Second Sunday of Advent (Year C ) 9th December 2018
Second Sunday of Advent (Year C ) 9th December 2018
Sat 8th Dec
6 pm Vigil Mass Nancy O’Shaughnessy, intentions
Sun 9th Dec
8.30 am People of the Parish
10 am Emeagi Family, intentions
12 noon Marie Gilgan, intentions
Mon 10th Dec
10 am Con Flannery, 1st anniversary
Tue 11th Dec
10 am Lavelle family, intentions
Wed 12th Dec Our Lady of Guadlupe
10 am Tom Lobo, RIP
Thurs 13th Dec St Lucy
10 am Una Carmody and Bridget Noone, anniversary
Fri 14th Dec St John of the Cross
10 am Mr and Mrs Ejikewe, intentions
12 noon Funeral Mass of Achille Sartori
Sat 15th Dec
10 am Patrick Giblin, anniversary
Confession: Saturday 10.30 am and 5.30 pm
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament with Benediction: Thursday 10.30 am,
Saturday at 5.30 pm
Pray for the sick esp. Eddie Caddle, Carmel Bates, Finola Hickey, Bridget O’Donnell, Kelly-Marie O’Donnell, Simon O’Donnell, and Mary Myles.
Parish Collection: Last week’s collection raised £ 1005.79. Many thanks.
Achille Sartori RIP
The funeral Mass of the late Achille Sartori will be on Friday 14th December at 12 midday followed by interment at Southgate cemetery.
Nora Kitson, RIP
The funeral of the late Nora Kitson will be on Friday 14th December at 3 pm at Marylebone Crematorium.
Maurice ‘Mossie’ Lane RIP
The funeral of the late Maurice Lane will be on Monday 17th December at 10 am followed by committal at Islington Crematoriium.
Noel Kilduff RIP
The funeral of the late Noel Kilduff will be on Tuesday 18th December at 10 am followed by interment at East Finchley cemetery.
May they rest in peace.
Card with Service Times
A card is available on the tables inside the church door. The card contains the times of our Christmas services through until 1st January. Please take one home with you. If you have a neighbour or friend in the area you think might appreciate one, feel free to take more.
Evening Confession in Preparation for Christmas
On Tuesday 18th December we will have exposition of the Blessed Sacrament 7.30-8.30 pm. It will be a meditative and prayerful occasion. The church will be heated. And Father Leo Edgar, a wise and compassionate Dominican priest, will be in the confessional. Fr Terry will be available in the Sacred Heart chapel. If necessary both priests will continue until everyone has had the opportunity for the sacrament.
Reflection on Christmas
To get ready for Christmas, you are invited to join us for an advent-themed, creative reflection each Sunday of Advent after 10 am Mass in the parish hall. All ages welcome! This week’s theme is “peace”.
Christmas Fair Success!
Our Christmas Fair was a great success despite competition from 4 other fairs on the day. Thank you for all your donations and to all the volunteers who made it happen. The proceeds are not yet final as raffle tickets are still on sale (draw to take place on 16 December) but so far we have collected just under £3,000. This will go towards replenishing the parish reserves following the hall refurbishments. You can see Santa’s Grotto photos and other photos from the day on our Facebook page: “St Mary’s N2”. Please like our page!
Carols at Finchley Memorial Hospital
We have been invited to sing carols at Finchley Memorial Hospital in the lobby and on the ward for the elderly. The date is this WEDNESDAY 12th DECEMBER at 2.30 - probably finishing by 3.30. This is not a service as such but a songful seasonal keeping company with those in the hospital.
Crisis at Christmas: Singers wanted
It is always great to have St Mary's parishioners join the carol-singers at Crisis at Christmas. We sing on 23rd Dec from 5-6pm at the opening of the North London Day Care Centre in Westminster Kingsway College in Grays Inn Road .All over 18 singers welcome and no rehearsal necessary. Just email Helen Tierney for details
Inquirers about the Catholic faith
If you are not a Catholic, but interested do let Fr Terry know, as we may begin an inquirers class known as the RCIA. Also, if you are already an adult Catholic but not confirmed, this course might suit you. Written contact details would be helpful.
St Michael’s Catholic Grammar School – Cover Supervisor Vacancy
Required as soon as possible on an ad-hoc basis. Salary £12.19 an hour. Flexible Cover Supervisors required to cover in classrooms across the subject board on an ad hoc basis where the teacher is absent. Availability can be negotiated with the School for those who wish to work particular days of the week. Applications can be downloaded from . Please send all completed applications to . A job description is available by request from . Closing date 12 pm Monday 10th December 2018.
Applications for Reception and Nursery at Our Lady of Lourdes School
Applications are invited for the Reception Class for September 2019 – this is for children born between 1st September 2014 and 31st August 2015. The deadline to return this to the school office is 15th January 2019. Applications are invited for the Nursery for the Academic Year starting September 2019. This is for children born between 1st April 2016 and 31st March 2017. The deadline to return this to the school office is 30th January 2019. The forms are available to download on the school website – .
Teaching Assistant Vacancy – Bishop Douglass School
Bishop Douglass School require a teaching assistant to support children with additional needs on Monday and Tuesdays, core hours are from 8.30 am until 4.15 pm. A good standard of education is required and a willingness to work as part of a cohesive team. If you are interested, please submit a brief letter of application and CV to the PA, Mrs Saleem at