29th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year C)
REMEMBER clocks change overnight on Saturday 29th October.
First Holy Communion 2017
We are enrolling children of families attending Mass regularly for preparation for First Holy Communion in 2017. Children must be at least 8 or in Year 3 at school. Sessions are in the parish centre on Sundays 9-10 am and the children attend the 10 am Mass. The programme is directed by Sandra Lipner – finchleyeastcat@rcdow.org.uk Forms are available from her or from Father Terry.
The key dates are:
Monday 9th January Meeting for parents – 8 pm Parish Centre
Sunday 15th January First session with children – 9 am Parish Centre
Sunday 14th May First Communion at either 10 am or 12 noon Mass
Deadline: NB all forms must be submitted by Sunday 23rd October
By ancient custom each year we offer Masses for the holy souls, and we bring up a book of remembrance at each Mass. Sheets for those to be remembered are now available. Please let us have the names by 2nd November.
Inclusive Mass
Together with Caritas St Joseph’s Centre, Hendon, we are celebrating a Mass for children and people of all abilities at 10 am today. Many thanks to our children’s choir, the gospel choir, our musicians, all our actors and readers. Please join us in the parish centre for refreshments and activities for all ages.
Please note that you must not let your children play on the steps or the strip of lawn immediately behind the church. If they play on the lawn above the steps please make sure that there is at least one parent present at all times.
Confirmation Enrolment
We are now enrolling young people aged 13+ (Year 8+) for preparation for Confirmation in 2017. Forms are available from Father Terry or Sandra (finchleyeastcat@rcdow.org.uk). Preparation will begin next year – details to follow shortly.
October – Month of the Holy Rosary
The Rosary will be said in homes and in church this month. All are welcome.
Tuesday 18th Oct May Brennan at 11a Lankaster Gardens at 4 pm.
Wednesday 19th Oct In Church after 10 am Mass.
Thursday 20th Oct Elizabeth Haile 10 Old Farm Road at 5.30 pm.
Friday 21st Oct Agnes Day 54 Squires Lane at 3 pm.
Thank you from the SVP
The SVP would like to thank everyone who volunteered, showed interest and gave donations, last week. If you are still interested in volunteering for the soup kitchen on Wednesday night or to visit people, please contact us on the SVP mobile 07874 692577or speak to Michael, Fintan or Nicola.
Volunteers for Christmas Fair 2016
Our Christmas Fair is a great communal highlight and fundraiser for our parish. Please get involved and volunteer to take on one of the many jobs (big and small) this year. See Helen Doran and Kristy Bradnum after 10 am Mass on 6th November in the parish centre or e mail Sandra, finchleyeastcat@rcdow.org.uk
Talk as part of Black History Month on 18th October
October is Black History Month, when we can enlarge our horizons. Fr Terry will give an illustrated talk on Marcus Garvey (1887-1940) a pioneer of black consciousness – and a Catholic. Parish Hall, Tues. 18th Oct, 8 pm. All are welcome.
One World Week
There are several events in Finchley to mark One World Week. On Thursday 20th October there is a Sukkot celebration at a local synagogue: contact Lynn on 0203 015 2302 for details. On Saturday October 22nd there is a peace walk between local churches, synagogue and mosque. See leaflets on table by church door for details.
CRISIS at Christmas Carol-Singing – 23rd December 2016
Helen Tierney writes: Every year I organise the carol-singing at the opening of the CRISIS at CHRISTMAS day centre based at Westminster Kingsway College ( near Kings Cross). It has been great to have singers from St Mary's joining the group in the last few years. This year the session is from 6-7pm on Friday December 23rd. It is completely informal so no rehearsals and open to all adult singers, (You have to be over 18) however experienced or inexperienced. We sing traditional carols and Christmas songs as the clients arrive to use the centre's services. If you are interested in taking part then get in touch- email is tierneyhelen@hotmail.com or 02088832851
Designer Sought
The parish council would like to create a welcome folder for new parish members. We are impressed by the folder for All Saints Durham Rd. Is there a print designer among us who could create one for us? Replies via finchleyeast@rcdow.org.uk
First Aiders
It would be useful if we could compile a list of those who are trained in first aid or CPR trained. Do let the parish secretary know via finchleyeastsec@rcdow.org.uk .
Emergency Stewards
We need volunteers for this role from among the ranks of regular Mass attenders. You will be asked to attend a one-hour training session about evacuation procedures and what to do generally in the event of an emergency such as a fire.
Refugees in London – Eggs Please
As part of the Diocesan initiative Proclaim ’15, our parish supports the local drop-in for destitute asylum seekers organised by New North London Synagogue. If you would like to volunteer at the next session, please see http://nnls-masorti.org.uk/page.php?ID=83 for details. For a small but significant way to support the project, please bring 6/12/or more hardboiled eggs to church on Sunday 6th November (no other day) and leave them in the basket in the foyer of our church. Contact: Sandra, finchleyeastcat@rcdow.org.uk .
Trudy Greebe A Dutch family in Amsterdam who would like to trace a family member, Trudy Greebe (also known as Angela Greebe) who used to come to St Mary’s. If this rings a bell with you, please let Fr Terry know.
Applications for Reception and Nursery at Our Lady of Lourdes School
Applications are invited for the Reception Class for September 2017 – this is for children born between 1stSeptember 2012 and 31st August 2013. Please also be advised that you must also complete a CAF (Common Application Form) from Barnet - the on-line system is already open. Deadline is 15th January 2017. Applications are invited for the Nursery for the Academic Year starting September 2017 – this is for children born between 1st April 2014 and 31st March 2015. Deadline is 27th January.
Cancellation 12th Nov
Fr Terry regrets to announce the cancellation of the away day for readers and ministers of communion on 12th November. We will now look for a date in January
Next INCENSED Youth Group (ages 12-18)
Have you heard of St Josephine Bakhita? Come to our next youth group meeting in celebration of Black History Month and find out more about her and other Black saints. Come along and join us for an hour of chat, games and fellowship on Sunday 30th October at 11 am in the community room (Fr. Terry’s house), new people always welcome. Contact Sandra at finchleyeastcat@rcdow.org.uk