Third Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year A) 26th January 2020
Sat 25th Jan
6.00 pm Vigil Bruno Acuti, anniversary
Sun 26th Jan
8.30 am Bishop Seamus Hegarty, RIP
10 am Kitty Smith, RIP
12 noon People of the Parish
Mon 27th Jan Feria
10 am Norah Delaney, intentions
Tues 28th Jan St Thomas Aquinas, Priest & Doctor
10 am May and Martin Brennan, intentions
11.30 am Funeral Mass of Maisie Craig
Weds 29th Jan Feria
10 am Nancy O’Shaughnessy, RIP
Thurs 30th Jan Feria
10 am Sister Angela Brennan
Fri 31st Jan St John Bosco, Priest.
10 am Joseph Brennan
Sat 1st Feb Feria
10 am Raymond Brennan
Confession: Saturday 10.30 am and 5.30 pm
Exposition & Benediction: Thurs. 10.30-10.45 am & Sat. 5.30-5.55 pm
Please pray for the sick and those who care for them, today especially for the frail elderly and for those who work as carers.
Parish Collection: Last week’s collection came to £ 1100.62 – Thank you.
Maisie Craig RIP
The Funeral Mass for Maisie Craig will be held here at St Mary’s Church on Tuesday 28th January at 11:30am. May she rest in peace.
Our Youth Group, Incensed, will resume today on Sunday 26th January. If you are aged 10+, please come and join us in the Community Room after 10 am Mass.
Cathedral Mass for the Sick:
A reminder that the annual Mass in honour of Our Lady of Lourdes and the World day of Prayer for the Sick will take place in the Cathedral at 2pm on Saturday 8th February. All are welcome.
St Mary’s Sponsored “Anxiety Workshop for Children.”
A St Mary’s mum has organised a much needed “Anxiety Workshop” for parents who cannot access support if their child is suffering from anxiety. This “pop up” workshop is being facilitated by Jo Holden a Mental Health Trainer with “ccsConnectEd.” The workshop will take place in the parish hall on Tuesday 28th January from 7pm to 8:30pm. To book please email: Donations are welcome on attendance.
New Parishioners:
If you have joined the parish in or since 2019 please come to a New Parishioner Party in the Presbytery on Tuesday 25th February at 7.30 pm. Pancakes and refreshments will be provided. Please sign the sheet, now avaiable in the porch if you are a new parishioner and wish to attend.
Finance Committee Meeting:
The next meeting of the Finance Committee will be on Monday 27th January at 8pm in the presbytery.
The God who Speaks Road Show:
There will be a number of events to mark this special Year of the Word – and the first is a roadshow at Westminster Cathedral between 30th January to 1st February. The “road show” will comprise 6 “Tents of Meeting” organised by different evangelical communities who work in the diocese. Each tent will exhibit art work, activities, resources and presentations pertinent to 6 different themes: Sharing the Word, Receiving the Word, Exploring the Word, Living the Word, Mary and the Word and Seeing the Word. So – if you are near Victoria, or want a day in London, it looks well worth a visit.
This past week…
Fr Peter writes: A big thank you to everyone who has offered their condolences at the death of my Aunt on Tuesday evening. Auntie May was a 101, very sprightly and a gentle matriarch - I have known for a little while that our Blessed Lord was coming to take her home. I write this on Wednesday and her funeral is being planned for Friday in County Kerry so I will be flying over to preside. As a result, I have not been able to organise our “God who Speaks” celebration and quiz. I will have to postpone this until next weekend. May Auntie May Hannerfan and all the faithful departed rest in peace, Amen.
The foodbank would be particularly grateful to receive Tins of Corned Beef, Fray Bentos Pies, Toilet Rolls, UHT Milk, Cereals, Pasta Sauce, Men’s Toiletries (in particular disposable razors) and Womens Toiletries. Either leave in the Church (near the Sacred Heart Statue), the sacristy or the presbytery. Please check that all foodstuffs are “in date” – all donations are very welcome and gratefully received.
The Confessional:
The confessional is now open – and will hopefully be painted this week.
Gift Aid
A big “thank you” to everyone who “gift aids” offertory donations or money given to appeals. Due to gift aid a few thousand pounds is added towards the upkeep of St Mary’s. It is all so simple and effective, if you would like to “gift aid” – please see Fr Peter.
Annual Holocaust Multi-Faith Memorial Day Service
London Borough of Barnet are holding their Annual Holocaust Multi-Faith Memorial Day Service in the Quadrangle at Middlesex University in the Burroughs NW4 4BT on Sunday 26th January 2020 at 2.30 pm.
Supporting Local Refugees: Eggs Please!
Please help us support the local drop-in centre for destitute refugees and asylum seekers by bringing 6 or more hard-boiled eggs to church on Sunday, 2nd February. Also needed: women's sanitary items, toothpaste and toothbrushes.
Catholic Newspapers
We have been advised that as from 1st February, our newspaper supplier will no longer be supplying with The Sacred Heart Messenger….. instead you will need to order a copy from your local newsagent.
Prayer & Life Workshops - Mary Immaculate and St. Peter’s Church, New Barnet
A warm invitation to take part in the workshops from the Capuchin Priest Ignacio Larranaga. Learn to establish an intimate relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ through Bible readings, Doctrinal messages and the practice of 15 methods of prayer, during a period of 15 weeks with only 2 hour weekly meetings. An introductory session will take place on Thursday 27th February at 7pm at Mary Immaculate and St. Peter Church 63 Somerset Road, New Barnet,EN5 1RF. After this, weekly session will take place on Wednesday evenings from 7pm-9pm in the Parish Hall.