29th Sunday in Ordinary Time 16.10.2022
Sun 16th Oct
8.30 am Zodi, intentions
10 am Peig Naughton, RIP
12 noon Paddy Hughes, birthday intentions
Mon 17th Oct St Ignatius of Antioch, Bishop & Martyr
10 am Tom Shaw, RIP
Tues 18th Oct St Luke, Evangelist
10am William Hanley, RIP
Weds 19th Oct
Thurs 20th Oct Feria
10am Martin Brennan, anniversary
Fri 21st Oct Feria
10 am Sister Avis, intentions
Sat 22nd Oct 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time
5 pm Holy Souls
10am – 11am; 4:30pm – 5pm: Confessions and Exposition.
Your Prayers:
Let us keep in our prayers: Eric Nicholas Darwent, Therese Kemp, Frank Kilbride, John O’Shea, Rekha, Bina, Jose Luis Pérez, Alice, Lilian Murphy, Karina McKiernan, Izabela Lissowska and Florida Regina Karawgodage – all unwell at this time.
We also pray for:: HM.Queen Elizabeth, Larry Hughes, Gino Tomei, James Meally, Peter Sartori, Noel Ryan, Donato Merola, Aurora Lobo–Buckland, Christine Pavlou, Tom Lohan, Siobhan Lynch, Dennis Lennane, Susan Wren, Geraldine Day, Catherine Kelly, Josephine Okuyiga, Erlinda McAviney, Betty Murray, William Comey, Jane Ikwueke, Gail Yates, Monica O Donnell, Eamonn Clifford, Ronald Kinsella, Maureen O Sullivan, Patrick Reilly, Ann Gourdarznia, Nina Cole and Pat McMahon whose anniversaries occur at this time or have died recently. May they Rest in Peace.
The offertory collection for week ending 9th October - £829.61. Many thanks. Please do not forget, that arranging a standing order is the easiest way to support St Mary’s.
CAFOD Harvest Fast Day – Second Collection
Last weekend’s second collection for CAFOD Harvest Fast Day raised £820.27. Many thanks for your amazing generosity
November – Month of the Holy Souls.
In November we commemorate and pray for the “Holy Souls”, those we know and those we do not know who have died. Next weekend you will find a Holy Souls envelope and blank sheet for you to complete and return to church. Names of those who have died will be placed on the sanctuary during November and masses for the Holy Souls will be celebrated during this special month.
* On the Feast of All Souls (Wednesday 2nd November) at 10am, Fr Peter will celebrate Mass and bless candles which you are invited to take to the graves of loved ones.
* This year, Fr Peter will take a candle to the grave of Canon More-O’Farrell (responsible for building the parish centre and priests house) who is buried in East Finchley cemetery. You are welcome to join him once he has decided on a time and date.
* Fr Peter will place a St Mary’s poppy wreath at 2pm on Sunday 13th November at the War Memorial in the grounds of Finchley Memorial Hospital to acknowledge the sacrifice of those who have died in war and conflict. All are welcome to join him.
* Fr Peter is organising the “St Pancras cemetery Mass” and will hopefully have a date and time very soon.
* For those who would like to learn more about the month of the Holy Souls, there will be a talk and discussion at 7:30pm on Tuesday 8th November in the small hall.
Lectio Divina:
The St Mary’s “Lectio Divina” zoom continues on Monday from 7:30pm – 8:30pm. Deacon Dom will host on Monday. Please email Fr Peter if you want to be part of the “Lectio Zoom Team”.
Finchley Foodbank Harvest Day Mass:
We have an opportunity to thank God for the gifts we gain from creation which feed and nourish us. The 10am Mass on Sunday will be a special Harvest celebration, and the other Masses that weekend will provide a chance for us to collect harvest produce for the Foodbank. UHT milk, preserved and tinned produce is ideal and must be “in date”. The Foodbank currently supports an average client population of 430 from across Barnet. If we each were able to bring one tin or a pint of UHT milk to the harvest weekend it would be a wonderful contribution to the work of the foodbank.
Latest News on the Wall….
Fr Peter writes - I know lots of you will have wondered what has been happening with the wall. It seems like a “start stop” project. The difficulty has been assessing the pressure of the car park. So! The latest news….. as of last week….. after seeking the estimates and advice of four building contractors, the Diocese has taken further guidance and re-evaluated the structural engineers report and decided repairs can only be achieved by constructing an inner concrete fence behind the wall and then repairing the brickwork. Previous possibilities had been lowering shale cages behind the wall and then making repairs. This concrete work is understandably limited to specialist builders who will have the expertise to stop the car park slipping into the High Road while the fence is created. Ironically all contractors with this specialist skill are involved in the Hs2 project helping to build the new rail link between London and the North West. In the mean-time, while we wait for a specialist company to become available, the diocese is sending a surveyor to check the wall every month.
Fr Terry:
Fr Terry thanks everyone for your kind messages, he is back on his feet and understandably taking life slowly………for the time being!
70th/125th Anniversary of St Mary’s:
Earlier this year we celebrated 70 years since the foundation stone of the present church had been blessed……
……next year we celebrate 70 years since the church was opened and 125 years since the parish of St Mary’s was established. Double celebrations! In the next couple of weeks, you will hear about some fun events to help us commemorate this marvellous year. It could be a zumba, a quiz, a pilgrimage, a calendar! It might be none of these. We might do a “u turn.”
It will be a fun and holy year nonetheless. Watch this 70th/125th space for more details.
Big Thank You to Dr Bridie:
Feedback has been very positive about Dr Bridies Saturday talk on the Role of Women in the Church. Topic suggestions for another day gratefully received!
Prayers with Children:
It is evident that due to the pandemic some of our Catholic children do not know some foundational prayers such as the “Our Father”, the “Hail Mary” and the “Glory Be”. There are lots of helpful guides to assist parents in teaching these important prayers. Please ask Holly or Fr Peter. Or, begin the routine of saying one of these prayers in the morning as children get ready, when they see you next after school and before they go to bed. The “Our Father” is a perfect morning prayer, the “Hail Mary” as the family reunites and the “Glory Be” to praise God for a day lived. The pandemic must not “lockdown” our rich tradition of prayer which has always been handed from one generation to the next.
Secondary Transfer Forms
If you need a Certificate of Catholic Practice (or similar for other church schools) in support of your year 6 child’s application for secondary school transfer, please approach Fr Peter after one of the Sunday Masses. Please note, on certificates and forms you must complete your child’s details. Father Peter is not available to sign forms from 24th to 29th October 2022. You and your child must have returned to regular Sunday practice for Fr Peter to validate any certificates or transfer forms. Many thanks.
Our Lady of Lourdes Nursery and Primary School – Nursery Applications
Our Lady of Lourdes school in Bow Lane, N12 are still accepting applications to our Nursery from September 2022. If your child was born between 1st April 2019 and 31st March 2020 please apply. All information can be found on the school website http://www.ololbarnetschool.org.uk
St Theresa’s Catholic Primary School
St Theresa’s Catholic Primary School (East End Road, N3 2TD) is a happy and successful school in Finchley. It has been serving the community for over 50 years, and still has places available for the new 2022-23 school year. Please contact the school office for further information (email: office@sttheresas.barnetmail.net; tel: (020) 8346 8826).
Loreto College – Sixth Form Open Evening
Loreto College are holding a Sixth Form Open Evening on Wednesday 19th October at 6.30 pm. Loreto College are a Co-Ed Sixth Form.
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