Third Sunday of Lent (Year A)
Christian Meditation Group
There is a Christian Meditation Group in Nazareth House, 162 East End Road, every Tuesday morning at 10.30 am – after the 10 am Mass.
Passion Choir
Ahoy all you singers! We need you to help deepen our spirit of worship at the Good Friday and Easter Vigil services. Our 10 am organist Helen Tierney has kindly agreed to lead the choir. Rehearsals will be held at 8 pm on each of the following Thursdays: Thurs 23rd March, 30th March and 6th April. There will also be a rehearsal arranged on Good Friday itself. Do lend us your voices.
A yearly season of spiritual renewal
Monday soup and scripture
Each Monday to 3rd April inclusive, a soup lunch will be provided by Fr Terry in the presbytery at 12.30 pm and we will discuss the following Sunday readings.
Thursday Group
Sandra Lipner says: Join us every Thursday in Lent for a child-friendly Mass at 10 am and a short Lenten reflection in the community room afterwards. Toys and tea provided. All welcome, especially parents/carers with babies and toddlers.
Friday stations of the cross, after the 10 am Mass
There is also a Lenten Quiz (see parish website).
Confirmation Meeting
Could confirmation candidates and parents please put the following in their diaries:
- Saturday 25th March, retreat day, 10 am-4pm
The above will take place in the parish centre.
SVP Quiz Night – Saturday 6th May at 7.30 pm
The SVP will be holding a Quiz Night with a sausage and mash dinner (vegetarian option available) in the parish centre. Please put your name on the list in the porch. £10.00 on the door. Bring your own alcoholic beverages.
Choir Rehearsal
Everyone is welcome to join our friendly group of singers at their next rehearsal on Sunday 26th March after 10 am Mass in the parish centre, all ages welcome. We will be singing at 10 am Mass on Sunday 2nd April. Contact: Liz Menezes.
Today INCENSED Youth Group (ages 10 - 18)
Join us on today 19th March at 11 am in the community room (Father Terry’s house). Our topic this month: Jewish Passover Traditions. Play some Passover games, watch video clips and find out how Passover is linked to the story of Jesus’ Passion. New people always welcome, ages 10+. Sandra,
Easter Egg Hunt & Skateboarding Workshop (ages 6 – 18)
Come along to our Easter Monday skateboarding workshop and Easter egg hunt taking place around our church and car park. Back by popular demand, the amazing Skates and Ladders team will teach skateboarding skills to everyone from complete beginners to experienced skaters. All equipment provided. Cost: £5 per person, siblings £2.50. Donations of chocolate eggs welcome. Sign up by emailing Sandra,
Grassy Area between the church and the parish centre
Please note that you must not let your children play on the steps or the strip of lawn immediately behind the church. If they play on the lawn above the steps please make sure that there is at least one parent present at all times.
Cardinal’s Mass of Thanksgiving for the Sacrament of Matrimony
Westminster Cathedral, Saturday 3rd June at 3pm. The Cardinal invites to this Mass all couples in the Diocese who are celebrating their 10th, 25th,30th, 40th, 50th and 60th (and every year over 60) wedding anniversary of Catholic marriage in 2017. If you wish to join them give the parish office by 20th March: husband and wife’s names, wedding date, postal address and email (or telephone number, if no email).
Cardinal’s Appeal – Special Collection Next Week
The second collection on the weekend of 25th/26th March will be for the Cardin This year the Cardinal has asked that the Lenten Alms collection be directed to the Cardinal’s Appeal fund. The funds raised will go to support parishes or groups in their work to further the mission of the Church: to serve the evangelisation of youth, to develop marriage and family life projects, and to provide service in society, especially to those on the margins. Please take a leaflet to learn more about this.
Running for Mind
Our parishioner Melissa Obi is running the London Marathon this year April 23rd in aid of Mind, the mental health charity. She hopes to raise £2000. You can donate to her via her page at Virgin Money:
SPEC gap year opportunities
Over 18 and planning a gap year? Join us for a year at the Westminster Youth Ministry retreat centre as a volunteer missionary, supporting schools and parishes of our diocese. Develop skills to help you with your future career, and grow in your Catholic faith. to find out more, visit
Coach Pilgrimage to Lisieux
Deacon Anthony Clark says that there are still places on the coach pilgrimage to Lisieux from St Edward the Confessor, Golders Green. £395 single room per person, £375 twin room per person. Monday to Friday 24th-28th April. More details:
Pilgrimage to Fatima 14th-20th September 2017
There is a special pilgrimage to Fatima being organised for the centenary year of the apparitions. The pilgrimage will include Santiago de Compostella and will be led by Fr Luis Tomas of the Consolata Mission House here in Finchley. Four nights in Fatima, two nights in Santiago de Compostella. Cost: £679. Further details: Tony O’Byrne 0208 361 1300.
Looking for Residential Care?
Nazareth House in East Finchley has just completed a full refurbishment programme and have vacancies. If you wish to go and see, please contact Christine Small – General Manager on 0208 883 1104 or Sister Celine-Marie, Sister Superior on 07778 512144.
Pray for the sick esp. Sister Sheila, John & Carmel Bates, Cathy Walker, Finola Hickey, Kelly-Marie O’Donnell, Pat Gleeson, Annette O’Gorman.
Parish Collection Last week’s collection came to £ 1126.71 Many thanks.