26th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year C)
Please pray for the sick esp. Sister Sheila, John & Carmel Bates, Annetta Pellegrinelli, Finola Hickey and Kelly-Marie O’Donnell.
Baptism: Ask God’s blessing on Micole Akaro who will be baptised here during Mass at 12 noon this Sunday 25th September.
First Holy Communion 2017
We are now enrolling children of families attending Mass at St Mary’s regularly for preparation for First Holy Communion in 2017. Children must be at least 8 or in Year 3 at school. Sessions will be held in the parish centre on Sundays from 9-10 am and the children go on to attend the 10 am Mass immediately afterwards. The programme will be under the direction of Sandra Lipner – finchleyeastcat@rcdow.org.uk Forms are available from her or from Father Terry.
The key dates are:
Monday 9th January Meeting for parents – 8 pm Parish Centre
Sunday 15th January First session with children – 9 am Parish Centre
Sunday 14th May First Communion at either 10 am or 12 noon Mass
Please note that until further notice, you must NOT let your children play on the steps or the grassy area immediately above the steps. They must be regarded as OUT OF BOUNDS until remedial work is carried out. This also applies to the long narrow strip behind the back of the church. This is for safety reasons. Many thanks.
Reception into the Catholic Church
If you are a Catholic but were not confirmed or you are not a Catholic but have been thinking about being received into the Catholic Church, please speak to Father Terry or Sandra Lipner – e mail finchleyeastcat@rcdow.org.uk .
Parish Collection Last week the collection came to £ £1,111,62. Many thanks
Special Collection
This weekend there will be a collection for the Shrine of Our Lady of Walsingham, Norfolk, national Marian Shrine after all Masses. This is to enable the shrine to develop its buildings and spiritual, pastoral and evangelistic work. To find out more, google ‘Walsingham’ and select the website of the Walsingham Roman Catholic Shrine.
SVP Tea and Dance – Sunday 2nd October 2016
The SVP are holding a Tea and Dance in the Parish Centre on Sunday 2nd October from 2.30 – 5 pm. There will be fresh, homemade sandwiches, tea and cakes. Music performed by Billy and Michael by popular demand. Please put your name down on the list in the church porch by 25th September. £10 at the door on the day.
SVP & Proclaim 2015: Bring a Tin for the Homeless
This autumn join us and support the work of our SVP team as part of the diocesan initiative Proclaim. Please could you bring a tin of soup, baked beans or garden peas (tins only!) to church any time until Sunday, 9th October to help the SVP’s work with the homeless at the local soup kitchen in Muswell Hill.
Grange Big Local Community Festival Sunday 25th September 2016 12-4 pm
Everyone is welcome at Bishop Douglass School. There are plenty of activities, live music and stalls. There are two sports competitions – children’s aged 6-16 five a side football and a tug of war competition for adults, arts and crafts and a free bouncy castle. Explore a fire engine or a police van and tennis.
Friends of Nazareth House - Fun Quiz Evening Friday 30th September 7 pm
A fun quiz evening organized by the Friends of Nazareth House to raise funds for the benefit of the elderly residents at Nazareth House Finchley. It will be held at Nazareth House Meeting Hall. Tickets £10 per head includes a luxury ploughman’s platter and wine. Join a team or bring your own team of 8. Prizes for the winning team. Booking forms can be obtained from Reception at Nazareth House.
Altar Server Social
Our altar servers are going out for an afternoon of fun and food to Hollywood Bowl Finchley on Friday 30th September. We look forward to spending time together and enjoying a round of bowling and food with Father Terry, Kristy and Sandra. Details have gone out via e mail, hope to see all our servers there!
Inclusive Mass – Sunday 16th October at 10 am
Together with Caritas St Joseph’s Centre, Hendon, we will be celebrating a Mass for children and people of all abilities at 10 am on Sunday, 16th October. A children’s choir will prepare hymns during Children’s Liturgy in the next few weeks and the Gospel will be acted out. If your children or someone you care for would like to help in preparing for this Mass, please join us from 4-5 pm on Saturday 15th October in our parish centre. For more information, contact Sandra, finchleyeastcat@rcdow.org.uk
Jubilee of Mercy – Pilgrimage to St Albans
The Diocesan Pilgrimage Office have organised a Pilgrimage to St Albans on Saturday 8th October 2016. At 2.30 pm there is a reenactment of the life of St Albans, a procession to the Cathedral and Ecumenical Evensong with a sermon by Bishop John Sherrington. There will be an opportunity to venerate the relics of St Alban. For more information please contact the Diocesan Pilgrimage Office on 0207 798 9173 or e mail elizabethuwalaka@rcdow.org.uk .
Awayday afternoon for ministers and readers
Ahoy there all ministers of communion and readers! Please put in your diaries now the date for an afternoon of reflection, prayer, and fellowship: Saturday 12th November in the large hall at Nazareth House, 1-4.30 pm. More details later.
Bishop Douglass Open Evening and Morning Tours
Bishop Douglass School will be holding an Open Evening on Thursday 29th September 2016 from 5.30 pm to 8 pm with a Headteacher’s Presentation at 7 pm. They are also holding two Open Morning tours on Thursday 29 September and Thursday 6th October. All tours will start promptly at 9.30 am – a chance for parents to see the school in action.
Caritas – National Prisons Week – 11th October 2016
On 11th October, Caritas Westminster will be holding an event to mark National Prisons week – a week dedicated to praying for prisoners, ex-offenders and their families. The event will take place at Westminster Cathedral Hall, 42 Francis Street, London SW1P 1QW on Tuesday 11th October from 6-8 pm. It will be an opportunity for people to meet prison chaplains and hear about the work within prisons and also to sign up for volunteering opportunity. Everyone is welcome.
Torchlit Procession – Our Lady of Willesden
This is on Sunday 2nd October from 7 – 8.30 pm. Cardinal Vincent Nichols will lead the Procession at the Shrine of Our Lady of Willesden, Nicoll Road, NW10 9AX. Information, e mail Willesden@rcdow.org.uk or call 0208 965 4935.
Laudato Si Workshops – Care for Creation – Where Next?
Justice and Peace, Caritas Westminster and CAFOD are holding a series of join ‘Laudato Si’ workshops. These will explore the effects of climate change, how our faith motivates us to respond and actions that you can undertake in your parish or individually. Everyone is welcome. Venues as follows:
Chiswick – 1st October 10 am – 1 pm, Our Lady of Grace and St Edward
Kensington – 15th October 10.30 am – 1.30 pm – Our Lady of Victories.
Please RSVP with your preferred location to barbarakentish@rcdow.org.uk or go to www.cafod.org.uk/Events for more information.