7th Sunday of Easter 12.05.2024
Sun 12th May
8.30am Ned Myers, RIP
10 am Nancy O’Shaughnessy, RIP
12 noon Alda and Primo Zani, anniversary
Mon 13th May Easter Feria
10am Funeral Mass of Rose McGrory, RIP
Tues 14th May St Matthias, Apostle
10am Pat O’Driscoll, intentions
Weds 15th MayNO MASS
Thurs 16th May Easter Feria
10am Zodiac, Gerald, Regina, Marielle, Philipe and Henriette, intentions
Fri 17th May Easter Feria
10am Holy Souls
Sat 18th May Pentecost Sunday
5pm Tony McGovern, RIP
Saturday 10 am – 11am; 4.30pm – 5pm: Confessions and Exposition
Your Prayers:
Let us keep in our prayers: Agnes Day, Margaret Ryan, King Charles III, the Princess of Wales and all those suffering from cancer, Michael O’Boy, Christina Cahill, Eric Nicholas Darwent, Therese Kemp, Bina, Noel, Jose Luis Pérez, Karina McKiernan, Jonathan Heller and Izabela Lissowska – all unwell at this time. We also pray for: Alice Bree, Noel O’Hora, Kwok Chui Tsui, Yuen Kuen Tsui, Bill McCleary, Fr Michael Daly, Rodolfo Icban, Marjorie Reid, Luis Goncalves, Sean Duffy, Iride Villa, John O Shea, Raffaella Di Trolio, Mercedes Bahillo, Amber Wood, Eileen Sweeney, Arcangela Moretto, Gino Tomei, Lucia Josephine Rayappu, Rose McGrory, Patrick Jean Noel Louis-Auguste and Anne Gorman whose anniversaries occur at this time or have died recently. May they Rest in Peace.
Patrick Jean “Noel” Louis-Auguste, RIP
We sadly learnt last weekend of the death of Patrick Jean Noel Louis-Auguste, the brother of Marie Louis Auguste, one of our long-standing parishioners. Let us keep her and the family in our prayers. May he rest in peace. Amen.
Anne Gorman RIP
Anne died on 9th May at the Royal Free Hospital. Anne was a long-standing parishioner of St Mary’s. Funeral details will be in next week’s newsletter. In the mean-time let us keep Anne’s family in our prayers. May she rest in peace.
Rose McGrory, RIP
The Funeral Mass for Rose will be at 10am Monday. Let us keep her and her family in our prayers. May she rest in peace. Amen.
Offertory Collections
The offertory collection for the week ending 5th May was £ 569.75. Contactless for week ending 5th May was £110:13. Standing Orders, Stripe and Online Donations will be communicated one month in arrears.
Confirmation Parents Meeting:
There will be a meeting for parents of Confirmation Candidates at 7pm on Monday 20th May in the small hall.
Parish Council:
The next Parish Council will take place at 4pm on Sunday 12th May in the presbytery.
There is no excuse…..
CAFOD – A Year of Encounter
CAFOD writes: “With a UK general election due sometime this year, politicians will be looking for our votes. We have a responsibility as Catholics to make sure that parties commit to tackling issues such as poverty and injustice. Raising our voices and contacting parliamentary candidates as a parish community will send a strong signal to those standing for election in our local constituencies. A Year of Encounter is a joint initiative between CAFOD and St Vincent de Paul Society (SVP), equipping Catholics to ask key questions of local candidates at the key moments. Please see cafod.org.uk/encounter for more information.
St Michael’s Catholic Grammar School – Open Evening for Secondary Transfer – Tuesday 25th June 2024
Parents and girls who are interested in taking the entrance tests for St Michael's Catholic Grammar School are invited to visit the school for a guided tour on Tuesday 25 June between 5pm and 7pm. The deadline for applications to be completed and Certificate of Catholic Practice provided to the School is 4pm on Tuesday 2nd July 2024
Brother Sun, Sister Moon - Film Evening on Monday 27th May
Fr Peter writes: “I have booked the small hall for 7:30pm on Monday 27th May to show “Brother Sun, Sister Moon” – the 1972 film about St Francis and St Clare. It is rated PG (although there is some nudity when Francis rebels against his father and stands naked in the town square). All are welcome”.
Deacon Dom:
Fr Peter writes: “Good News! Deacon Dom will be ordained a priest by Cardinal Vincent at Westminster Cathedral on Saturday 29th June. I will confirm the time in due course. Even better news – Dom will celebrate his very first Mass as a priest, at St Mary’s on Sunday 30th June at 11am. So, a bit of a party will have to happen afterwards!”
You Tube Pages for young Catholics:
Pints with Aquinas….
The Bible in a Year…