Third Sunday in Lent (Year C) 24th March 2019
Third Sunday in Lent (Year C) 24th March 2019
Sat 23rd March
6.00 pm Vigil John Harrington, 1st Anniv
Sun 24th March
8.30 am Fr Kevin Ryan, intns
10 am People of the Parish
12 noon Frank McHugh, RIP
10 am Meally family, intns
Tue 26th March
10 am Agnes O’Boy, RIP
Wed 27th March
10 am Tom Lobo, RIP
Thu 28th March
10 am Eddie Caddle, RIP
Fri 29th March
10 am Pierina Niederhauser, 3rd anniv
Sat 30th March
10 am Betty Farrell, RIP
Confession: Saturday 10.30 am and 5.30 pm
Exposition and Benediction: Thurs. 10.30-10.45 am & Saturdays 5.30-5.55 pm
Parish Collection last week was £1072.
Please pray for the sick especially James Corr, Carmel Bates, Finola Hickey, Bridget O’Donnell, Kelly-Marie O’Donnell, Simon O’Donnell, and Mary Myles.
Ask God’s blessing on Tilly Ena Hewitt who was baptised this weekend on Saturday 23rd March.
The funeral of Patsy De Souza will be on Tuesday 2nd April at 11 am. Patsy was a daily Mass attender, and on Sundays at the 12, usually in the front row or near it, to the left of the altar. Then on Tuesday 9th April we have the funeral of Simone Dabeesing who was aged 100. She had been taken communion at home regularly by Marie-Jeanne, and would enjoy talking to her in French, as Simone came originally from Mauritius.
Lent 2019
Fridays we have Stations of the Cross after the 10 am Mass
House Mass in Strawberry Vale
Residents of Strawberry Vale you are welcome to a house Mass at the home of Philomena and Yaw Clement -Yeboah at 147 Old Farm Road on Monday 25th March at 8 pm. Please let Fr Terry know you are coming. After Mass there will be tea/coffee/refreshments.
Friday Lent Lunches
Churches Together in Finchley is also organising a Friday Lent Lunch which will offer bread, soup and fruit. A donation is invited for the work of Noah’s Ark Children’s Hospice. The lunches take place each Friday in Lent 12.30-1.45 pm. Each week meets in a different church. The locations are as follows:
29th March St Barnabas Church, 913 High Road, N12
5th April St Philip the Apostle, Gravel Hill N3
12th April Trinity Church, Nether St N12
Special opportunity for confession
Fr Leo of the Dominicans will join Fr Terry on Monday 15th April to make the sacrament of reconciliation available, from 7.30-8.30 pm (or later if necessary).We will have exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and a prayerful atmosphere. Do come and renew your commitment to the Lord.
The celebrant at the 8.30 am Mass today will be Fr Khiet SJ. Fr Lawrence SJ will be the celebrant next Sunday 24th March at 12.
SVP Soup Kitchen Volunteer Appeal
St Mary's have provided volunteer teams for the Wednesday night soup kitchen in Muswell Hill for more than 20 years. The team prepares and serves soup and an evening meal to 40+ people. We need more volunteers to join our teams.
Can you spare 2-3 hours, between 6-9pm once every 4 weeks on Wednesday to join one of St Mary's teams? Please put your name down on in the list in the porch or contact us on the SVP number: 07874 692577.
If you are not sure and would like to come for a try out night also put your name down.
Children’s Liturgy
We are looking for more volunteers to help run the Children’s Liturgy. No experience is necessary and plenty of guidance is at hand. We host the Children’s Liturgy during school term time only and volunteers tend to host a session once every six to seven weeks. Please contact Holly at or Helen at
Caritas Volunteer Service
Many people want to help in some way by giving something back to the community, but don’t know where to begin. If this is you, you would find Caritas Volunteer Service helpful. The aim is to make volunteering as easy as possible for everyone. You can visit the website to find a role for you. Alternatively contact them directly by emailing or by telephone 0207 798 9063 or 077 3818 3833.
Choir Mass with confirmation candidates
Next Sunday 31st March we will have the voices of our choir helping us to lift our hearts to God. We will also have the confirmation candidates helping at the Mass in different ways, as part of their retreat day together in the parish centre.
CAFOD Family Fast Day: Last Friday 15 March
CAFOD Lent Fast Day was on Friday 15th March. Do return any envelopes if you took some away last weekend so as to gift aid your donation.
Cardinal’s Lent Appeal
Diocesan Lenten Alms will this year go to the Cardinal’s Appeal, to support food poverty projects – at food banks and school holiday clubs in diocesan parishes. There is a Lenten alms box at the back of church. There are also leaflets explaining what the appeal is about, and envelopes should you wish to gift aid your appeal.
Cardinal’s Mass of Thanksgiving for the Sacrament of Matrimony
Westminster Cathedral, Saturday 8th June at 3 pm: The Cardinal will be inviting to this Mass all couples in the Diocese who are celebrating their 5th, 10th, 25th, 30th, 40th, 50th, 60th (and every year over 60) wedding anniversary. If you are elebrating an anniversary, please give Fr Terry a note or email with the following details: husband and wife’s names, wedding date, full postal address and email (or telephone number, if you do not have email).
Julian Davies: Ordination
Fr Julian Davies who was resident in the parish during a time of transfer will be ordained to the priesthood on Saturday 27th July 10.30 at the Cathedral. All parishioners are welcome.