30th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year A)
The parish landline is down and will take some time to fix. There is a temporary mobile number: 07934 817 966. To add to the confusion, this temporary number is likely to change again. Apologies all round.
Each year on the 1st November we remember the many holy men and women of the world who have inspired each generation, and who pray for us in heaven. It is a holy day of obligation. Mass will be at 10 am and 7.30 pm.
All Souls
Each year on the 2nd November we remember our dear departed loved ones. It is not a holy day of obligation, but many people like to come to church on that day as they recall those who have gone before us. Mass will be at 10 am and 7.30 pm.
November remembrance
Each year throughout the month of November we offer Masses for the holy souls, and we bring up a book of remembrance at each Mass. Sheets for those to be remembered are now available, and envelopes. You can put them in the collection or drop them through the presbytery letterbox.
Two long-standing parishioners passed away last week.
Mossie (Martin) King, the husband of Mary and father of Fiona, died at home on the 26th October. His funeral will be this coming Friday 3rd November at 10 am.
Neville Reinhardt, the uncle of Debbie Lissowski, died suddenly in his flat at Mulberry Court on 22nd October. His funeral will be on Thursday 9th November at 12 noon.
May they rest in peace.
October – Month of the Holy Rosary
The Rosary this week will be said as follows: All are welcome.
Tuesday 31st October Margaret Ryan 4a Lankaster Gardens at 4 pm.
The Legion of Mary thanks all who joined them in the Rosaries during October.
Our Christmas Fair Needs YOU
Saturday 25 Noember 12 to 3pm
Come along and soak up the festive atmosphere. Home Bakes Galore * Christmas Carols * Refreshments * Kids’ Activities including Hook a Duck, Beat the Buzzer * Santa’s Grotto * Tombola Hot Food * Knits * Jewellery * Books * Toiletries * and much more.
Christmas Fair, Raffle Tickets and “Books; Toys & Trinkets Sunday”
Thanks so much to those who have contributed to the Tombolas today. We still need more bottles; jars and chocolates please. We have a stock of empty jars and would be grateful to receive fillers for these. Next Sunday we’re looking for books; jewellery and new/nearly new toys. Please leave donations in the large bags at the church entrance. Our Christmas Fair will be on Saturday 25 November 12 to 3pm, please join us. Look out for Raffle tickets sellers before and after masses. For specific donations such as prizes for our raffle; mulled wine & mince pies; pots of soup & bread rolls; etc., please speak to Sandra Lipner (finchleyeastcat@rcdow.org.uk,); Helen Doran (h.doran@virgin.net) or Kristy Bradnum (kristybradnum@gmail.com).
Supporting Local Refugees: Eggs Please!
Please help us support the local drop-in centre for destitute refugees and asylum seekers by bringing 6 or more hard-boiled eggs to church next Sunday 5th November. Contact finchleyeastcat@rcdow.org.uk.
First Holy Communion 2018
Deadline for First Holy Communion applications: 11th November 2017. Open to children in Year 3+, application formsavailable from Father Terry and Sandra Lipner after all Masses.
Anniversary congratulations
Our congratulations to Mario and Rita Silva as they celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary. They married in the church of Madonna del Monte Moria, Morfasso, Piacenza, Italy on the 28th October 1967.
Calling All Red Boxes!
If you have any Red Boxes at home, please can you put your name on the bottom of the box and bring them to either the Church or the Presbytery. We would be most grateful if they could be returned as soon as possible.
St Mary’s Choir Needs You
Next rehearsal with Liz is on Sunday, 5th Nov. at 11 am in the large hall. We will be preparing the humns for 10 am Mass on Sunday 12th November, all welcome.
Annual Cemetery Mass – Tuesday 14th November 2017
Please note that the Annual Cemetery Mass will take place at the Islington Burial Chapel at St Pancras Cemetery at 2 pm on Tuesday 14th November 2017.
Today: INCENSED Youth Group (ages 10-18)
Join us today 29th October at 11 am in the community room (Father Terry’s house) for a youth group meeting about Blessed Oscar Romero. New people always welcome, ages 10+. Sandra, finchleyeastcat@rcdow.org.uk
Film Evening: ‘Brooklyn’ – Saturday 11th Nov
Join us after the Vigil Mass for our autumn film evening + pizza. ‘Brooklyn’ is a romantic drama about the young Irish immigrant Ellis Lace (Saoirse Ronan) who navigates her way through 1950s Brooklyn. No entrance fee, all welcome.
