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Pentecost Sunday (Year B)

Mass Times for Bank Holiday Monday in May

Mass times for the next Bank Holiday on 28th May will be at 12 noon.

APF Mill Hill Mission Thank you and Appeal

This weekend we welcome Fr Brian Oswald MHM to our parish. Fr Brian will be making the 5-yearly APF-Mill Hill Thank You and Appeal for new members. Fr Brian will explain how we can all be involved in the mission of the Church through our support of the red box scheme. It would be fantastic if every home was involved in this work of the Church by supporting missionaries throughout the world.

Rosary Devotion to Our Lady for the Month of May

The Rosary will be said in homes and in church.

Tuesday 22nd May Carmen Cavallo at 149 Leslie Road at 3 pm.

Wednesday 23rd May In church after 10 am Mass.

Thursday 24th May May Brennan at 11a Lankaster Gardens at 4 pm.

Friday 25th May Agnes Day at 54 Squires Lane at 3 pm.

All are welcome

Irish Referendum on the Eighth Amendment, 25 May 2018

In their Spring Statement, the Irish Bishops wrote, ’Article 40.3.3 is a declaration of equality and respect for human life. It represents, at the very foundations and substructure of our laws, a conviction that all human life is worth cherishing equally. To repeal this Article would leave unborn children at the mercy of whatever permissive abortion laws might be introduced in Ireland in the future. We invite people of faith to pray earnestly that Ireland will “choose life” and that the lives of all women and their unborn children will always be loved, valued, welcomed and respected in this country.’ For more information visit

First Holy Communion 2018

What a splendid celebration it was. Thanks on behalf of the parish to all who worked so hard to make it a special day: Sandra and the catechists, Winnie, Liz and the musicians and singers, Teresa and Marie-Jeanne the flower arrangers, the sacristy team, the servers and many others. We were blessed by your hard work and dedication. We hope you can join us for a refreshments and Imelda Santillan’s famous cake in the parish centre after 10 am Mass today, 20th May.

INCENSED Youth Group

We will be helping with the parish celebration for the First Holy Communion children today, Sunday 20th May, after 10 am Mass. Please come to the parish centre and wear your jumpers. Contact Sandra

Special Altar Server Mass

Our team of altar servers has grown again this year, and we look forward to Sunday 10th June, when Father Terry will give a special blessing to all our servers during 10 am Mass. Could all altar servers please vest before Mass and sit in the first two rows.

Sistine Chapel Choir to perform in Westminster Cathedral

The Sistine Chapel Choir, the Holy Father’s personal choir, performs a sacred choral music concert from the repertoire they sing in the Vatican on Saturday 26th May 2018 at 8 pm in Westminster Cathedral. The concert will last an hour, and is free of charge (no tickets required). Come and experience this world-famous choir singing in the beautiful setting of Westminster Cathedral. All are welcome.

Adoremus – National Eucharistic Congress

The largest gathering of Catholics in England since the 2010 papal visit takes place in Liverpool this September. We unite in worship of Our Lord truly present in the Blessed Sacrament, with the aim of promoting Eucharistic Adoration, where so many people have experienced the love and presence of Jesus.

You are invited to Liverpool on Saturday, 8 and/or Sunday, 9 September. Saturday, in the Echo Arena, is the highlight of the Congress. Bishop Robert Barron, known to millions on social Media, will address the Congress; Cardinal Nichols will give a reflection and lead us in Adoration and Benediction. (There is a fee of £40 for the Saturday to cover the costs of the Congress.) On the Sunday there are Masses in the Metropolitan Cathedral and a large outdoor Blessed Sacrament procession. Many other events and a Youth Congress will supplement the official programme.

You may wish to stay in Liverpool overnight. Although it will be a long day, the Saturday programme is planned to permit people to travel for the day. While coaches are cheaper, trains are much quicker – cheaper train tickets (subject to availability) go on sale 12 weeks before travel. For a booking form, please contact or 07738 183829. Tickets are available through the Diocese until 31 May.

Parish Safeguarding Representative

For 20 years Maureen Stell has been our Parish Safeguarding Representative. She will step down soon and we are looking for someone to replace her. Could it be you? This rewarding role requires a commitment to ensuring that the National Safeguarding policies and procedures, adopted by the Diocese of Westminster, are carried out. You do not need to have a background in this field as all new representatives are given Induction Training and continuous support from the diocesan Safeguarding Team and Fr Terry. The next training day is Thursday 13th September 2018 at Vaughan House, Victoria. The role requires a willingness to process papers relating to DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service) clearance. Strict confidentiality would also be required.

British London 10K 15th July call for runners

If you are age 16 or more then the Aysanew Kassa Trust [a small charity supporting children through their education in Ethiopia including 73 Blind children] has a couple of spare places with their small team running for the 7th year on 15th July. If you have never run before we will help to get you fit and support you on the day. If you would like to join them and raise a few £s for these really poor children in Ethiopia then please contact Pietro Servini 0770668742, Daniel Servini 0208 4448741 or Jean Bailey 0208 8838722.

Supporting Local Refugees: Eggs Please!

Help us support this local drop-in centre for destitute refugees and asylum seekers by bringing 6 or more hard-boiled eggs to church on Sunday 3rd June. Queries? Contact

Pilgrimage to the Shrine of Our Lady of Consolation, West Grinstead

Pilgrimage with the Consolata Fathers to the Shrine of Our Lady of Consolation, West Grinstead on Saturday 23rd June 2018. Coach leaves St Mary Magdalen’s Church, Athenaeum Road, Whetstone N20 9AE at 9 am sharp. Returns 6/6.30 pm.

Cost £22 per person – includes travel by coach, teas, coffees, soft drinks. Please bring your own picnic foods. How to book: Cheques should be dated 1st May 2018 payable to Consolata Fathers. Post cheque with details to: Consolata Fathers, 3 Salisbury Ave, London N3 3AJ. Cheques will not be banked until 1st May 2018. For further details about the pilgrimage contact Stella Devlin on 0208 445 3099.

St Michael’s Catholic Grammar – Open Evening for Admissions 2019

This will be held on Thursday 28th June 2018 in two sessions – 3.30-5 pm and 7-9 pm. The Headteacher will address prospective parents at 5 pm, 7 pm and 9 pm. The Supplementary Information Forms are available to download from the School’s website, from March, and should be returned to St Michael’s no later than Tuesday 10th July 2018. You should arrange to make an appointment to have your forms completed by Father Terry prior to 10th July. Should you have any questions, please e mail Admissions at

Finchley Catholic High School – 16th Annual Golf Day

Eve Stefanicki, Finchley Catholic High School writes: Finchley Catholic High School is pleased to announce details of the 16th Annual Golf Day. Date: 15th June 2018. Venue: South Hertfordshire Golf Club. Price: £65 per head, including dinner. The Golf Day is one of the biggest fund raising events of the school calendar. This year, proceeds will go towards upgrading our sports and PE facilities. The day includes a variety of individual and team tournaments, followed by a 3-course Presentation Dinner, quiz, raffle and auction. We welcome individual golfers, teams and group bookings. For more information, contact Eve Stefanicki on

Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament with Benediction: Thursday 10.30 am,

Saturday at 5.30 pm

Pray for the sick esp. Eddie Caddle, Carmel Bates, Cathy Walker, Finola Hickey, Bridget O’Donnell, Kelly-Marie O’Donnell, Simon O’Donnell, Pat Gleeson and Mary Myles.

Parish Collection: Last week’s collection came to £1383.49. Many thanks.

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