33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year B) 18th November 2018
Sat 17th Nov
6 pm Vigil Mass For those in our November Book of Remembrance
Sun 18th Nov
8.30 am Arthur Laycock, RIP
10 am Scholastica Iberi, anniversary
12 noon People of the Parish
Mon 19th Nov
10 am Funeral Mass for Anna Maria Adobatti
Tue 20th Nov
10 am Molly Donnelly, 10th anniversary
Wed 21st Nov Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
10 am For those in our November Book of Remembrance
Thurs 22nd Nov St Cecilia
10 am Cecilia Incarnati, anniversary
Fri 23rd Nov
10 am Lorna White, intentions
Sat 24th Nov St Andrew Dung-Lac and Companions, martyrs
10 am For those in our November Book of Remembrance
Confession: Saturday 10.30 am and 5.30 pm
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament with Benediction: Thursday 10.30 am,
Saturday at 5.30 pm
Pray for the sick esp. Eddie Caddle, Carmel Bates, Finola Hickey, Bridget O’Donnell, Kelly-Marie O’Donnell, Simon O’Donnell, and Mary Myles.
Parish Collection: Last week’s collection raised £ 1460.81.
Baptism Ask God’s blessing on Maya Marzec baptised here last Saturday.
Come and join the festive fun! Our Christmas Fair
Saturday 1st December 12 – 3 pm
Come, soak up the festive atmosphere at our Christmas Fair –
*Home Bakes Galore
* Christmas Carols
* Fiddle playing
* Tombolas
* Santa’s Grotto
* Children’s activities
* Refreshments
* Jewellery
* Books
* Toiletries
* Artisan Knits
* and much more!
Only 2 Masses away! Donations needed for our Christmas Fair
Chocolates for chocolate tombola
Filled jam jars for children’s tombola
Lots and lots of bottles for bottle tombola
Thank you to those who have donated to the Fair but we still need a lot more to run the Fair. We are mostly looking for raffle prizes, home bakes and items for our three tombolas – bottles, chocolates and filled jam jars. Also looking for books, toys, jewellery, crafts, bakes, decorations, plants and seeds. No clothes please. Looking for a volunteer to run a nail bar? Nail polish supplied. Look out for raffle ticket sellers before and after Mass. £1 each or £5 for a book of 5. Join us for our last planning meeting in the halls on 25th November after 10 am Mass. Thank you. Helen Doran (h.doran@virgin.net) or Kristy Bradnum (kristybradnum@gmail.com) or Nicola Hewson (limnic80@hotmail.com). Finally we have been given a new Ikea desk with shop price of £135 for sale. Proceeds will go as extra cash prize for raffle. See picture from Ikea catalogue by church door. To buy or inquire, ask Helen Doran.
Variety Concert
What a wonderful evening that was. Songs, dance, music, and the incomparable compère Michael O’Hare. Special thanks to Michael and Billy, to Dermott and the Bishop Douglass team. Also to SVP and all who organised the refreshments. Above all to our musicians, singers and the world class dancer. We also thank for their donations Genzo Restaurant, Table du Marché Restaurant, Gertie Brown’s, and Toolans. There were also many individuals who sponsored raffle prizes or who gave generously. To you all, heartfelt thanks. The magnificent outcome: over £2300 was raised towards the cost of our refurbished large hall.
First Holy Communion Preparation
Registration for First Holy Communion at St Mary’s in 2019 will soon close. All children of the parish who are in Year 3+ in 2018/9 are very welcome. Please collect an application form from Father Terry or Holly Graham before after Mass.
On Monday 19th November, at 10 am, we have the Funeral Mass for Anna Maria Adobatti and on Thursday 29th November, at 12 noon, we have the Funeral Mass for Audrey Kao. May they rest in peace.
Annual Cemetery Mass – Tuesday 20th November 2018
Please note that the Annual Cemetery Mass will take place at the Islington Burial Chapel at St Pancras Cemetery at 2.30 pm on Tuesday 20th November 2018.
Sick and Retired Priests – Second Collection
Thank you for your generosity to the Sick and Retired Priests’ Fund last week. This raised £2115. You can still make a donation if you wish. Envelopes are available.
Confirmation 2019
We have now opened registration for our Confirmation preparation programme. Any young people in Year 8+ are invited to register their interest by completing and returning an application form, available from Father Terry or Holly Graham.
