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21st Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year B)

Confession: Saturday 10.30 am and 5.30 pm

Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament with Benediction: Thursday 10.30 am,

Saturday at 5.30 pm

Pray for the sick esp. Eddie Caddle, Carmel Bates, Cathy Walker, Finola Hickey, Bridget O’Donnell, Kelly-Marie O’Donnell, Simon O’Donnell, and Mary Myles.

Parish Collection: Last week’s collection came to £ 1147.41.

Many thanks.


Ask God’s blessing on Orrieso Agbareh and Layla Adela who were married here yesterday 25th September.


Ask God’s blessing on Bridget Abad and Lizarae Ordoyo who were baptised here on Saturday 11th August.

Crucifix to be taken away for repairs

The beautiful carved wooden crucifix in the car park has suffered in the recent hot weather. There is a large crack where a piece of wood has fallen out, and the felt covering of the roof has melted and pooled. In the middle of September it will be taken away for repair and restoration.

Bank Holiday Monday 27th September

Mass will be at 12 midday


The funeral Mass of the late Philomena de Trolio will be here on Thursday 6th September at 10 am, followed by burial at St Pancras Cemetery. May she rest in peace.

Holy Hour Nazareth House

There is daily exposition of the Blessed Sacrament at Nazareth House, 6-7 pm, and parishioners are most welcome to come and share in the silence and prayerfulness.

Large Hall refurbishment

Fr Terry writes: We have had some delays. However, new windows and doors are due to be installed on Wednesday 29th August. I had hoped for an opening date of Sunday 2nd September, but this may need to be pushed back to Sunday 9th September.

Kerala floods: an SVP appeal

Terrible floods have been taking place in Kerala in southern India. Hundreds of people have been killed and many more are missing; countless homes have been washed away, and the monsoon season is set to continue until early September. Kerala is the most Christian state in India. The St Vincent de Paul Society (SVP), is very active there and they are doing great work helping the victims of the flood in local communities. However, they desperately need funds. Please contribute to the SVP’s Kerala appeal. To donate visit, telephone 020 7703 3030 or send cheques made out to SVP (write ‘Kerala appeal’ on the back) to SVP, Romero House, 55 Westminster Bridge Road, London SE1 7JB.

Extra times for Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament

As you know, the Catholic Church in England & Wales will be holding a national Eucharistic Congress at Liverpool on Saturday, 8 and Sunday, 9 September. The congress aims to deepen our understanding and appreciation of God’s love made visible to us in the eucharist. As a way of sharing in the work of the congress, the Parish Pastoral Council has asked for us to have extra times for Exposition between the Sunday Masses on 2nd and 9th of September.

Accordingly on these dates we will have exposition 9.15-10 am and 11 am to 12 noon. Please respect this special time and place for prayer in the Eucharistic presence of the Lord. The usual exposition on Saturdays will also be slightly extended on 1st and 8th September, from 5.15-6pm.

Child Abuse

Fr Terry writes: Recent weeks have brought official reports and other news describing the abuse of children within the Church. These reports have been shocking and distressing. Cardinal Vincent Nichols this week wrote to his clergy and said that his response, like that of Pope Francis, is one of ‘sorrow and shame’. The cardinal has asked the clergy to share the letter with their people, and copies are available by the church door. Pope Francis has also written a letter to the people of God, which you can find online at:

At present our new safeguarding representative, Eimir Read, is in the process of preparing to take up her post. When this process is complete her contact details will be readily available. The safeguarding procedures will also be explained.

Another Alpha course at St Mary’s

Peter and Ros Kraushar tell us: We plan our 44th Alpha on Wednesdays 7.30 -10 pm, starting 10 October. This is for everyone - those wanting to deepen and liven their faith, the lapsed and the unchurched. It is still growing world- wide in 170 countries! Pope Francis loves it, having seen so much of it in Argentina; it is also supported by all major Christian faiths. Simple, fun evenings - a meal, some worship, a filmed talk, discussion in small groups. Some quotes from the last course : "Brought me closer to God". "Chance to examine my faith and think about the future". "I am more relaxed and want to know more". "Answered many questions". "Brought deep inner peace". "Reminded me to pray". "So enjoyable." No charge, just optional food donation. Come and see and bring your friends! Please register - Peter Kraushar 020 8883 4736,

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