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26th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year B) 30th September 2018


Sat 29th Sept

6 pm Vigil Mass Joan O’Sullivan, RIP

Sun 30th Sept

8.30 am Revd D. Anderson, intns

10 am Anna Maria Adobatti, intns

12 noon Mary O’Malley, RIP

Mon 1st Oct St Thérèse of Lisieux

10 am Daniel Navalta, intns

Tue 2nd Oct Holy Guardian Angels

10 am May Brennan, intns

Wed 3rd Oct

10 am Martin Brennan, intns

Thurs 4th Oct St Francis of Assisi

10 am Sean Wilson, RIP

Fri 5th Oct

10 am Jim Hanafin, RIP

Sat 6th Oct

10 am Filomena Di Trolio, RIP

Confession: Saturday 10.30 am and 5.30 pm

Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament with Benediction: Thursday 10.30 am,

Saturday at 5.30 pm

Pray for the sick esp. Eddie Caddle, Carmel Bates, Finola Hickey, Bridget O’Donnell, Kelly-Marie O’Donnell, Simon O’Donnell, and Mary Myles.

Parish Collection: Last week’s collection came to £ 960.30. Many thanks. We have a second collection next week for CAFOD. Friday of that week is Cafod Harvest Fast Day, a day of thanks for our blessings, and setting something aside for others.

First Holy Communion Preparation

We will begin registering for this on the weekend of 6th-7th October and it will be open for several weeks thereafter.

Large hall refurbishment

The refurbished large hall now looks warm, bright and attractive.

This work has drained our reserves.

- To help build them up again there will be a fund-raising concert at 7.30 pm on Saturday 10th November, with Billy Faughnan and other contributors.

Rosary Devotion to Our Lady for October

The Rosary will be said in homes and in church.

Tuesday 2nd October Elizabeth Haile at 10 Old Farm Road, at 5.30 pm.

Wednesday 3rd October In Church after 10 am Mass.

Thursday 4th October Margaret Ryan at 4a Lankaster Gardens at 4 pm

Friday 5th October Agnes Day at 54 Squires Lane at 3 pm.

All are welcome.

Calling all singers!

We will be celebrating Mass with our choir on Sunday 7th October 2018 at the 10 am Mass. In preparation there will be a rehearsal with Liz today Sunday 30th September in the church between 11am and 12 noon. Anyone who would like to join, please do come along.

INCENSED Youth Group

INCENSED will begin meeting again today Sunday 30th September after the 10 am Mass. Anyone aged 10+ is cordially invited to the community room (in Fr. Terry’s house). There will be snacks, drinks and we’ll be planning what to do over the coming year so please come along with any ideas or suggestions. New joiners very welcome. Wear your jumper if you have one. Contact Holly

Alpha at St Mary’s

Peter and Ros Kraushar tell us: Pope Francis loves this course, so does Fr Raniero Cantalamessa, Preacher to the Papal Household for over 25 years, so do many other Christians all over the world! Do you want to learn more? Do you want to find joy in your faith? Do you pray for family and friends to know the Lord? We are all asked to evangelise and Alpha is recognised as a great way of doing this. We start in the Hall at 7.30 pm on 10 October. No charge, just optional food donation. Please pick up a form and register – Peter Kraushar 020 8883 4736,

Eucharistic Congress: Adoremus

By all accounts the Eucharistic Congress was a great success.

Most talks can be viewed or heard at

Hard copies of most can be downloaded at There are beautiful images of the three days at

Inquirers about the Catholic faith

If you are attending Mass here and not a Catholic, please let Fr Terry know, as we may begin an inquirers class in November. This is known as the RCIA. Also, if you are an adult baptised Catholic but were never confirmed – or perhaps even never made your first communion – it might be possible for you to join this group also. An email or note with your contact details would be helpful.

Reflections on the Papal Congress in Ireland 2018

By Eamonn and Angela Doherty

The World Meeting of Families Congress was held in Dublin from 21st – 26th August this summer. The Catholic Church defines the purpose of the congress as “promoting the pastoral care of families, protecting their rights and dignity in the Church and in civil society, so that they may ever be more able to fulfil their duties”, and the congress theme was: The Gospel of the Family: Joy for the World. It was held at the Royal Dublin Society (RDS).

Pope Francis on the Revolution of Tenderness. This talk was given by Cardinal Maradiaga, Archbishop of Honduras. The main theme was the need for all of us as human beings to reach out to each other, particularly those most disadvantaged, with love and tenderness.

