18th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year A) 2nd August 2020
Sun 2nd Aug
11.30 am People of the Parish
Mon 3rd Aug Feria
7pm Dirce Negrotti, anniversary
Tues 4th Aug St John Vianney, Priest
10 am Williams Kearns, RIP
Weds 5th Aug No Mass
Thurs 6th Aug The Transfiguration of the Lord
7pm Alda Zani, anniversary
Fri 7th Aug Ss Sixtus II, Pope and Companions, Martyrs
10 am Sister Sheila, anniversary
Sat 8th Aug St Dominic, Priest
5pm Jimmy Ruddy, RIP
Please pray for the sick and those who care for them, today especially for the frail elderly and for those who work as carers.
The Newsletter:
Fr Peter writes: This will be the last posted newsletter of the pandemic. I hope they have been of help and enabled you to remain in contact with St Mary’s. Now that Mass has resumed and lockdown has eased I will be issuing the newsletter after each service in church. I will start this process in September, after the summer break. If, however, you have to continue shielding at home, please telephone the office and the newsletter will continue to be posted to you from September.
Planned Giving Boxes:
If you have not been able to collect your new planned giving boxes before Mass, they will be posted out to you over the next few weeks.
Children’s Liturgy
Holly will be taking a much earned break during August, so the next streamed 9am Children’s Liturgy will take place at the beginning of September.
Masks at Mass:
As of 8th August it will be mandatory that parishioners wear masks or face coverings when attending Mass. The priest is not required to follow this protocol. Masks should not cover eyes and ears – but mouth and nose. Children under 11 are not required to wear masks.
Clerical Bubbles:
Fr Peter writes: I will be away for a couple of weeks visiting my family, and Fr Terry will be celebrating all Masses, except this Sunday’s 11:30am. This Sunday’s Mass will be celebrated by Bishop John and I am grateful that both have been so kind to step in while I am away on vacation.
The return of Public Mass:
Every weekday Mass will now serve as a Sunday:
Here are the safeguards:
• Please do not come to Mass if you are in the vulnerable category and shielding at home.
• Please do not come to Mass if you are feeling unwell.
• Social distancing guidelines mean that St Mary’s can accommodate 60 parishioners at each Mass. I have tried to give as many alternative Mass times during the week to spread out our normal Sunday congregation. Remember – any Mass will serve as a Sunday.
• It is most important that we can track and trace everyone who comes to Mass should the need arise, and also that we can comply with the restrictions that apply to our numbers. Therefore, you must inform us 24 hours beforehand if you are planning on coming to a particular Mass. You cannot just turn up on the spur of the moment. Please phone (07592 183178) or call into the Parish Office. We will need your name, phone number, names of those attending, and the Mass you wish to attend. If you have not supplied these details beforehand, you will not be able to attend the Mass.
• Please remember to alcohol gel your hands when you enter and leave the church.
• You must leave two seats empty between you or your family group and the next parishioner.
• Offertory money can now be deposited in baskets as you enter the porch.
• For the time being, private prayer in the Church is suspended.
• Please note – you can now come to Mass more than once a week – but you must continue to book your attendance 24 hours in advance.
Baptisms, Sacrament of Marriage and Funerals.
Fr Peter writes: Baptisms can now be organised and like Weddings: the maximum number permitted to attend is 30. For weddings, a simple nuptial mass may be celebrated. Funerals: the maximum number permitted to attend is 30. A simple requiem mass may be celebrated.
Being St Mary’s Parish - Staying in touch - Registration & Parish Census:
Fr Peter writes: It is very important that I am able to keep in touch with you. The shepherd needs his flock. Please update your parish details using the parish census sheet and return to me hand delivered via a volunteer who can come to the presbytery. It is so important that we stay in touch with each other. I will endeavour to send out a weekly newsletter to those without computers. If you are receiving post from us but have an e mail address, please let us know your e mail address. I will also use the live streamed Masses to convey notices.