St Mary's Time and Talents Survey 2023

As we emerge from coronavirus, this survey is an invitation to review how we use our individual skills for the mission and ministry which we share together. For some, it will be an affirmation of what we are already doing. For others it will be an opportunity to discover new ways to offer something to God, Church and the community here at St Mary’s.
Completing the survey
· The survey can be completed in hard copy (available at church), or in electronic form (click above to download)
· Please read the survey carefully and answer it prayerfully;
· Please use a separate form for each member of your household;
· Returns can be made securely in hard copy to the Parish Office or email to
· The deadline for returns is Sunday 11th June 2023
What will happen to my response?
· If you have expressed an interest in finding out more about an aspect of parish life, Fr Peter or a leader of that ministry area may get in touch.
Training and induction will be available for some activities. Safeguarding procedures are required for all ministries involving children and vulnerable adults.