Human Trafficking. This talk was given by Kevin Hyland OBE, the former head of the Metropolitan Police Human Trafficking Unit. Mr Hyland referred to the Santa Marta group, a global alliance of the Catholic Church and the police endorsed by Pope Francis. His talk focused on how human trafficking pervades contemporary society, mentioning Catholic charities which work to combat this huge problem.

Celebrating Family and Sport. The main speaker was Fr Philip Mulryne OP. He spoke of his life as a professional footballer at a high level and how his faith drew him away from material trappings to becoming a priest.

The Witness of Women in Leadership. A panel of six high profile women spoke about a women’s empowerment programme run by Caritas Ireland. This strives to promote the right of women and girls worldwide to have a voice in decisions that affect their lives, their homes and their communities.

We also jointly attended Cardinal Vincent Nichols’ talk on Support and Preparation for Marriage in the light of Amoris Laetitia. The Cardinal spoke about the need to trust in God’s grace within marriage as part of a journey of holiness moving closer to God.

On Sunday 26th August, we attended the Mass celebrated by Pope Francis in the Phoenix Park, Dublin. The weather was mixed, sunshine intertwined with squally showers. During the day, we must have walked at least 6 miles, if not more. It was a very solemn occasion and those present seemed to appreciate the fact that the Pope was celebrating Mass on Irish soil.

Clearly the issue of abuse was rightly prevalent throughout the congress and the Pope’s visit to Ireland. Nevertheless, we were pleased to have the opportunity to attend both events and have very good memories of the occasion.

Sponsored Emigrants Walk for Irish Chaplaincy

Eddie Gilmore, Chief Executive, Irish Chaplaincy writes: On October 6th 2018 in Mayo, there will be a Sponsored Emigrants Walk for the Irish Chaplaincy Seniors’ Project, which reaches out to elderly Irish living alone in London. The walk will be led by Alan Brogan (former Dublin Gaelic footballer) who is Ambassador for this campaign. Information and a chance to donate can be found at: Or call 0207 482 5528.

Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Primary School N12 0JP – Reception Vacancies

Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Primary School has a small number of vacancies for the coming Reception class (September 2018). Visits to the school are welcomed. Please contact the school office on 0208 346 1681 for visits or application packs.

LORETO College – Open Weeks

For prospective pupils applying to Loreto College (St Albans) for a secondary school place in September 2019, guided tours during the school day will take place from 1st and 12th October. Appointments can be made by calling 01727 856206.

St Theresa’s Primary School – Open Days for Reception 2019

Open Days at St Theresa’s for prospective pupils due to start Reception Class in September 2019. Open Days are as follows: Friday 2nd November at 9.30 am, Monday 5th November at 9.30 am, Thursday 8th November at 9.30 am, Monday 12th November at 2 pm, Wednesday 14th November at 2 pm. Please call the school office for more information on 0208 346 8826

St Theresa’s Catholic Primary School – Reception Vacancies

St. Theresa’s Catholic Primary School, East End Road, N3 2TD, has vacancies for Reception Class (September 2018). Please telephone 020 8346 8826 to arrange a visit or request an application pack.

CAFOD Supporters – Free Will Writing Service

CAFOD UK writes: Once you have taken care of your loved ones, could you include a gift to your worldwide family? Pick up a leaflet at the back of the Church to find out about the free will writing service for CAFOD supporters – email or call 0207 095 5367.

Post-Synod Reflection with the Cardinal

Marie Saba, Connunications Officer, Diocese of Westminster writes: Following on from the Pre-Synod meetings between the Cardinal, Bishops and young people, there will be additional opportunities for dialogue. The first evening will be hosted by the Cardinal and will include a reflection on the Synod on Youth. It will take place on Tuesday 30th October from 7pm to 8.30 pm in the Throne Room at Archbishop’s House. The event is open to all young people aged 18-30 years. The event is free to attend, but registration is required by emailing

Faith Formation Events – Agency for Evangelisation

Ausra Cane, Agency for Evangelisation writes: ‘What is the point of praying?’ A series of evenings on a healing power of prayer with Fr Keith Barltrop - Monday 29th October and Thursday 8th November 2018 (7pm to 8pm), Vaughan House, 46 Francis Street, SW1P 1QN. Suggested donation £5. Registration is required at or leave a voice message at 020 7931 6078.

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