First Sunday of Advent (Year C ) 2nd December 2018
First Sunday of Advent (Year C ) 2nd December 2018
Sat 1st Dec
6 pm Vigil Mass Ken and Joyce Wojcik, RIP
Sun 2nd Dec
8.30 am Bailey/Kassa family, anniversary
10 am Anne-Marie Murphy, 8th anniversary
12 noon Thomas O’Sullivan, 3rd anniversary
Mon 3rd Dec St Francis Xavier
10 am Tom, intentions
Tue 4th Dec St John of Damascus
10 am Eddie and Maureen Lavelle, intentions
Wed 5th Dec
10 am Nancy Mullins, RIP
Thurs 6th Dec St Nicholas
10 am Marie Bloom, intentions
Fri 7th Dec St Ambrose
10 am Maurice Smith, anniversary
Sat 8th Dec The Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary
10 am Mary and Joseph Tiernan, anniversary
Confession: Saturday 10.30 am and 5.30 pm
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament with Benediction: Thursday 10.30 am,
Saturday at 5.30 pm
Pray for the sick esp. Eddie Caddle, Carmel Bates, Finola Hickey, Bridget O’Donnell, Kelly-Marie O’Donnell, Simon O’Donnell, and Mary Myles.
Parish Collection: Last week’s collection raised £ 1097.09.
Evening Confession in Preparation for Christmas
On Tuesday 18th December we will have exposition of the Blessed Sacrament 7.30-8.30 pm. It will be a meditative and prayerful occasion. The church will be heated. And Father Leo Edgar, a wise and compassionate Dominican priest, will be in the confessional. Fr Terry will be available in the Sacred Heart chapel. If necessary both priests will continue until everyone has had the opportunity for the sacrament.
Fr Martin Khiet Pham SJ
Fr Martin Khiet is completing a doctorate at the Institute of Education and a member of the Farm St Jesuit community. As from this Sunday he will celebrate the 8.30 am Mass fortnightly. On the alternate Sundays Fr Lawrence SJ will celebrate the 12 noon Mass. Fr Terry is very grateful for their assistance.
Achille Sartori RIP
The funeral Mass of the late Achille Sartori will be on Friday 14th December at 12 midday followed by interment at Southgate cemetery.
Nora Kitson, RIP
The funeral of the late Nora Kitson will be on Friday 14th December at 3.30 pm at Marylebone Crematorium.
May they rest in peace.
Reflection on Christmas
To get ready for Christmas, you are invited to join us for an advent-themed, creative reflection each Sunday of Advent after 10 am Mass in the large hall. All ages welcome!
Christmas Fair
Thank you so much for all your donations to the Christmas Fair. Raffle tickets are still on sale - £1 each. Draw will take place on 16 Dec.
First Holy Communion Preparation – Parents Meeting
Reminder: there will be a meeting for all parents of children registered for First Holy Communion Preparation on Monday 3rd December at 8 pm in the Parish Hall. Contact Holly:
Confirmation 2019
We have now opened registration for our Confirmation preparation programme. Any young people in Year 8+ are invited to register their interest by completing and returning an application form, available from Father Terry or Holly Graham.
Advent Carol Service at All Saint’s Church
On Sunday 2nd December at 6.30 pm, there will be an Advent Carol Service at All Saints’ Church in Durham Road. This will be followed by refreshments.
The Passage – The Big Give
Andrew Hollingsworth, The Passage writes: The Passage is raising funds through The Big Give from 12 noon Tuesday 27th November to 12 noon Tuesday 4th December to support its work with homeless people this winter. Double your donation, Double your impact. This is a matched scheme for on line donations. If someone (can be company, individual or trust) gave £10 online matched giving of £10 would bring the Gift up to £20 (and for individuals to £22.50 with Gift Aid). For more information, ring Andrew Hollingsworth 0207 592 1856 or e mail or visit The maximum is £5,000 from any one donation. It is not a limit per person.
Calling all Red APF Boxes!
Only a few Red Boxes have been collected - there are still a lot of Red Boxes to be brought in. Please could you bring your Red APF Boxes as soon as possible. They can be handed in to the Parish Office or left in the sacristy before or after any Mass.
Carols at Finchley Memorial Hospital
We have been invited to sing carols at Finchley Memorial Hospital in the lobby and on the ward for the elderly. The date is WEDNESDAY 12th DECEMBER at 2.30 - probably finishing by 3.30. This is not a service as such but a songful seasonal keeping company with those in the hospital.
There will be two 45-minute rehearsals in church on THURS 29th NOV and THURS 6th DEC both at 8pm.
Crisis at Christmas: Singers wanted
It is always great to have St Mary's parishioners join the carol-singers at Crisis at Christmas. We sing on 23rd Dec from 5-6pm at the opening of the North London Day Care Centre in Westminster Kingsway College in Grays Inn Road .All over 18 singers welcome and no rehearsal necessary. Just email Helen Tierney for details
Good Counsel Network – Prayer and Fasting for Life
Stuart McCullough, Good Counsel Network writes: On Friday 7th December, the Vigil of the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, please pray and fast for the end of abortion and euthanasia in the country. Your prayer and fasting is urgently needed. For information on the days of Prayer and Fasting see
Inquirers about the Catholic faith
If you are not a Catholic, but interested do let Fr Terry know, as we may begin an inquirers class known as the RCIA. Also, if you are already an adult Catholic but not confirmed, this course might suit you. Written contact details would be helpful.
St Michael’s Catholic Grammar School – Cover Supervisor Vacancy
Required as soon as possible on an ad-hoc basis. Salary £12.19 an hour. Flexible Cover Supervisors required to cover in classrooms across the subject board on an ad hoc basis where the teacher is absent. Availability can be negotiated with the School for those who wish to work particular days of the week. Applications can be downloaded from . Please send all completed applications to . A job description is available by request from . Closing date 12 pm Monday 10th December 2018.
Applications for Reception and Nursery at Our Lady of Lourdes School
Applications are invited for the Reception Class for September 2019 – this is for children born between 1st September 2014 and 31st August 2015. The deadline to return this to the school office is 15th January 2019. Applications are invited for the Nursery for the Academic Year starting September 2019. This is for children born between 1st April 2016 and 31st March 2017. The deadline to return this to the school office is 30th January 2019. The forms are available to download on the school website – .