13th Sunday in Ordinary Time 26.06.2022
MASS TIMES AND INTENTIONS Sun 26th June 8.30 am- Linda Fitzpatrick, RIP 10 am - Hannah Lally, 7th anniversary 12 noon - Michael...
The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi) 19.06.2022
MASS TIMES AND INTENTIONS Sun 19th June 8.30 am People of the Parish 10am Rosario and Nnami Ijeoma, special intentions 12...
The Most Holy Trinity 12.06.2022
MASS TIMES AND INTENTIONS Sun 12th June 8.30 am- Sister Felicity, RIP 10 am- Thanksgiving Mass for First Holy Communicants 12...
Pentecost Sunday – 05.06.2022
MASS TIMES AND INTENTIONS Sun 5th June 8.30 am- Eamonn and Angela Doherty, intentions 10 am- Chris and Rose Ogbechie & family, intentions...