32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year C)
Next week our parish will take up a collection to help support the basic needs of the sick and retired priests of the Diocese of Westminster. Your generous donation provides for them in their elderly and infirm years. The Sick and Retired Priests Fund helps cover medical, housing, convalescence and personal needs of these priests, often alone and many without personal savings accumulated. Envelopes are available at the back of the church – please take one home and gift aid a donation if possible.
Annual Cemetery Mass – Friday 11th November 2016
Please note that the Annual Cemetery Mass will take place at the Islington Burial Chapel at St Pancras Cemetery at 2.30 pm on Friday 11th November 2016.
Funeral for Marie Tang
The Requiem Mass for Marie Tang will be held on Tuesday 8th November at 11.30 am at Nazareth House, followed by burial at Hendon Crematorium at 1 pm. It has been respectfully requested that no flowers be sent but any donations to the North London Hospice are very welcome. May she rest in peace.
Please note that you must not let your children play on the steps or the strip of lawn immediately behind the church. If they play on the lawn above the steps please make sure that there is at least one parent present at all times.
Confirmation Enrolment
We are now enrolling young people aged 13+ (Year 8+) for preparation for Confirmation in 2017. Forms are available from Fr Terry or Sandra (finchleyeastcat@rcdow.org.uk). Preparation will begin next year
SVP Quiz Night
The SVP Quiz Night will be on Saturday 3rd December at 7.30 in the Parish Centre. A fish and chip supper or vegetarian meal will be provided. Entrance £10, a £5 deposit will be required. Members of the SVP will be outside the church after Masses from mid-November to collect names/deposits. Many thanks.
Christmas Lunch
Fr Terry says: Last year some parishioners who would have been on their own joined me for a festive meal on Christmas Day. I am glad to repeat the invitation this year, but space is limited. I need to know now how much food to order. If you would like to join me for dinner on Christmas Day, could you let me know?
Mary’s Meals – Sunday 13th November here at St Mary’s
With only one week to go before Mary’s Meals will be at our church on the morning of Sunday 13th November, please remember to bring along all your unwanted clothing/bedding (no duvets or pillows please). Put all clothing/bedding into tied black sacks and bring them with you when you come to church – the cut off time is Sunday 13th November 12 noon. Mary’s Meals is a no-frills charity committed to spending 93p in every £1 received on its charitable activities with only 6p spent on Fundraising and 1p on Governance.
Senior Citizens 15th November
All senior citizens and their friends are invited to tea, chat and a tour of the world with Dermott Donnelly illustrating his travels. Tuesday 15th November at 3 pm.
Applications for Reception and Nursery - Our Lady of Lourdes School
Applications are invited for the Reception Class for September 2017 - for children born between 1st Sept. 2012 and 31st August 2013. Please also be advised that you must also complete a CAF (Common Application Form) from Barnet - the on-line system is already open. Deadline is 15th January 2017. Applications are invited for the Nursery for the Academic Year starting September 2017 – this is for children born between 1st April 2014 and 31st March 2015. Deadline is 27th January.
Our Lady of Lourdes Bow Lane N12 Open Day 23rd November 2016
Our Lady of Lourdes, Bow Lane, N12 will have its Open Day for prospective parents to view the school and nursery on Wednesday 23rd November at 9am, 1.30pm or 7pm (no need to book).
Christmas Fair and Tombola Sunday
Please join us for our second Christmas Committee meeting today in the hall after the 10am mass. Next Sunday we’re looking for bottles of wines; filled decorated jars; and chocolate bars/boxes for our Christmas Fair Tombola stand. Please leave donations in the boxes at the church entrance. Our Christmas Fair will be on 10 Dec 12 to 3pm. For specific donations please speak to Sandra Lipner (finchleyeastcat@rcdow.org.uk,); Helen Doran (h.doran@virgin.net) or Kristy Bradnum (kristybradnum@gmail.com).
