16th Sunday in Ordinary Time 21.07.2024
Sun 21st July
8.30 am Noel O’Hora, RIP
10 am Maria Merola, RIP
12 noon Diamond, RIP
Mon 22nd July St Mary Magdalene
10 am Marie Bloom, RIP
Tues 23rd July St Bridget of Sweden, Religious, Patron of Europe
10am Maureen Robertson, RIP
Weds 24th July Feria
10 am NO MASS
Thurs 25th July St James, Apostle
10am Eileen Sweeney, RIP
Fri 26th July St Joachim and Anne, parents of the Blessed Virgin Mary
10 am Lillian Murphy, RIP
Sat 27th July 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time
5pm Departed family members of Araceli Dent
Saturday 10 am to 11 am and 4.30pm – 5pm: Confessions and Exposition
Your Prayers:
Let us keep in our prayers: Margaret Ryan, Michael O’Boy, Christina Cahill, Eric Nicholas Darwent, Therese Kemp, Jose Luis Pérez, Karina McKiernan, Jonathan Heller and Izabela Lissowska – all unwell at this time. We also pray for: Alice Bree, Noel O’Hora, Kwok Chui Tsui, Yuen Kuen Tsui, Bill McCleary, Fr Michael Daly, Rodolfo Icban, Marjorie Reid, Luis Goncalves, Sean Duffy, Iride Villa, John O Shea, Raffaella Di Trolio, Mercedes Bahillo, Amber Wood, Eileen Sweeney, Arcangela Moretto, Gino Tomei, Lucia Josephine Rayappu, Rose McGrory, Patrick Jean Noel Louis-Auguste, Eddie Maher, Anne Gorman, Agnes Day, Jose Barreto and Peter Krausher whose anniversaries occur at this time or have died recently. May they Rest in Peace.
Peter Krauser RIP
Peter died peacefully a few weeks ago and his funeral was celebrated in the Catholic church atCockfosters. On Sunday 15th September at the 10am Mass we will have a chance to remember and pray for Peter. Peter was a beautiful reader at Mass and led many Alpha courses at St Mary’s. May he rest in peace.
Offertory Collections
The offertory collection for week ending 14th July was £ 534:65. Contactless for week ending 14th July was £83:58. Thank you for your generosity. The amounts for the Standing Orders, Online Donations and Stripe donations will be communicated one month in arrears.
The Newsletter:
The newsletter will now go on its summer holidays for August and return in September.
Confessions and Holy Hour during August
During August confessions will be heard on Saturdays from 4:30pm – 5pm. There will be no weekday morning or Saturday 10am Holy Hour or confessions. The church will remain closed (outside of Mass times) while Fr Peter is away.
Fr Peter.
Fr Peter writes: “I will be in and out and around for the next two weeks taking a break and catching up with family and friends. While I am away a number of priests will celebrate Mass and I am sure you will look after them.”
Are you an adult thinking about becoming a Roman Catholic? Or are you a Catholic adult who has not made your First Holy Communion or Confirmation or just not made your Confirmation? If so, please get in touch with Fr Peter either by email, or a telephone call or after Mass. The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults begins in September!
Back to School Mass:
There will be a special 10am Mass on Sunday 8th September for children and young adults starting new schools or year groups or colleges. Please bring something new that you will use in your school or college.
The Offertory Collection
Fr Peter writes: “I am very appreciative for your continued generosity this year. While the combinedoffertory collection looks healthy, it has not increased with the rate of inflation. However, bills and energy costs have increased. These remain difficult days for all of us, so I am grateful for what you can contribute. To help improve our income I am exploring renting out the meeting room within the presbytery. I will keep you posted.
In the mean-time, I would be grateful, if you would consider the following three options to help St Mary’s:
1. Please promote our parish centre. We rent out the halls at a very competitive and reasonable rate. A yoga, fitness, Zumba or slimming group would be ideal!
2. If you are a tax payer and contribute to the offertory, please gift aid your contribution. Forms are available from the parish office.
3. If you are making your will, please leave a legacy for St Mary’s. Any amount you leave will be of benefit to the future of the parish.
Fr Peter writes: “A St Mary’s Parish Retreat: Any time for reflection and instruction is good. I am going to put the parish into “retreat” from Sunday 6th – Sunday 13th October. I have already asked a number of priests to help and so far, Fr Michael O’Boy, Canon Robert Plourde, Canon Mehall Lowry, Fr Patrick Van Der Voorst and Fr Howard James have agreed. It will be a week when we build some collective prayer and instruction into our daily routine. I would be grateful if you could mark this time in your diaries as a special week and I will provide more details and a timetable in September.”
Thank you.
I want to extend my deepest gratitude to some of the “hidden” volunteers who make our parish thrive. Their tireless efforts contribute to the warmth and spirit of St Mary’s.
Let’s take a moment to recognize and appreciate just some of them:
• Bingo Callers & Monday Morning Refreshment Team: thank you for adding joy and excitement to Monday mornings!
• Church and Parish Centre Cleaners: Your commitment to maintaining a clean and welcoming church and parish centre is really appreciated.
• Monday morning Offertory Counters: your meticulous work behind the scenes ensures our financial records are accurate.
• Marie Gilgan and Marie Jeanne: Thank you for your dedicated care of the church, the sacristy, Otto, and me as well as the beautiful flower arrangements which enhance the sanctuary and celebrations. Our parish wouldn’t be the same without you!
Thank you to everyone who volunteers at St Mary’s.
Blessings……. Fr Peter.
Altar Servers
Rather important…, would you like to be an Altar Server? Not only would you be helping Fr Peter but most importantly you would be serving the Risen Lord. What better service could you do? If you want to be an Altar Server and have made your First Holy Communion please get your parents to sign your name to the “sign up” sheet at the back of the church.
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