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Holy Week at St Mary’s 2023












“And yet ours were the sufferings He bore,

ours the sorrows He carried”.

Isaiah 53: 5

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Opportunity for Reconciliation before Easter

Confession is available every Saturday 10-11am and 4:30-5pm

There will also be a dedicated Reconciliation Service with visiting priests on Saturday 25th March at 11am.

Confession will also be available during the watching and waiting on Holy Thursday, 6th April from 9-11pm.

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Mass Times over Holy week


Saturday 1st April

Vigil Mass (of Palm Sunday) 5:00pm

Sunday 2nd April - Palm Sunday
Sunday Masses 8:30am, 10am and 11.30am

Monday 3rd April

Mass 10am

Tuesday 4th April

Mass 10am

Wednesday 5th April

No Mass

Easter Triduum

Thursday 6th April - Holy Thursday
Mass of the Lord’s Supper 8pm

Watching at the Altar of Repose Until 11pm

Friday 7th April - Good Friday
Outdoor Family Friendly Stations of the Cross 11am

The Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ 3pm
Meditation on the Cross 7pm


Saturday 8th April - Holy Saturday
Easter Vigil 8pm


Sunday 9th April - Easter Sunday
Mass 8:30am, 10am and 12noon

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Outdoor Stations of the Cross:

St Mary’s invites you to come and walk the Stations of the Cross outside!

The Stations of the Cross is a beautiful devotion following a series of fourteen stations, or stops, which recall the events on Jesus’s way to the cross. It allows us to pause (‘stop’) and enter reflectively into those last moments of Jesus’s journey of love, and to pray by imagining ourselves on the journey with


You are welcome to come, pray and reflect each of the stations around the grounds of St Mary’s at anytime over Lent and Holy Week. On Good Friday if you come at 11am there will be a special pack for families .


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Online Stations of the Cross:


Click below to join Father Peter on the journey of the Stations of the Cross around St. Mary's for 2021 

Click below for our Stations of the Cross and Stations of the Cross for Families from 2020
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