Newsletter Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year A)
Pilgrimage to Fatima 14th-20th September 2017
There is a special pilgrimage to Fatima being organised for the centenary year of the apparitions. The pilgrimage will include Santiago de Compostella and will be led by Fr Luis Tomas of the Consolata Mission House here in Finchley. Four nights in Fatima, two nights in Santiago de Compostella. Cost: £679. Further details: Tony O’Byrne 0208 361 1300.
Our recent second collection for SPUC came to £350.24. Many thanks for your generosity.
First Holy Communion Course Takes a Break
There will be no First Holy Communion classes on 12th and 19th February because of half term. Next session: 26th February – usual time and place.
Next INCENSED Youth Group (ages 10-18)
Pancake party! Join our next youth group meeting on Sunday 26th February at 11 am in the Large Hall. New people always welcome. Contact Sandra –
Lenten Film Evening – Letters from Mother Teresa
Join us for our Lenten film evening on Friday 3rd March, at 8 pm in the parish centre and watch ‘Letters from Mother Teresa’ starring Juliet Stevenson (2014). The film explores the life of Mother Teresa through letters she wrote to her longtime friend and spiritual director, Father Celeste van Exem.
Grassy Area between the church and the parish centre
Please note that you must not let your children play on the steps or the strip of lawn immediately behind the church. If they play on the lawn above the steps please make sure that there is at least one parent present at all times. Fr Terry adds: I am sorry about the long wait for the repair work on the terrace. Circumstances beyond my control. It will be several weeks yet before works begin.
Confirmation Enrolment
We are now enrolling young people aged 13+ (Year 8+) for preparation for Confirmation in 2017. Forms are available from Fr Terry or Sandra ( Recruitment closes very soon.
Bishop Douglass School Magazine
Copies of the Bishop Douglass School magazine The Douglass are available free to anyone who wants one.
Growing in Faith Newsletter
The most recent issue of the Growing in Faith newsletter is available giving information about the projects made possible by your continuing donations. Renewed thanks to all who support this initiative of the cardinal.
East Finchley Better Together
There is a news sheet about the work and co-operative initiatives of East Finchley Altogether Better. Do take one away.
Caritas Westminster – Refugee Crisis
Caritas Westminster in partnership with Capital Mass are holding two events relating to the refugee crisis:
After the Jungle, where next? – Wednesday 8th Feb, 7-9pm, Christ Church Spitalfields, Commercial St, London E1 6LY – Hear from Br Johannes Maertens about what’s now happening in Calais, and see two films made by refugees living in the camp. Please RSVP to if you’d like to attend.
Our Lady of Lourdes Bow Lane N12 – Nursery Applications Sept 2017
Our Lady of Lourdes, Bow Lane, N12 are still accepting Nursery Applications for September 2017. If your child was born between 1st April 2014 and 31st March 2015, and you wish to apply, please contact the school on 0208 346 1681 for an application form.
Vacancy for Part Time Teacher of Economics at St Michael’s Grammar School
St Michael’s Catholic Grammar School, in North Finchley, London N12 7NJ, has a vacancy for a part-time Teacher of Economics, wtih effect from April 2017. Closing date 12:00 noon Monday 20th February 2017. Further information and an application form please go to the School website: or ring St Michael’s on 020 8446 2256.
Good Counsel Network – Fast Day
The Good Counsel Network writes: “On Friday 10th February, the Vigil of the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes, please pray and fast for the end of abortion and euthanasia in this country. For information on the days of Prayer and Fasting please visit .
CAFOD - Tackling Poverty and Injustice.
All are welcome to join CAFOD for a first-hand account on CAFOD’s long term development work in Zambia. The talk will take place next Saturday 11th February from 10am to 12 noon at the CAFOD volunteer centre, 1st Floor, Catholic Church of Christ the King, 29 Bramley Road, London N14 4HE. Coffee served from 9.30am. For further information regarding our supporters day or to book a place contact us on 0208-449-6970 or email
Looking for Residential Care?
Nazareth House in East Finchley has just completed a full refurbishment programme and have vacancies. If you wish to go and see, please contact Christine Small – General Manager on 0208 883 1104 or Sister Celine-Marie, Sister Superior on 07778 512144.
Please pray for the sick esp. Sister Sheila, John & Carmel Bates, Cathy Walker, Finola Hickey, Kelly-Marie O’Donnell, Pat Gleeson and Annette O’Gorman.
Parish Collection Last week’s collection came to £ 950.29 Many thanks.