Newsletter Epiphany (Year A)
Meeting for parents of first holy communion children
Remember to be at the meeting this coming Monday 9th January at 8 pm in the Parish Centre. We will introduce the outline of the course and discuss how you can accompany your child during the 12 weeks of their first communion preparation. We will also hand out the children’s textbooks and would like to ask you to bring £20 with you to go towards the cost of running the course, as well as a photocopy of your child’s baptismal certificate, if you haven’t given us this already.
Senior Citizens Lunch
One of the highlights of the year for our seniors is always the lunch organised by the SVP. Good food, good company, good music – who could resist? This year’s event will be on Sunday 29th January. If you would like to attend, please put your name down in the list in the church porch.
Red Boxes
If you have a red box please bring it in and leave it in the sacristy. Please make sure that your name is on the bottom so that you can be told how much your collection contributed to the work of the Association for the Propagation of the Faith. Our APF representatives, Anthony and Lin Schofield, would be glad if you could bring in your boxes by Sunday 15th January. Once they have been counted and the money deposited, the boxes will be brought back to church and you can take them away again. If you do not have a red box but would like one, please give your details to Fr Terry or Yvonne Merola.
Christmas Fair - Thank you
A reminder to everyone involved in organising our Christmas Fair to come along to our special thank you teas/coffees in the old parish hall after the 10am mass today.
Pilgrimage to Fatima 14th-20th September
There is a special pilgrimage to Fatima being organised for the centenary year of the apparitions. The pilgrimage will include Santiago de Compostella and will be led by Fr Luis Tomas of the Consolata Mission House here in Finchley. Four nights in Fatima, two nights in Santiago de Compostella. Cost: £679. Further details: Tony O’Byrne 0208 361 1300.
Grassy Area between the church and the parish centre
Please note that you must not let your children play on the steps or the strip of lawn immediately behind the church. If they play on the lawn above the steps please make sure that there is at least one parent present at all times.
Ask God’s blessing on Luca Santos, who was baptised here yesterday (Saturday 7th January)
On Friday 13th January we have the funeral Mass at 12.30 pm of the late Lottie Raymond, followed by interment at St Pancras Cemetery. May she rest in peace.
Confirmation Enrolment
We are now enrolling young people aged 13+ (Year 8+) for preparation for Confirmation in 2017. Forms are available from Fr Terry or Sandra ( Recruitment closes very soon.