Applications for Reception and Nursery at Our Lady of Lourdes School
Applications are invited for the Reception Class for September 2019 – this is for children born between 1st September 2014 and 31st August 2015. The deadline to return this to the school office is 15th January 2019. Applications are invited for the Nursery for the Academic Year starting September 2019. This is for children born between 1st April 2016 and 31st March 2017. The deadline to return this to the school office is 30th January 2019. The forms are available to download on the school website – www.olol.barnetschool.org.uk . There is an Open Day on Wednesday 21st November – 9.30 am, 1.30 pm and 7 pm – no requirement to book in advance.
Advent Carol Service at All Saint’s Church
On Sunday 2nd December at 6.30 pm, there will be an Advent Carol Service at All Saints’ Church in Durham Road. This will be followed by refreshments.
World Day of the Poor – Sunday 18th November
Pope Francis has asked the entire Catholic community to mark World Day of the Poor on Sunday 18th November. The theme for this year is ‘the poor man cried, and the Lord heard him’. This year Caritas Westminster is asking that you not only remember those in poverty in your prayers but reach out in practical ways. More information, as well as a specially designed prayer card can be found at the back of the Church.
‘Slaves in Our City’ – Thursday 22nd November
Caritas Westminster writes: Caritas Westminster is hosting an evening raising awareness of human trafficking and modern slavery in our communities. The evening will focus on human trafficking and modern slavery, the response of the church and practical actions you can take as a parish community. Speakers include the Metropolitan Police, the Santa Marta Group, the Medaille Trust and Caritas Bakhita House. The event will take place on Thursday 22nd November, from 6.30-8.30 pm, at the Church of the Immaculate Conception (Farm Street) London W1K 3AH. Refreshments available from 6 pm. Please RSVP to caritaswestminster@rcdow.org.uk or call on 0207 798 9030 for a free ticket. Or, register your attendance on Eventbrite, by searching for ‘Slaves in our City’.
Calling all Red APF Boxes!
Only a few Red Boxes have been collected - there are still a lot of Red Boxes to be brought in. Please could you bring your Red APF Boxes as soon as possible. They can be handed in to the Parish Office or left in the sacristy before or after any Mass.
Carols at Finchley Memorial Hospital
We have been invited to sing carols at Finchley Memorial Hospital in the lobby and on the ward for the elderly. The date is WEDNESDAY 12th DECEMBER at 2.30 - probably finishing by 3.30. This is not a service as such but a songful seasonal keeping company with those in the hospital.
There will be two 45-minute rehearsals in church on THURS 29th NOV and THURS 6th DEC both at 8pm.
Crisis at Christmas: Singers wanted
It is always great to have St Mary's parishioners join the carol-singers at Crisis at Christmas. We sing on 23rd Dec from 5-6pm at the opening of the North London Day Care Centre in Westminster Kingsway College in Grays Inn Road .All over 18 singers welcome and no rehearsal necessary. Just email Helen Tierney for details tierneyhelen@hotmail.com
Inquirers about the Catholic faith
If you are not a Catholic, but interested do let Fr Terry know, as we may begin an inquirers class known as the RCIA. Also, if you are already an adult Catholic but not confirmed, this course might suit you. Written contact details would be helpful.
St Michael’s Catholic Grammar School – Christmas Bazaar
Sunday 25th November 11 am – 3 pm
A fun day out at St Michael’s Catholic Grammar School – Polar prizes, Christmas bake off, Snowflake princess, massive bottle tombola, photography booth, big Christmas draw, fun room, Irish coffee, Hoopla stall, hot lunches, books, cakes – something for everyone.
St Michael’s Catholic Grammar School – Cover Supervisor Vacancy
Required as soon as possible on an ad-hoc basis. Salary £12.19 an hour. Flexible Cover Supervisors required to cover in classrooms across the subject board on an ad hoc basis where the teacher is absent. Availability can be negotiated with the School for those who wish to work particular days of the week. Applications can be downloaded from http://st-michaels.barnet.sch.uk/assets/Uploads/Application-Form-support-staff.doc . Please send all completed applications to applications@st-michaels.barnet.sch.uk . A job description is available by request from mcox@st-michaels.barnet.sch.uk . Closing date 12 pm Monday 10th December 2018.