25th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year A)
Pray for the sick esp. Eddie Caddle, John & Carmel Bates, Cathy Walker, Finola Hickey, Kelly-Marie O’Donnell, Simon O’Donnell, Pat Gleeson, Annette O’Gorman and Mary Myles.
Parish Collection: Last week’s was £ 937.61. Many thanks.
St Theresa’s Catholic Primary School – Teaching Assistant Vacancy
St. Theresa's Catholic Primary School in Finchley are looking to appoint a Level 2 Experienced Teaching Assistant. Please see the school website: http://www.st-theresas.barnet.sch.uk for further details.
International Mass – Sunday 1st October 2017
Join us for an international Mass at 12 noon and a tasty diverse lunch in the parish centre afterwards. Please bring a dish to share and remember those in need by bringing donations for Finchley Foodbank on that day. Sign up sheets can be found at the back of the church.
24th September Choir rehearsal with Liz after 10 am Mass (large hall)
Contact: Sandra finchleyeastcat@rcdow.org.uk
Pictures for International Mass
As part of our international Mass we would like to display photographs of the churches people of our parish attended before they joined St Mary's. Please send us a picture and include a caption with a few details: the church location; something special about the church, either to you, or how it reflects the way people practice their Catholic faith. Please email your photograph to Sandra, finchleyeastcat@rcdow.org.uk, by Friday, 29th September.
Peter Kraushar writes: We are running this again at St Mary`s (our 44th) on Tuesdays at 7.30 pm from 10 October. Many have found it life-changing and so enjoyable. Pope Francis loves it. No charge. No obligation. If you know everything about your faith, please listen to the Benedictine Prior who: ‘I have been a priest for 40 years, I have learnt so much!’ Registrations from Peter Kraushar 020 8883 4736, peterkrau@aol.com, 2 Lauradale Road N2 9LU.
The present rotas for Eucharistic Ministers and readers end on Sunday 15th October, and new ones for the following three months or so will be drawn up very shortly. If you know that you are unable to serve on a particular day or have changed the mass you normally attend or have moved away from the parish, please let Yvonne Merola, the Parish Secretary, know as soon as possible. The new rotas will not include the weekend immediately before Christmas and Christmas Day itself (Sat. 23rd to Mon. 25th Dec.), for which there will be volunteer rota sheets.
First Holy Communion 2018
We invite all children of our parish who are in Year 3+ to make their First Communion with us next May. The course starts with three sessions before Christmas to rehearse the Nativity Play for Christmas Eve and will continue after Christmas with lessons from 9-10 am every Sunday morning followed by Family Mass. Application forms available from Fr Terry and Sandra Lipner after all Masses.
New Altar Servers
A warm welcome to our new altar servers Ashton Chrzastowski, Bláthnaid Gunawardana, Cara Swift, Francis Nyemecz, Fergal Dowling, Lucy Graham, Max Lipner, Ria Johnson, Séan MacCrossan, Terry O’Brien and Tyana Rogers. They will be serving together with our experienced servers until Christmas, please keep them in your prayers during their time of learning.
Luther: What was he thinking?
This is the title of a talk at St Edward the Confessor, Golders Green on Friday 28th September at 7 pm in the parish hall. This is part of the 500th anniversary marking the start of the Reformation. Speaker is distinguished theologian Dr Hueston Finlay.
Grange Big Local Festival – Sunday 8th October 2017
We are invited to the Grange Big Local Fun Palace, Sunday 8 Oct., 12-4 pm, on Oak Lane N2 8LT. It is a free community festival with live music. Activities include arts and crafts, science experiments, dance, cooking, Thai kick-boxing, circus skills and nail painting. The festival is free – there will be food you can buy but you are welcome to bring your own – but there is nothing for sale. It is about local people sharing their passions and talents with their neighbours.
SVP Quiz Night –
Saturday 14th October 2017
There will be a SVP quiz on Saturday 14th October starting 7pm. A sausage and mash or vegetarian meal will be provided. Please bring your own alcoholic beverages. Please put your name down on list in the porch indicating your meal choice. Admission £10 on the door.
Attention all Ministers of Communion and Readers
For all Ministers of Communion and Readers
PLEASE NOTE CHANGE OF DATE : Away Afternoon: Saturday 4th November
St Joseph’s Centre, St Joseph’s Grove NW4 4TY
The afternoon begins with a soup and sandwich lunch (provided) at 1 pm and we will finish by 4.30 pm. A time for learning together, shared thoughts and prayer. Please let Fr Terry know if you are coming, either by email, phone message or a written note (to make sure that he does not forget).
Next INCENSED Youth Group (Ages 10-18)
Join us today 24th September at 11 am in the community room (Father Terry’s house) for our first youth group meeting of the new school year. Exams ahead? Lots and lots of work? We’ll look at how our faith and related mindfulness strategies can help us cope. New people always welcome, ages 10+. Sandra, finchleyeastcat@rcdow.org.uk
Good Counsel Network – Sackcloth and Ashes – 28th September 2017
Stuart McCullough of the Good Counsel Network writes: On Thursday 28th September, the Vigil of the Feast of St Michael, please pray and fast for the end of abortion and euthanasia in this country. Your prayer and fasting is urgently needed. For information on the days of Prayer and Fasting please visit www.goodcounselnetwork.com .
St Theresa’s Catholic Primary School – Teaching Assistant Vacancy
St. Theresa's Catholic Primary School in Finchley are looking to appoint a Level 2 Experienced Teaching Assistant. Please see the school website: http://www.st-theresas.barnet.sch.uk for further details.
Educare Safeguarding On Line Training
Educare training programmes can help individuals familiarise themselves with safeguarding matters. Amongst others, it also includes The Child Exploitation and Online Safety programme which helps better understand how children and young people use technology and the associated risks. It is available to all parishioners. Please see the poster on the notice board at the back of the church for further information.