Bishop Douglass Sixth Form Open Evening
This takes place on Wednesday 16th November from 5.30 – 6.30 pm. The Head of Sixth Form Presentation will be at 5.30 pm followed by a Q and A session. Contact 0208 444 5211 for more information or visit www.bishopdouglass.barnet.sch.uk
Celebration of The Way of The Cross – Westminster Cathedral
Saturday 19th November at 2.30 pm
Father David Reilly, Westminster Youth Ministry wrties: To mark the end of Holy Year, a celebration of the Way of the Cross as a ‘Way of Mercy’ will take place on Saturday 19th November 2016 in Westminster Cathedral at 2.30 pm -the penultimate day of the Jubilee of Mercy. Presided over by Bishop Nicholas Hudson, it will include live images of the Way of the Cross, works of mercy such as Caritas Westminster and music by Edwin Fawcett and his singers.
Eternal Word Television
EWTN is a global Catholic TV and radio network. It offers both live streaming and on-demand video. The live broadcasts include Mass daily, ceremonies and events from the Vatican, Lourdes and papal visits abroad. The on-demand includes material for preparation for the sacraments such as first communion. There are a few leaflets available giving details of how to access it. You can obtain EWTN via satellite or the internet.
Annual Catholic Pro Life Ball - Saturday 12th November 2016
Conor Carroll of the Guild of Our Lady of Good Counsel writes: This will include a 5 star 3 course meal, a live band and a silent auction with some amazing prizes. Starts at 6 pm at the Royal Garden Hotel, Kensington, London. Tickets this year are £95 per person. Contact Conor to book; 07886000882 email; GCNBall@gmail.com We recognise that it is not in everyone’s price range, so we will also be offering the chance to win a ticket the week before the ball. Dance only tickets at £40 will also be available from 5th November. You need to like our Facebook page to participate in the competition.
Ministers of Communion Evening: Theme: ‘This is My Body’
There is a study evening Thursday 10th November for ministers of communion from any parish at the Niland Centre, 93 Elstree Rd, Bushey Heath, Herts WD23 4EE which will be led by Sr Ann Walsh, a Dominican sister, 7.30-9 pm. Register via 0207 931 6075 or livingfaith@rcdow.org.uk
St Theresa’s Catholic Primary School East End Road N3 – Open Days 2016
Open Days for prospective pupils due to start Reception Class in September 2017 are as follows: Tuesday 15th November at 9.30 am, Thursday 17th November at 9.30 am, Monday 21st November at 2 pm, Thursday 24th November at 2 pm and Monday 28th November at 10 am. Please call the school office on 0208 346 8826 for more information.
Emergency Stewards
We need volunteers for this role from among the ranks of regular Mass attenders. You will be asked to attend a one-hour training session about evacuation procedures and what to do generally in the event of an emergency such as a fire.
News for former students and parents of St Michael’s Catholic Grammar School
The current Headteacher, Julian Ward, is retiring in August 2017. There will be an update later in the academic year advising of any events organised by the school to wish him well in his retirement.
CRISIS at Christmas Carol-Singing – 23rd December 2016
Helen Tierney writes: Every year I organise the carol-singing at the opening of the CRISIS at CHRISTMAS day centre based at Westminster Kingsway College ( near Kings Cross).It has been great to have singers from St Mary's joining the group in the last few years. This year the session is from 6-7pm on Friday December 23rd. It is completely informal so no rehearsals and open to all adult singers, (You have to be over 18) however experienced or inexperienced. We sing traditional carols and Christmas songs as the clients arrive to use the centre's services. If you are interested in taking part then get in touch- email is tierneyhelen@hotmail.com or 02088832851
First Aiders
It would be useful if we could compile a list of those who are trained in first aid or CPR trained. Do let the parish secretary know via finchleyeastsec@rcdow.org.uk .
Westminster Ministry Youth Mass – 9th December 2016
On 9th December, at St Aloysius Parish, Euston NW1 1TA, the Westminster Youth Service host their annual Youth Mass – Bishop Nicholas leading. The Mass begins at 6.30 pm and the music will be led by Edwin Fawcett and the young music scholars; the evening is a celebration of youth throughout our Diocese. Light refreshments will follow Mass – all young people and teenagers are encouraged to take this opportunity to meet their peers from across Westminster.
Parish Collection Last week the collection came to £1231.00. Many thanks.
APF (Overseas Mission) Special Collection: This raised £324.20. Many thanks.