12th Sunday in Ordinary Time 25.06.2023
Sun 25th June
8.30 amPat Garvey, RIP
10 amA private intention
12 pmMichael Harrison, anniversary
Mon 26th June Feria
10 am People of the Parish
Tues 27th June St John Southworth, Priest and Martyr
10am Cornelius McGlynn, RIP
Weds 28th June NO MASS
Thurs 29th June SS Peter and Paul, Apostles
10 amDavid and Eileen Scott, RIP
7.30 pmOur Lady of Lourdes Primary School
Fri 30th June Feria
10 am Kitty Ryan, intentions
Sat 1st July13th Sunday in Ordinary Time
5pm A private intention
Saturday 10 am – 11am; 4.30pm – 5pm: Confessions and Exposition
Your Prayers:
Let us keep in our prayers: Michael O’Boy, Christina Cahill, Eric Nicholas Darwent, Therese Kemp, John O’Shea, Rekha, Bina, Noel, Jose Luis Pérez, Alice, Karina McKiernan and Izabela Lissowska – all unwell at this time. We also pray for: Madeleine Melling, Jenifer Danvers, Enrico Soracchi, Raymond Tissot, Sr Theresa, Antonio Ostacchini, Lilian Murphy, Martin Wyrazik, Rita Graham, Judith Agholor, Anne Kennedy, Alan Ferrett, Zsofia Benczur –Papp and Christine Quinn, whose anniversaries occur at this time or have died recently. May they Rest in Peace.
The offertory collection for the week ending 18th June was £ 784.88. Please do not forget, that arranging a standing order is the easiest way to support St Mary’s. Please contact the parish office for a Standing Order form.
The Wall:
Fr Peter writes: “Hopefully repairs to the Wall will begin this summer. I have accepted a quote and secured a team of builders. St Mary’s is now in a queue, waiting for the builders to finish two other projects. Wall repairs will involve the corner part of the embankment being dug out enabling the builders to “pin” the wall together. When they remove the earth I would like the builders to bury any broken Catholic religious statues or crucifixes that parishioners are hesitant about discarding. My intention is that the prayers rooted in these religious artifacts will hopefully protect the wall in the future. If you have any broken statues or crucfixes, please hand them in after a weekend Mass. However, they must not be made of plastic. Nor can the statues or crucifixes be “life size”….. for obvious reasons.”
St Mary’s Men’s Group:
The “Men’s Group” have met for the first time. They had breakfast (cooked by Deacon Dom) and a good chat. Their next meeting is planned for Saturday 8th July at 9am, finishing at 11am. Breakfast will be served. Men of the parish are invited to attend – please let Fr Peter or Deacon Dom know if you would like to join.
The Rite of Christian Intiation of Adults:
Fr Peter writes “If you are an adult and feel called to become a Catholic, or you are a Catholic adult and have never been confirmed, then you are invited to a special meeting to discover “the Rite of Christian Intiation of Adults” (a formation programme required for those seeking to become a Catholic or to be confirmed). Our meeting will be on Tuesday 25th July in the small hall starting at 7pm and finishing by 8:30pm.
“Why every hair on your head has been counted” Mt 10: 26-33
Holy Day of Obligation:
Thursday 29th June is the Feast of SS Peter and Paul and is a Holy Day of Obligation. Mass times at St Mary’s are 10am and 7:30pm and at Our Lady of Lourdes Primary School, Bow Lane at 1:30pm. All are welcome.
Concluding “Refugee Week” : Compassion
Monday June 19th was World Refugee Day, and kicked off Refugee Week. The theme for Refugee Week wasCompassion. The Bishops Conference have just produced a new document called ‘Love the Stranger’. If you would like more details of the document and Refugee Week please email rosalewis@rcdow.org.uk or contact Fr Peter.
Accommodation wanted.
M, 33 yrs , a refugee from Iran, is currently living with a St Mary’s parishioner and is looking for longer term accommodation in the local area. He has the right to remain and work in UK. M wants to improves his English to help him find work. He can pay a reasonable rent. References available. He can be contacted in the first instance via 07903 855407 or 07763277039.
Prayer for Refugees & Asylum Seekers
God, Father Almighty, grant us the grace to work tirelesslyfor justice, solidarity, and peace, so that all Your children may enjoythe freedom to choose whether to migrate or to stay.
Grant us the courage to denounce all the horrors of our world,and to combat every injustice that mars the beauty of Your childrenand the harmony of our common home.
Sustain us by the power of Your Spirit, so that we can reflect Your tender loveto every migrant whom You place in our path, and to spread in hearts and in every situationthe culture of encounter and of care.
Time & Talent Survey:
Fr Peter writes” Thank you to everyone who completed and returned a “time & Talent Survey”. If you didn’t manage to return your form by the deadline, please post them through the presbytery letterbox. I have left a few additional forms at the back of the church if you would like to fill out a form and volunteer within the parish.
St Peter’s Italian Church – Annual Procession for Our Lady of Mount Carmel
Sunday 16th July 2023 – 3.30 pm
On Sunday 16th July 2023 starting at 3.30 pm, the Italian Church will be continuing a tradition started in 1883 of holding an annual Procession in honour of Our Lady of Mount Carmel. Parishes are being invited to join the Procession as a parish group in a public act of our Catholic faith. There will be a walking group of children who have recently made their First Holy Communion dressed in their communion outfits. Should any of our parents whose children have just made their First Holy Communion wish their children to participate, please ensure that you and your children meet inside the Italian Church no later than 3 pm on Sunday 16th July.
Our Lady of Lourdes Primary School Prayer Group
The staff and parents prayer group returns to Our Lady of Lourdes Primary School every Tuesday at 8:15am in the prayer room. All welcome.
Booking a Mass Intention:
If you would like to arrange for a weekend or weekday Mass to be said for someone who has died or is unwell or for a private intention, please see Yvonne in the parish office, located in the presbytery.
“so there is no need to be afraid……Mt 10:26-33.