Our Lord Jesus Christ King of the Universe (Year A) 22nd November 2020
Sun 22nd Nov
10 am Catherine O’Mahony, anniversary
Mon 23rd Nov Feria
7pm Holy Souls
Tues 24th Nov St Andrew Dung-Lac, Priest and Companions, Martyrs
10 am Holy Souls
Weds 25th Nov NO MASS
Thurs 26th Nov Feria
7pm David and Eileen Scott, RIP
Fri 27th Nov Feria
10 am People of the Parish
Sat 28th Nov
Please pray for the sick and those who care for them, especially for the frail elderly and for those
who work as carers.
Private Prayer
Private Prayer will now take place at St Mary’s starting this Sunday 22nd November. It will take place every Sunday from 11 am to 12 noon in accordance with government guidelines and procedures for COVID 19. If you are coming to private prayer, please bring a piece of paper with your name and contact number – this is required for Track and Trace purposes. Please note that you must also wear a mask.
First Holy Communions 2021:
Registration coming to an end for anyone in Year 3 or above who would like to prepare to make their First Holy Communion in May 2021. Please email Holly for a registration form finchleyeastcat@rcdow.org.uk
Confirmation 2021:
If you would be interested in preparing for the sacrament of Confirmation in 2021 and are in Year 8 or above, please email Holly for a registration form: finchleyeastcat@rcdow.org.uk
Children’s Liturgy:
On Sunday, Holly and co will stream the children’s liturgy at 9 am via www.saintmarys.online
Holy Souls Envelopes:
The names of our dear departed loved ones will be displayed on the sanctuary and prayed for during November – the month of Holy Souls.
Our Lady of Lourdes Primary School N12 – Reception and Nursery Applications
Applications for Reception and Nursery Applications are invited for the Reception Class for September 2021 – this is for children born between 1st September 2016 and 31st August 2017. The deadline to return this to the school office is 15th January 2021. The forms are available to download on the school website. Please also be advised that you must also complete a CAF (Common Application Form) from Barnet - the on-line system is already open. Applications are invited for the Nursery for the Academic Year starting September 2021. This is for children born between 1st April 2018 and 31st March 2019. The deadline to return this to the school office is 31st January 2021. Please contact the office or visit the school website for an application pack.
70’s disco BIG night in- Fundraising for the wall!!
Saturday 28 November, 6.30pm-7.30pm,
save the date for the St Mary’s 70s Disco on www.saintmarys.online
Grab your boogie woogie dancin’ shoes and flares and let loose with our strictly 70s big night in. A Lip Sync / karaoke / dance show with 8 acts beamed to your living room, including special guest appearance!
If you were lucky enough to be around in the 70s we'd love to see some photos. Please send your 70s photos to helensarahdoran@gmail.com to be included in the show.
Text WALL to 70970 to donate £5
Changes to Mass at St Mary’s As you are now aware, from Thursday 5th November, we are again in lockdown. According to government guidelines, we are not able to hold public Masses until at least 2nd December. This means that the church will be closed and we will no longer be able to attend Mass in person. With regards to this, St Mary’s has implemented the following: Father Terry will continue to say Mass, however, as the church is closed and Masses will not be public, all the Masses will be streamed on www.saintmarys.online . If you are able to access our Just Giving Money Page so you can be part of the offertory collection, I would be very grateful: http://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/charities/StMaryFinchleyEast There will be two changes to the Mass times – there will be no Mass on Saturday at 5 pm and the only Mass on Sunday will be at 10 am. Please see below for the Mass times: Monday 7 pm Tuesday 10 am Wednesday NO MASS Thursday 7 pm Friday 10 am Saturday NO MASS Sunday 10 am PRIVATE PRAYER: There is an opportunity for private prayer to take place at St Mary’s on Sundays from 11 am to 12 noon following the COVID 19 procedures and guidelines. You must wear a mask and have your name and contact details ready on a piece of paper to give to the stewards present. This is necessary for Track and Trace. If you are aware of any parishioners who are not likely to be on e-mail, please pass this and any future communications on to them, if you can, as we will not be posting out any information during this lockdown. Of course, we will put this and future important information up on the notice boards outside the church. Baptisms, Sacrament of Marriage and Funerals. Baptisms are currently suspended. Weddings are currently suspended except in exceptional circumstances. Funerals: Funeral Masses and funeral services may continue to be celebrated with a maximum attendance of 30 people. Being St Mary’s Parish - Staying in touch - Registration & Parish Census: Father Peter says: It is very important that I am able to keep in touch with you. The shepherd needs his flock. Please update your parish details using the parish census sheet and return it via the presbytery letterbox. It is so important that we stay in touch with each other. Notices will also be given via the streamed Masses.