Saints Peter and Paul Apostles (Year A) 28th June 2020
MASS TIMES AND INTENTIONS NO PUBLIC MASS Sun 28th June 10 am People of the Parish Mon 29th June Ferria 10 am Marie...
12th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year A) 21st June 2020
MASS TIMES AND INTENTIONS NO PUBLIC MASS Sun 21st June -10 am People of the Parish Mon 22nd June -10am St John Fisher, Bishop and...
The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ – Corpus Christi (Year A) 14th June 2020
MASS TIMES AND INTENTIONS NO PUBLIC MASS Sun 14th June 10 am People of the Parish Mon 15th June Feria 10 am McDermott...
The Most Holy Trinity (Year A) 7th June 2020
MASS TIMES AND INTENTIONS NO PUBLIC MASS Sun 7th June 10 am People of the Parish Mon 8th June Feria 10...
Pentecost Sunday (Year A) 31st May 2020
MASS TIMES AND INTENTIONS NO PUBLIC MASS Sun 31st May 10 am People of the Parish Mon 1st June The Blessed...