Baptism of the Lord (Year C ) 13th January 2019
Baptism of the Lord (Year C ) 13th January 2019
Sat 12th Jan
6 pm Vigil Mass People of the parish
Sun 13th Dec
8.30 am Brother Michael Brennan, intns
10 am Karen and Santana, intns
12 noon Winnie Fallon, RIP
Mon 14th Jan
10 am Annette O’Gorman, 1st anniv
Tue 15th Jan
10 am John and Bridie Carolan, intns
Wed 16th Jan
10 am Tom Lobo, RIP
Thurs 17th Jan
10 am Joseph and Noeleen Brennan, intns
Fri 18th Jan
10 am Raymond and Maureen Brennan, intns
Sat 19th Jan
10 am Elise Rose Crawford, intns
Confession Saturday 10-10.30 am and 5.30-5.50 pm
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament with Benediction: Thursday 10.30 am,
Saturday at 5.30 pm
Pray for the sick esp. Eddie Caddle, Carmel Bates, Finola Hickey, Bridget O’Donnell, Kelly-Marie O’Donnell, Simon O’Donnell, and Mary Myles.
Collection last Sunday was £1319 with a further £207 in Christmas offerings.
Mass cancellation
Please note that the 10 am Mass on Monday 21st January has been cancelled.
First Holy Communion
The children’s preparation sessions are now under way, beginning at 9 am in the parish centre, after which they attend the 10 am Mass together.
Senior Citizens Lunch
The senior citizens will be on Sunday 27th January at 1pm. If you would like to attend, put your name down in the list in the church porch. Many thanks to Billy Faughnan and Michael O' Hare for kindly providing the live music.
Parish Administrator: Vacancy
There is a vacancy for a part-time Parish Administrator here at St Mary's East Finchley, in succession to Mrs Yvonne Merola. For more details see the notice board in the porch or the diocesan jobs website The closing date has been extended to 1st February.
We will receive the body of Christine Cunningham into the church at 5 pm on Sunday 20th January. The funeral itself will be on Monday 21st January at 11 am, followed by burial at St Pancras Cemetery.
The funeral of Ann (Nancy) O’Shaughnessy will be on Tuesday 29th January at 11.30 am. Fr Michael O’Doherty will be the celebrant.
10 am Choir
The next Masses with our choir at the 10 am Mass will be:
Sunday 3rd February
Sunday 3rd Mary
There will be a rehearsal the week before in the large hall immediately after the 10 am Mass. Please don’t be shy about volunteering to sing. All are welcome.
New rotas for readers and eucharistic ministers: 3rd March - 23rd June
The existing rotas end on Sunday 24th February, but various administrative issues require the next set of rotas to be produced by the end of January. If you know you are unable to serve at a particular mass or, on the other hand, you wish to serve at a particular mass, please write a brief note with the relevant details and put the note in an envelope clearly marked 'Rotas: March to June' through the presbytery letterbox by Monday 21st January. The new rotas will cover Palm Sunday, but not Easter Sunday (April 21st) for which (along with Maundy Thursday and Good Friday) there will be special blank rotas to fill in. The rotas will be emailed out in the usual way. Please check the rotas in advance to see when you are scheduled to serve.
Red Boxes
The red box scheme raises funds the Church in developing countries through the Association for the Propagation of the Faith. In the last round some boxes were not put out for collection, others were put out but not collected. These are all now on display in the church porch. Do have a look to see if yours is there.
Volunteer post: copyright registrar
If you have keen eyes then you will have noticed that often, when printing special service booklets, we include a copyright line at the end of hymns. This applies when hymns are still within the copyright period and only when they appear on special service booklets (ie not when we sing them from the hymnbooks). We are looking for a volunteer who can keep track of these copyright hymns we use. The list of hymns and the number of times each has been used is reported online twice a year to the two agencies that administer the copyright. These agencies have given us easy-to-use software to help the process of record keeping, so the volunteer will need simple world processing skills. It would take about 60 minutes a month, but would help reduce the burden on the parish administrator (formerly known as the parish secretary). Inquiries or offers to volunteer to Fr Terry, please.
Growing in Faith
Last month and this month will see the final pledges fulfilled by those parishioners who signed up for the Growing in Faith appeal by Cardinal Nichols five years ago. Over 140 members of the parish made pledges, and together you have given £145,500 over the five year period. This is a tremendous achievement. 80% of the money has gone to diocesan purposes: care of sick and retired priests, training of new ones, and assistance to people in need. One example of the latter is the opening of Josephine Bakhita House, a refuge and residence for people escaping from people traffickers or modern slavery. The other 20% went to the parish and helped us to establish a part-time post for a director of sacramental education and youth work. This was brilliantly fulfilled by Sandra Lipner. Holly Graham has succeeded her in this post. Thank you, parishioners, for your generosity in this appeal which has enabled so many good things to happen both locally and across the diocese.
Cafod volunteer meeting with first-hand accounts of work abroad
CAFOD's New Year volunteer meeting takes place on Saturday, 19 January at 10am at CAFOD's HQ, Romero House, 55 Westminster Bridge Rd, SE1 7JB. It includes an opportunity to hear a first-hand account of twork in Bangladesh. CAFOD will be focusing on Bangladesh during Lent. Family Fast day in Lent is on Friday 15th March. The volunteer meeting will include an opportunity to participate in a number of workshops including:
- Discovering how your parish can get Hands On to support our peace building work in Colombia.
- Learn about how you and your parish can 'live simply' and gain an award.
- Essentials about CAFOD for new Parish Volunteer.
- Sharing session for experienced Parish volunteers.
The day will finish with a Laudato Si-inspired Mass of thanksgiving for God's gift of creation followed by a shared lunch.
For more information or to book via Eventbrite, see: