Second Sunday of Easter (Year B) 11th April 2021
Sun 11th April - Second Sunday of Easter
10 am - Danny Clifford, RIP
11.30 am - John Fabrizi, RIP
Mon 12th April - Easter Feria
7 pm - People of the Parish
Tues 13th April - Easter Feria
10 am - Mary Giblin, anniversary
Weds 14th April - NO MASS
Thurs 15th April - Easter Feria
7 pm - Martin Brennan
Fri 16th April - Easter Feria
10 am - Teresa McCarthy, RIP
Sat 17th April - 3RD Sunday of Easter
5 pm - Annette Irwin, RIP
Please pray for the sick and those who care for them, today especially for the frail elderly and for those who work as carers.
Your Prayers:
Let us keep in our prayers: Michael O Boy, Lilian Murphy, Arthur Palmer, Martin Brennan, Father Robert Plourde and Danusia Lissowski – all unwell at this time.
We also pray for HRH the Duke of Edinburgh, Victoria Adedoyin, Maurilio Vargas Panduro, Geny Vargas Panduro and Helen Vargas Panduro who have all died recently. May they Rest in Peace. We remember their families and all those bereaved.
We continue our prayers for all healthcare professionals, care home workers, those working in the community and all those with the coronavirus.
Easter Thankyou:
Fr Peter writes: “A very big “Easter Thank You” to everyone who helped over Holy Week and Easter. Thank you to Holly & Jim for our profound and powerful outdoor “Stations of the Cross” which are still available to pray. Thanks to Marie-Jean and Marie Gilgan for our beautifully decorated church, and all the stewards (both old and new) who cleaned thoroughly after each Mass. Thanks to Yvonne for keeping a close eye on the “booking system”. Finally, thanks to Helen, Liz and Ailish who brought music to our prayer. Also, thanks to the readers, the secret ringer of bells…….. and all of you for your continued patience with me…. generous gifts, kindness and support.”
Fr Peter writes: “Thank you to everyone who has either increased their standing orders or arranged for one to replace their “loose plate Sunday offering”. Other ways to financially St Mary’s during the pandemic are on the back page of the newsletter. Please remember that I do not want those of you struggling at this time to feel underobligation to help, only those who might be able to increase their donations. Many many thanks.
Our Lady of Lourdes School, Bow Lane – Nursery Applications
Our Lady of Lourdes School in Bow Lane is still accepting applications for Nursery for the Academic Year starting September 2021.This is for children born between 1st April 2018 and 31st March 2019. Please contact the office or visit the school website for an application pack.The school also has spaces in other year groups so please do contact the office if you wish to apply.
First Communion 2021
Please check your inboxes or spam boxes for information about this years Holy Communion Preparation classes. These will begin after Easter for those children who registered last Autumn. Contact Holly for more information
Streamed Masses for this week:
The 10 am Mass on Sunday will be streamed for those shielding at home. You can access the streaming service via
Fr Peter writes: “You might have noticed Finchley Foodbank has been sharing the headlines alongside the Cardinal on the Westminster diocesan website. This week we received a very generous food donation from the “Memon Association” and news coverage in South East Asia! The Foodbank is very grateful for all recent donations and our number one requirement is still….. UHT milk”.
Inside the Hospice:
Fr Peter writes: “Due to Easter and fewer notices in the newsletter I am taking the opportunity to advertise my latest book “Inside the Hospice” which was published last month. This simple small book records 37 encounters or experiences I had while working at St Joseph’s Hospice in Hackney. It is priced at £7:95 and is available from St Paul’s Publications (and every good Catholic bookshop – once lockdown ends). It is too light to use as a doorstop, but ideal to put under the leg of a table if it is wobbly…. ….however more importantly – all profits go to St Joseph’s Hospice.
Small Hall Bookings.
The small hall in the parish centre is now available for hire. Costings are £30 per hour for a minimum slot of 4 hours (which includes setting up and cleaning after the event). A regular weekly booking (eg for a slimming club or fitness group) will be given a negotiable discount. All enquiries to the parish office.
St Mary’s Roadmap to Pentecost:
Fr Peter writes: “St Mary’s has its own Roadmap to ease us out of Lockdown….
1. Starting this weekend we shall pray the Gloria and Creed at all weekend Masses.
2. Sunday early Mass will be re- introduced for 1st Holy Communion families on 18th April at 8:45am. Classes begin after the Mass.
3. From now until Pentecost (weekend of 23rd May) myself or Holly will zoom or meet with 7 groups within the parish as we reform St Mary’s ready for June and the final thawing of lockdown restrictions. The groups are: the SVP, Parish Council, the Incensed Group, Readers, Eucharistic Ministers, Altar Servers and Musicians. Seven groups to represent the 7 gifts of the Holy Spirit…. imparted at Pentecost.
4. The Stations of the Cross will soon change to the “Stations of the Resurrection” and before Pentecost they will become “Stations of the Holy Spirit”
5. We will attempt to celebrate Pentecost in true St Mary’s style with something special using the small hall and the terraced gardens. More details to follow”