Fr Terry writes: Because the gospel today (John 13.31-35) is about love, and is very short, we might not notice something about it that...
A quiet breakfast with Jesus
Fr Terry writes: Do you remember two of the other major events that took place on the shores of the Sea of Galilee? One turning-point...
The ever-loving father
Fr Terry writes: Did you ever own a kaleidoscope as a child? If you did then you will know the wonder and pleasure that this simple toy...
Our God
Fr Terry writes: It is very easy to think we can cut God down to our size. That may sound bizarre but it happens when we create God in...
Lenten Learners
Fr Terry writes: The preface is the long part between Holy Holy Holy and the Eucharistic prayer itself. Today’s preface is special for...
"Who are you to preach to us?"
Fr Terry writes: A certain amount of scepticism in life is a good thing. It allows us to test claims and to sift the true from the false....
We need each other
Father Terry writes: Ask yourself: why did St Paul tell the people of Corinth to remember the body, and the dependence of the parts on...
The Eternal City of God
Father Terry writes: In our opening prayer today, we ask of God: ‘Hear the pleading of your people, and bestow your peace on our times’....
Courage and commitment
Father Terry writes: I remember once seeing in the newspaper a photograph of Korean children doing physical exercises in the snow. They...
Family Life
Father Terry writes: A friend in America recently sent me a kind of questionnaire about family life, not so much questions as...