Second Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year B)
First Communion 2018
We welcome 31 children who are joining our First Communion group 2018 and starting their preparation for the Sacrament this Sunday (today January 14th). Please keep the children in your prayers.
Peace Sunday
Our opening prayer asks God to bestow peace on our times. We heartily say: ‘Amen!’ Today is Peace Sunday each year. It is reflected in our bidding prayers. We are also encouraged to assist the work Pax Christi. Rather than have another collection Fr Terry has sent them a donation of £150 on behalf of the parish.
Senior Citizens’ Lunch – 28th January 2018
The senior citizens lunch will be on Sunday 28th January, starting 1pm in the parish centre. Music will be provided by Billy Faughnan & Michael O' Hare. Please put your name down on list in the church porch.
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
Churches Together in Finchley invites you to the annual service of the week of prayer for Christian unity. It will be at St Mary-at-Finchley N3 on Hendon Lane (the Anglican church near St Philip's, Church End) on Tuesday 23rd January at 8 pm. The theme is: 'Your right hand O Lord, glorious in power' (a quotation from Exodus 156).
Parish Council Meeting
Our Parish Council meets next Tuesday and welcomes your contributions to their agenda. Do you have any suggestions for or questions about our parish? Please e mail Sandra, by Monday 15th January.
St Mary’s Open Choir
Our next rehearsal with Liz is this Sunday, 14th January at 11 am to practise the hymns for 10 am Mass on 21st January 2018. All welcome, no previous experience necessary, all ages. Next date for your diary: Rehearsal on 25th February for hymns sung at 10 am Mass on 4th March.
Eggs – Local Refugees
Many thanks for your kind donations of hard-boiled eggs in support of the local refugee drop-in last Sunday, they were gratefully received. Next dates for collections of eggs: 4th February, 4th March.
Annual Mass in Hour of Our Lady of Lourdes – 10 February 2018
Westminster Cathedral
The Annual Mass in honour of Our Lady of Lourdes will take place in Westminster Cathedral on Saturday 10th February 2018 at 2 pm. The Sacrament of the Sick will be administered during the Mass by the bishops and priests. If any of you are attending in a wheelchair, please let Yvonne Merola, Parish Secretary know by Friday 26th January 2018 to ensure that the appropriate space is reserved in the Cathedral. Also please let Yvonne know if someone will be accompanying you. Many thanks.
The present rotas for Eucharistic Ministers and readers end on Sunday 11th February, and new ones for the following three months or so will be drawn up very shortly. If you know that you are unable to serve on a particular day or have changed the mass you normally attend or have moved away from the parish, please let Yvonne Merola, the Parish Secretary by Monday 15th January 2018. The new rotas will include Palm Sunday, but not include Easter Sunday (1st April), for which (along with Maundy Thursday and Good Friday) there will be special rota sheets to fill in if you are willing to serve.'
For Catholic teachers teaching elsewhere
The Diocese of Westminster Education Service is hosting an evening for Catholic teachers and educationalists currently working outside of Catholic education. The occasion is to inform and encourage them to think about the Catholic sector. Date: Tuesday 6th February Time: 6.30- 8pm Place: Vaughan House, 46 Francis St, SW1
Register at or call 0207 798 9189.
Our Lady of Lourdes School N12 Bow Lane, N12 0JP – Reception and Nursery
Our Lady of Lourdes invites applications for Reception class in September 2018 for children born between 1st Sept 2013 and 31st Aug 2014. The deadline to return this to the school is 15th Jan 2018. You must also complete the Barnet Online Application form. Nursery applications are invited for children born between 1st April 2015 and 31st March 2016.
See school website
New Year’s Resolution – Make a Difference with CAFOD
Tony Sheen from CAFOD Westminster writes: Make 2018 the year you meet new friends, inspire others to act for social justice, and use your skills to help our sisters and brothers working to overcome poverty around the globe. Are you a people-person who would relish involving and encouraging others in your local area? Or maybe you are a good communicator who would enjoy speaking in churches or presenting assemblies and workshops in schools? Please get in touch with us on or 020 8449-6970 to find out more and book a place on one of our CAFOD information sessions: on Sat 20 January from 10am to 12.30 at St Mary Moorfield’s Parish near Liverpool Street EC2.
Agency for Evangelisation – Adult Faith Formation
Ausra Cane from The Agency for Evangelisation writes:
Journey through Lent with Marks’ Gospel with Sr Anne Walsh OP and Sr Karen Marguerite OP Dates: 25th Jan, 1st Feb, 8th Feb, 15th Feb, 8th Mar, 2018 Time: 7:30-9:00pm Venue: Niland Conference Centre, 93 Elstree Rd, Bushey WD23 4EE. Suggested donation: £5.00. Registration is required. Email: Alternatively, please leave a message at 020 7931 6078.
First Communion 2018
We welcome 31 children who are joining our First Communion group 2018 and starting their preparation for the Sacrament this Sunday (today January 14th). Please keep the children in your prayers.