ALPHA Peter Kraushar writes: We had another splendid session on How Can I Have Faith? Next Tuesday 31 October at 7.30 pm we will have our fourth session on How and Why Should I Pray? It is still not too late for new people to join us then, but after that we will not accept new guests
Collection at 10 am Mass for Missio/APF
Somehow this collection did not happen last Sunday so we have it this week.
Away Afternoon for Ministers of Communion and Readers: Saturday 4th Nov.
St Joseph’s Centre, St Joseph’s Grove NW4 4TY
We begin with a soup and sandwich lunch (provided) at 1 pm and we will finish by 4.30 pm. A time for learning together, shared thoughts and prayer. Please let Fr Terry know if you are coming, either by email, phone message or a written note.
Finchley Catholic High School – Into the Sixth Evening
Finchley Catholic High School, Woodside Lane, Finchley N12 will be holding an ‘Into the Sixth Evening’ on Tuesday 31st October 2017 (6.30-8.30 pm). Talks held at 6.30 pm and 7.30 pm. If you would like a prospectus or further information about Sixth Form Admissions, please contact Ingrid Cronin on 0208 445 0105 (ext. 262) or e mail icronin@finchleycatholic.org.uk .
Peter Kraushar writes: We had another splendid session on How Can I Have Faith? Next Tuesday 31 October at 7.30 pm we will have our fourth session on How and Why Should I Pray? It is still not too late for new people to join us then, but after that we will not accept new guests. So please come next Tuesday if you want to deepen your faith and do bring friends and family - anyone who has lapsed, anyone who never goes to church, anyone who wants to know more about Jesus and about the Holy Spirit! Surely it is no accident that this course grows and grows in 169 countries, no accident that Pope Francis loves it, no accident that it has changed millions of people and has put a smile into their lives! No charge, no obligation to return. Just come and see.
New Altar Servers
Our new altar servers will be serving together with our experienced servers until Christmas, please keep them in your prayers during their time of learning.
St Theresa’s Catholic Primary School, East End Road, London N3
Open Days for prospective pupils due to start Reception Class in September 2018. Open Days are as follows: Monday 6th November 2017 at 10 am, Thursday 9th November 2017 at 2 pm, Monday 13th November 2017 at 2 pm and Thursday 16th November 2017 at 9.30 am. Please call the school office for more information on 020 8346 8826.
Mount House School (formerly St Martha’s) – Co Educational Senior Day School
Mount House School (formerly St Martha’s) is North London and Hertfordshire’s newest co-educational Senior Day School. They are now welcoming boys into Year 7 and Year 12 in September 2018. Open morning takes places from 10 am to 1 pm on Saturday 18th November 2017. All are welcome to visit the school. Please visit www.mounthouse.org.uk for further details and to register.
Our Lady of Lourdes Nursery, N12 – Places Available
Our Lady of Lourdes Nursery, Bow Lane, N12 0JP has places available for children born between 1/4/2015 and 31/3/16. Afternoon sessions available from 12.15pm to 3.15pm. Please contact the school office on 0208 346 1681 or look on the school website, http://www.ololbarnetschool.org.uk if you would like to apply.
Carols by Candlelight – Nazareth House Chapel
Thursday 21st December – 2.30 pm
Helen Tierney writes: Date for your diary – there will be carols at Nazareth House Chapel on Thursday 21st December at 2.30 pm. Helen will be leading choir rehearsals for this – dates to be confirmed shortly.
Educare Safeguarding On Line Training
Educare training programmes can help individuals familiarise themselves with safeguarding matters. Amongst others, it also includes The Child Exploitation and Online Safety programme which helps better understand how children and young people use technology and the associated risks. It is available to all parishioners. Please see the poster on the notice board at the back of the church for further information.
Pray for the sick esp. Eddie Caddle, John & Carmel Bates, Cathy Walker, Finola Hickey, Kelly-Marie O’Donnell, Simon O’Donnell, Pat Gleeson, Annette O’Gorman and Mary Myles.
Parish Collection: Last week’s was £ 1079.14. Many thanks.