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14th Sunday in Ordinary Time 07.07.2024


 Sun 7th July

​8.30 am​​​ Antonio Ostacchini, RIP​​

10 am​​​ Antonio and Maria Russo, thanksgiving to St Anthony (60 years anniversary)

​12 noon​​​ Renza and Gino Tomei, RIP


​Mon 8th July         ​Feria

11 am       Funeral Mass for Jose Barreto


Tues 9th July         Feria

10am           Peter Sartori, RIP

Weds 10th July​ Feria

10 am​ NO MASS

Thurs 11th July​Saint Benedict, Abbot, Patron of Europe

10am. Roque Luis, RIP


​Fri 12th July​​ Feria

10 am​           ​​Maneul Luis Goncalves, RIP



Sat 13th July​15th Sunday in Ordinary Time

5 pm          James Joseph McNally, 29th anniversary


Saturday 10 am to 11 am and 4.30pm – 5pm: Confessions and Exposition

Your Prayers:

Let us keep in our prayers: Margaret Ryan, Michael O’Boy, Christina Cahill, Eric Nicholas Darwent,  Therese Kemp, Jose Luis Pérez,  Karina McKiernan, Jonathan Heller and Izabela Lissowska – all unwell at this time. We also pray for: Alice Bree, Noel O’Hora,  Kwok Chui Tsui, Yuen Kuen Tsui, Bill McCleary, Fr Michael Daly, Rodolfo Icban, Marjorie Reid, Luis Goncalves, Sean Duffy, Iride Villa, John O Shea, Raffaella Di Trolio, Mercedes Bahillo, Amber Wood, Eileen Sweeney, Arcangela Moretto, Gino Tomei, Lucia Josephine Rayappu, Rose McGrory, Patrick Jean Noel Louis-Auguste, Eddie Maher, Anne Gorman, Agnes Day, Jose Barreto and Peter Krausher whose anniversaries occur at this time or have died recently. May they Rest in Peace.


Offertory Collections

The offertory collection for week ending 30th June was £ 637.87. Contactless for week ending 30th June was £90.26. Offertory donations for Standing Orders, Stripe Donations and Online Donations will be communicated one month in arrears.  Thank you for your generosity.


Jose Barreto, RIP

Jose Barreto was a long-standing parishioner who sadly passed away recently.  His Funeral Mass will be at St Mary’s on Monday 8th July at 11 am.  There will be no 10 am Mass on this day. Let us keep Jose, Leocadia and their family in our prayers. May he rest in peace. Amen.


The Parish Council:

The next parish council is on Sunday 7th July at 4pm in the presbytery.


Altar Servers

Rather important…, would you like to be an Altar Server? Not only would you be helping Fr Peter but most importantly you would be serving the Risen Lord. What better service could you do? If you want to be an Altar Server and have made your First Holy Communion please get your parents to sign your name to the “sign up” sheet at the back of the church.  



There will be a meeting for all readers (new & old) in St Mary’s Church on Thursday 11th July at 7:30pm.




Eucharistic Ministers

There will be a meeting for all Eucharistic Ministers  (new & old) in St Mary’s Church on Thursday 18thJuly at 7:30pm.


Appeal for a Three Bedroom House to Rent

If anyone knows of a 3-bedroom house which is available to be rent, can you let Fr Peter know.


Lourdes Overland Pilgrimage 13th – 22nd September 2024.

Trip will include a visit to the shrines of St Catherine Laboure in Paris, St Bernadette’s convent in Nevers and a special excursion to Lisieux and the Shrine of St Therese. Room Sharing is £1070 and Single Rooms £1420. For more details contact Pat Denning on 07976 963565 or visit


The Newsletter:

The newsletter will go on its summer holidays during August. If you have any “scoops” or winning lottery numbers there is only a couple of weekends to submit them for publication.


Nest weekend…Football might be coming home to St Mary’s:

Fr Peter writes: “I have bought a small table football game for the hall. I want to see if parishioners like it, and I hope it will be an added attraction for parish events and “after Mass refreshments”. If it is popular, I will invest in a stronger sturdy table game.”


The Church will be Open!

Fr Peter writes: “St Mary’s will now be open during the day time (except Wednesday’s and when I am on leave). The opening and closing times might be erratic to start with, but a notice outside will indicate when you can access the church. Please remember that the church (like all of the parish site) is covered by CCTV cameras.


Back to School Mass:

There will be a special 10am Mass on Sunday 8th September for children and young adults starting new schools or year groups or colleges. Please bring something new that you will use in your school or college.

Dear Parishioners,

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to express my deepest gratitude for your hard work and dedication last Sunday.

Whether it was helping with the liturgy of Mass or setting up the parish centre, preparing the food, serving drinks, making a “Dom cake”, welcoming guests, or cleaning up afterwards, your efforts were gratefully appreciated.

The success of last Sunday is a testament to the strength and unity of our parish community. It was wonderful to see everyone come together, contributing their time and talents for the benefit of all.

However, please do not ask me to learn the trumpet! While it was wonderful to hear, that is a skill I am sure one or more of you have and as with the playing of any musical instruments is something which could enhance the celebration of Mass. I know Helen, Elizabeth, Raissa and the choir would agree. …..don’t hide your light under a tub……. please share your talents…………they are God given.

Once again, thank you for your hard work, dedication, and for making Fr Dom’s first Mass and reception a memorable one.

We are blessed to have such a vibrant and caring community (even if we lament that we do not have a trumpet player……yet)!

May God bless you all for your kindness and generosity.

Fr Peter 



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