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30th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year A) 25th October 2020


Sun 25th Oct 10 am People of the Parish

11.30 am Dr Kaime Ikwueke, thanksgiving

Mon 26th Oct Feria 7pm Jack Smith, RIP

Tues 27th Oct Feria 10 am Francisco Jose Maria and Maria EstevesdaSilva RIP

Weds 28th Oct NO MASS .

Thurs 29th Oct Blessed Martyrs of Douai College 7pm Tony Martin, RIP

Fri 30th Oct Feria 10 am Michael Lowry, anniversary

Sat 31st Oct Feria 5pm Jeremy Hill, RIP

Please pray for the sick and those who care for them, today especially for the frail elderly and for those who work as carers. REMEMBER!!!!

Clocks Go Back This Saturday! Please remember that the clocks go back 1 hour during the night on Saturday 24th October.

Staying warm in church As the cold weather approaches, please remember to wrap up warm when coming to Mass. This is because, due to COVID 19 regulations, we have to keep the doors and windows open for ventilation. Whilst we can have the heating on before Mass, we need to turn it off during Mass to comply with Diocesan advice.

Our Parish Finances: Our average offertory collection before the pandemic was £1000 per week. Your offertory collection contributes towards the running of the presbytery, church, parish centre and non-clergy salaries. The parish priest’s salary comes from baptisms, weddings, funerals and Easter & Christmas collections – all of which you are very generous.

Secondary School Transfer Forms: If you were unable to have your child’s form signed by Fr Peter, please post them through the presbytery letterbox with details of their baptism and First Holy Communion. You will be advised when the forms are ready to collect.

First Holy Communions 2021: Registration is currently open for anyone in Year 3 or above who would like to prepare to make their First Holy Communion in May 2021. Please email Holly for a registration form Live streaming

Mass at St Mary’s: The 10am Mass on Sundays will be streamed for those shielding at home. If you are able to access our Just Giving Money Page so you can be part of the offertory collection, I would be very grateful:

ALSO on Sunday, Holly and co will stream the children’s liturgy at 9 am even through half-term! All streamed services can be accessed via

Holy Souls Envelopes: Approaching the month of November, I have left in the church Holy Souls envelopes. This year (due to the COVID) please use your own paper to write the names of loved ones safe in God’s Kingdom, place them in the envelope and post through the presbytery letterbox. These names will be displayed on the sanctuary and prayed for during November – the month of Holy Souls.

Our Wall Campaign….. As you know, the wall separating the car park from the High Road is splitting and leaning. Repairs are due to begin in November and will cost £30k. Our challenge is to raise and restore our wall in 52 days. There are several ways in which YOU can help! Please see the dedicated leaflet for details. Together Let’s Rise Up and Build!!!! RISE UP AND BUILD UPDATE:

Buy- a Brick: A huge thank you to everyone who has bought a brick (or a family of bricks or a company of bricks). So far, we have raised £2,620! To buy a brick, please go to OR place your name and donation in an envelope marked “Buy-a-brick” and post through the presbytery door.

Split-the-pot: Congratulations to Jean Bailey, who won the first draw for our Split-the-pot lottery last weekend. The video of the draw can be seen here: Entries for the next draw (Sat 31st Oct.) are now open, the box is in the church porch. A reminder that it’s £5 per entry but you can enter as many times as you like. See the Rise up and build leaflet for full details – if it’s easier to put multiple entries into one envelope that’s fine.

Halloween Fun Walk: Spread the word and get your tickets here:

70’s disco night in: On Saturday 28th November, 6.30pm-7.30pm, St Mary’s will be Live Streaming a 70’s Big-Night-In-Fundraiser straight to your living room. Grab your boogiewoogie dancin’ shoes and flares and let loose with our lip-sync / karaoke / dance show with 8 acts, including a very special guest appearance! If you’ve got what it takes and would like to audition to be part of the show, please email for details.


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