without computers. If you are receiving post from us but have an e mail address, please let us know your e mail address. I will also use the live streamed Masses to convey notices.
Masks at Mass:
It is now mandatory that parishioners wear masks or face coverings when attending Mass. The priest is not required to follow this protocol. Masks should not cover eyes and ears – but mouth and nose. Children under 11 are not required to wear masks.