Peace Sunday
Our opening prayer asks God to bestow peace on our times. We heartily say: ‘Amen!’ Today is Peace Sunday each year. It is reflected in our bidding prayers. We are also encouraged to assist the work Pax Christi. Rather than have another collection Fr Terry has sent them a donation of £150 on behalf of the parish.
Senior Citizens’ Lunch – 28th January 2018
The senior citizens lunch will be on Sunday 28th January, starting 1pm in the parish centre. Music will be provided by Billy Faughnan & Michael O' Hare. Please put your name down on list in the church porch.
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
Churches Together in Finchley invites you to the annual service of the week of prayer for Christian unity. It will be at St Mary-at-Finchley N3 on Hendon Lane (the Anglican church near St Philip's, Church End) on Tuesday 23rd January at 8 pm. The theme is: 'Your right hand O Lord, glorious in power' (a quotation from Exodus 156).
Parish Council Meeting
Our Parish Council meets next Tuesday and welcomes your contributions to their agenda. Do you have any suggestions for or questions about our parish? Please e mail Sandra, by Monday 15th January.
St Mary’s Open Choir
Our next rehearsal with Liz is this Sunday, 14th January at 11 am to practise the hymns for 10 am Mass on 21st January 2018. All welcome, no previous experience necessary, all ages. Next date for your diary: Rehearsal on 25th February for hymns sung at 10 am Mass on 4th March.
Eggs – Local Refugees
Many thanks for your kind donations of hard-boiled eggs in support of the local refugee drop-in last Sunday, they were gratefully received. Next dates for collections of eggs: 4th February, 4th March.
Annual Mass in Hour of Our Lady of Lourdes – 10 February 2018
Westminster Cathedral
The Annual Mass in honour of Our Lady of Lourdes will take place in Westminster Cathedral on Saturday 10th February 2018 at 2 pm. The Sacrament of the Sick will be administered during the Mass by the bishops and priests. If any of you are attending in a wheelchair, please let Yvonne Merola, Parish Secretary know by Friday 26th January 2018 to ensure that the appropriate space is reserved in the Cathedral. Also please let Yvonne know if someone will be accompanying you. Many thanks.
The present rotas for Eucharistic Ministers and readers end on Sunday 11th February, and new ones for the following three months or so will be drawn up very shortly. If you know that you are unable to serve on a particular day or have changed the mass you normally attend or have moved away from the parish, please let Yvonne Merola, the Parish Secretary by Monday 15th January 2018. The new rotas will include Palm Sunday, but not include Easter Sunday (1st April), for which (along with Maundy Thursday and Good Friday) there will be special rota sheets to fill in if you are willing to serve.'
For Catholic teachers teaching elsewhere
The Diocese of Westminster Education Service is hosting an evening for Catholic teachers and educationalists currently working outside of Catholic education. The occasion is to inform and encourage them to think about the Catholic sector. Date: Tuesday 6th February Time: 6.30- 8pm Place: Vaughan House, 46 Francis St, SW1
Register at or call 0207 798 9189.
Our Lady of Lourdes School N12 Bow Lane, N12 0JP – Reception and Nursery
Our Lady of Lourdes invites applications for Reception class in September 2018 for children born between 1st Sept 2013 and 31st Aug 2014. The deadline to return this to the school is 15th Jan 2018. You must also complete the Barnet Online Application form. Nursery applications are invited for children born between 1st April 2015 and 31st March 2016.
See school website
New Year’s Resolution – Make a Difference with CAFOD
Tony Sheen from CAFOD Westminster writes: Make 2018 the year you meet new friends, inspire others to act for social justice, and use your skills to help our sisters and brothers working to overcome poverty around the globe. Are you a people-person who would relish involving and encouraging others in your local area? Or maybe you are a good communicator who would enjoy speaking in churches or presenting assemblies and workshops in schools? Please get in touch with us on or 020 8449-6970 to find out more and book a place on one of our CAFOD information sessions: on Sat 20 January from 10am to 12.30 at St Mary Moorfield’s Parish near Liverpool Street EC2.
Agency for Evangelisation – Adult Faith Formation
Ausra Cane from The Agency for Evangelisation writes:
Journey through Lent with Marks’ Gospel with Sr Anne Walsh OP and Sr Karen Marguerite OP Dates: 25th Jan, 1st Feb, 8th Feb, 15th Feb, 8th Mar, 2018 Time: 7:30-9:00pm Venue: Niland Conference Centre, 93 Elstree Rd, Bushey WD23 4EE. Suggested donation: £5.00. Registration is required. Email: Alternatively, please leave a message at 020 7931 6078.
Pray for the sick esp. Eddie Caddle, John & Carmel Bates, Cathy Walker, Finola Hickey, Kelly-Marie O’Donnell, Simon O’Donnell, Pat Gleeson, Annette O’Gorman and Mary Myles.
Parish Collection: Last week’s collection was 1,226.67. Many thanks.