2nd Sunday after Easter – 24th April 2022
Sun 24th Apr
8.30 am - John McConnell RIP
10 am - Karol Macko & Katerina Macova RIP
12 noon - Mary Giblin RIP
Mon 25th Apr- St Mark
10 am- Denis Leenane RIP
Tues 26th Apr -St George – Patron of England
10 am - James Meally RIP
Weds 27th Apr
Thurs 28th Apr - Easter Weekday
10 am -Primo & Aldina Zani RIP
Fri 29th Apr - St Catherine of Siena
10 am - Susan Wren RIP
Sat 30th Apr- 3rd Sunday of Easter
5 pm - Eddie O’ Neill RIP
10am – 11am; 4:30pm – 5pm: Confessions and Exposition
Your Prayers:
Let us keep in our prayers: Eric Nicholas Darwent, Siobhan Lynch, Therese Kemp, Frank Kilbride, Kathleen Lancaster, John O’Shea, Rekha, Bina, Gale Yates, Jose Luis Pérez, Alice, Michael O Boy, Lilian Murphy, KarinaMcKiernan, Izabela Lissowska and Florida Regina Karawgodage – all unwell at this time. We also pray for:Gino Tomei, James Meally, Shirley Bates, David & Eileen Scott, Hugh Daniel Doherty, Peter Sartori, Noel Ryan, Donato Merola, Aurora Lobo–Buckland, Elizabeth O’Sullivan, Christine Pavlou, Tom Lohan, Dennis Lennane, Susan Wren, Albertina Alves, Jasmine Geddes, Geraldine Day, Catherine Kelly and Josephine Okuyiga who anniversaries occur at this time or have died recently. May they Rest in Peace.
It’s not just the Queen who is celebrating 7O years………
…………..on Sunday May 15th at 11am, Cardinal Vincent Nicholls will preside at a special Mass to commemorate 70 years since the blessing of the Foundation Stone of our present church………..
you are all invited!
What can I do?
If you or your family have any pictures of St Mary’s being built 70 years ago (like the one above) or of Cardinal Griffin coming to bless the stone and a year later open the church – we would love to see them. Just let Fr Peter know.
Bring food which reflects your culture to share for an “International” themed reception after Mass. Sign up sheets are in the porch. Fr Peter will provide a cake!
More details next weekend!
Fr Peter writes: “The Easter offertory collection last weekend was £1739:47 which like Christmas goes towards my salary. Many many thanks. All contributions, every penny, is greatly received and I am very grateful for your continued support at this difficult time. Please do not forget, that arranging a standing order is the easiest way to support St Mary’s.
Offertory Collection:
Fr Peter writes: “If you already use a standing order to pay your offertory money, do not feel compelled to put anything else into the collection bags as they circulate during Mass. The diocese is quite keen that we also look at contactless payment. I would be grateful for your thoughts.”
Peter Murphy:
Fr Peter writes: “Peter has decided to retire from his position as St Mary’s care-taker. Peter has been a great source of advice and encouragement regarding the hall and church. I know both Fr Tony and Fr Terry found him a wonderful support and hard worker. In the very near future we will celebrate Peter’s contribution to St Mary’s as care-taker, but for now I wish him and Lilian every blessing and gratitude. Fortunately, Peter will still be around and at the end of a phone when needed!”
Reminder to Parents:
Fr Peter writes: “Mass can be a busy reflective time. Please do not worry if your pre-school child has a charismatic moment, everyone understands, and parents of whatever age child will be sympathetic to your plight. I have asbestos ears and rarely hear a child when they have an inner compulsion to yell. Do not worry! Also, please, all parents, always accompany your child to the bathroom in the porch. Many thanks.
The Jars of Resurrection:
The Jars are ready for collection for those who completed their 8 Lent tasks or had their feet washed by Fr Peter on Maundy Thursday.
Seniors Lunch and Dance
St Mary's SVP are pleased to announce that they are arranging a lunch for our parish seniors after 2 years of everyone coping with Covid and its aftermath. Our Lady of Lourdes school have invited us to use their wonderful facilities so it will be held on Sunday 29th May at 1pm. Billy Faughnan and Michael O'Hare will provide us with music to ensure that you all have a great time. Sheets for signing up for it will be in the church porch on the weekends 30th April/1st May, 7th/8th May and 14/15 May.
Holy Week Thanks:
Fr Peter writes: “Last week was my first proper “St Mary’s Holy Week” without pandemic regulations. As per usual our celebrations were a wonderful combined effort. I would like to thank Marie-Jeane, Marie G. and Holly for the beautiful decorations in church from the Garden of Repose to Easter Sunday. I would like to thank Helen for playing the organ and singing, and Arlen, Peter M and Liz for helping over the 4 important days. I would like to thank the 12 feet, the brilliant readers and the fantastic servers (led by Oscar) as well as Pat for lighting the Easter Fire and John for hosting the Hot Cross Buns! It was a lovely Tridium with the added privilege of confirming Shannon, Danielle and Vicky (prepared wonderfully by Holly) at the Easter Vigil. Finally, thank you for your cards and gifts. A parish priest can only preside at the Triduum, if supported by the prayers of parishioners, and I felt those during Holy Week. Thank you.”
The Outdoor Stations:
The Outdoor Stations have become the “Stations of the Resurrection” and have slightly changed positioning to reflect the days after the Lord’s Resurrection. The First station is now on the bank at the left-hand side of the church. They will remain in place until Pentecost.
Finchley Foodbank:
Fr Peter writes: “With a rise in the cost of living, Finchley Foodbank has recently suffered a decrease in donations of both food and money. An appeal is going out asking for donations of “emergency food” supplies – that is: UHT milk, tinned tomatoes, tined meats, pasta, cereals, pasta sauces, baked beans, tea and coffee. If you are doing your supermarket shop and see any of these items in the low-cost range and can afford to donate them, we would be very grateful. Luxury items are great, but products in the “emergency food” range, as listed, are more useful. All donations must be “in date” and unopened”. With grateful thanks.
St Mary’s Parish Hall is a Polling Station!
If you live in the local area you might be casting your vote in St Mary’s Parish Hall. The small hall will be converted into a polling station for May 5th local elections.