10th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year B)
Confession: Saturday 10.30 am and 5.30 pm
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament with Benediction: Thursday 10.30 am,
Saturday at 5.30 pm
Pray for the sick esp. Eddie Caddle, Carmel Bates, Cathy Walker, Finola Hickey, Bridget O’Donnell, Kelly-Marie O’Donnell, Simon O’Donnell, and Mary Myles.
Parish Collection: Last week’s collection came to £1312.47. Many thanks. Second collection next week for Day for Life which will focus on all those who are suffering or have survived human trafficking and modern slavery.
Pat Gleeson RIP
Pat Gleeson was an active and well-known member of this parish for many years, and a friend to many. She lived first in Squires Lane, then in Mulberry Court, and finally in a care home near London. She passed away on Thursday 6th June. Her funeral will be on Friday 22nd June at 3 pm.
Large Hall refurbishment
For some time it has been clear that the large hall needs an overhaul. Fr Terry writes: I have been working with the parish pastoral committee, the finance committee and the diocese to plan a refurbishment of the large hall. The present flooring which dates back to the 1960s will be replaced by a new sprung wooden floor, ie like for like. The ancillary rooms at the back to the right of the stage are in poor condition, including mould. These will be merged, given a roof light and shelving. The window in the Challoner Room will be enlarged. The existing doors and windows to the hall will be replaced to allow in maximum light. Asbestos flooring by the emergency exit will be lifted and replaced with new flooring. There will be re-decorating throughout. The cost will be around £70,000. A gift of £10,000 has already been received and another promised. The rest will be met out of our savings set aside over the years for property improvement. However, we need to raise a bit more and ideas for fund-raising would be welcome. Work may begin as early as the middle of June, and will take about five weeks.
This brings us to: The Great Chair Removal because we need to store the chairs in the garage for the duration of the works. After 10 am Mass please could able-bodied persons willing to help go to the large hall and carry one chair up to the garage. Peter Murphy will supervise the taking of chairs from the hall.
Young People’s Summer Outing
We look forward to our young people’s outing on Sunday 29th July, for a session of Water Wipe-Out at Lee Valley White Water Centre. We’re going to leave St Mary’s after 8.30 Mass, travel by minibus to the centre and spend the morning on the water. £ 5.00 per person, ages 8+. Please bring a packed lunch and a change of clothes. For more details or to book your place, e-mail Sandra finchleyeastcat@rcdow.org.uk
APF Mill Hill Mission Thank You
Father Brian Oswald, MHM writes: I would just like to thank all of you who signed up to become a member of the APF-MILL at the appeal. Altogether, 52 of you signed up to become new members; in addition, we received £56.82 in donations. A big thank you to all of you! Please contact the Local Secretaries Anthony and Lynn Schofield if you have any queries about the APF-MILL HILL on 0207 8137694.
Thank You from the Legion of Mary
The Legion of Mary would like to thank everyone who joined them in the Rosary Devotion to our Lady for the month of May.
Parish Meet & Greet
Next weekend there will be refreshments outside church after all Masses with an opportunity to meet each other and the parish team. Many times we know each other by face but may not know names. This is a chance for you to meet and greet those around you in church and build up our sense of being a community.
Special Altar Server Mass
We look forward to the special blessing for our altar servers during 10 am Mass today. All altar servers please vest before Mass and sit in the first two rows.
Pope Francis has invited us all to “Share the Journey” with refugees.
You are invited to participate in CAFOD’s 'Share the Journey' campaign as an act of solidarity with refugees. This includes a prayerful walk around the London Outer Orbital Path (the LOOP) in May and June. The aim is to draw attention to the plight of refugees and send a message to world leaders that ambitious new agreements are needed. Further information available at https://cafod.org.uk/Campaign/Share-the-Journey If interested in joining the walk for any of the 24 stages, please email oliasah-peace@yahoo.co.uk or ring the CAFOD on 020 8449 6970.
Old Hamiltonians
To celebrate the 55th Anniversary of the opening of The Bishop Douglass School, there will be 2 events at the school to celebrate this milestone. On Saturday 1st September there will be a re-union gathering for past pupils and staff who attended the school between 1963- 1990 from 6pm and on 10th November for pupils and staff who attended from 1991 until the present. As numbers are restricted, it is important that those wishing to attend let the organisers know as soon as possible. Full details may be obtained through the B.D. Reunion website or contact dermottdonnelly@rocketmail,com or eric.albani@gmail,com
Adoremus – National Eucharistic Congress
Prayer cards available so that we can pray for the congress 8-9 September.
Parish Safeguarding Representative
A parishioner has come forward and will be finding out more about what is entailed. Fr Terry is very grateful.
Supporting Local Refugees: Many thanks!
Many thanks for generous donations of eggs last Sunday. We took 160 eggs to the drop-in centre for destitute refugees and asylum seekers, and they were very gratefully received.
Pilgrimage to the Shrine of Our Lady of Consolation, West Grinstead
Pilgrimage with the Consolata Fathers to the Shrine of Our Lady of Consolation, West Grinstead on Saturday 23rd June 2018. Coach leaves St Mary Magdalen’s Church, Athenaeum Road, Whetstone N20 9AE at 9 am sharp. Returns 6/6.30 pm.
Cost £22 per person – includes travel by coach, teas, coffees, soft drinks. Please bring your own picnic foods. How to book: Cheques should be payable to Consolata Fathers. Post cheque with details to: Consolata Fathers, 3 Salisbury Ave, London N3 3AJ.
Holy Hour Nazareth House
There is daily exposition of the Blessed Sacrament at Nazareth House, 6-7 pm, and parishioners are most welcome to come and share in the silence and prayerfulness.
St Michael’s Catholic Grammar – Open Evening for Admissions 2019
This will be held on Thursday 28th June 2018 in two sessions – 3.30-5 pm and 7-9 pm. The Headteacher will address prospective parents at 5 pm, 7 pm and 9 pm. The Supplementary Information Forms are available to download from the School’s website, from March, www.st-michaels.barnet.sch.uk and should be returned to St Michael’s no later than Tuesday 10th July 2018. You should arrange to make an appointment to have your forms completed by Father Terry prior to 10th July. Should you have any questions, please e mail Admissions at admissions@st-michaels.barnet.sch.uk
Procession in Honour of Our Lady of Mount Carmel – Sunday 22nd July 2018
The Italian Procession and Sagra Committee writes: The tradition of the procession has been taking place for over 150 years and the Italian Procession and Sagra Committee would be delighted if you could join us in a public act of our Catholic faith. If you are able to get a group together as a walking tableau, in costumes provided by us please contact Anna Giacon, Secretary on 0207 837 1966 for further information. A walking group of First Holy Communicants will also be attending so if any of your Communicants wish to walk, please ask them to be inside the Italian Church (dressed in their Communion outfits) no later than 3 pm on that Sunday, 22nd July. The procession will start at 3.30 pm and will be followed by The Sagra – an Italian Street Fete with music and stalls selling Italian food, drink and lots more – all in a very Italian atmosphere!