Holy Family (Year C ) 30th December 2018
Holy Family (Year C ) 30th December 2018
Sat 29th Dec
6 pm Vigil Mass John O’Callaghan, anniv
Sun 30th Dec
8.30 am People of the parish
10 am Patrick Mackessy, RIP
12 noon Spellman family, intentions
Mon 31st Dec
12 noon Marie Bloom, intentions
Tue 1st Jan Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God
12 noon For God’s blessing on the parish
Wed 2nd Jan Ss Basil the Great and Gregory Nazianzen
10 am Torres family, intentions
Thurs 3rd Jan
10 am Murphy family, intentions
Fri 4th Jan
10 am Peggy Supka, RIP
12 noon Funeral Mass of Agnes O’Boy
Sat 5th Jan
10 am May and Martin Brennan, intentions
Confession Saturday 10-10.30 am and 5.30-5.50 pm
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament with Benediction: Thursday 10.30 am,
Saturday at 5.30 pm
Pray for the sick esp. Eddie Caddle, Carmel Bates, Finola Hickey, Bridget O’Donnell, Kelly-Marie O’Donnell, Simon O’Donnell, and Mary Myles.
Pastoral Letter
A pastoral letter from Cardinal Nichols will be read at all Masses this Sunday.
First Holy Communion
A reminder to all First Communion parents that the first session with your children will be on Sunday 13th January at 9 am in the parish centre, after which you attend the 10 am Mass together.
Parish Administrator: Vacancy
There is a vacancy for a part-time Parish Administrator here at St Mary's East Finchley, in succession to Mrs Yvonne Merola. For more details see the notice board in the porch or the diocesan jobs website https://jobs.rcdow.org.uk/
With great sadness we announce the death of two parishioners. Christine Cunningham died immediately after Christmas. Christine was a reader for many years and well known to parishioners. She leaves her husband Noel and three boys.
Kitty Smith has also passed away. Always courageous, in recent years she had attended in a wheel-chair assisted by her husband John.
May they rest in peace. Pray for those who loved them in this hour of sorrow.
Funeral details to be notified.
On Friday 4th January there is the funeral of Domenica Smosarki at Marylebone Crematorium at 11 am.
Also on Friday 4th January we have the funeral Mass in church of Agnes O’Boy at 12 noon which will be celebrated by her son, Fr Michael O’Boy.
May these and all the faithful departed rest in peace.
Ordination of Julian Davies to diaconate: Correction
Julian Davies was in residence with Fr Terry for a few months before going on to Allen Hall the diocesan seminary. He will be ordained deacon on Saturday 26th January at Five Precious Wounds church, Stonebridge, Brentfield Rd NW10 8ER. The ordination will be at 12 midday. He has extended an open invitation to parishioners. This is a correction because in last week’s newsletter the ordination as deacon was announced as taking place in June.
Breakfast Club Supervisor Vacancy – Our Lady of Lourdes School N12
Our Lady of Lourdes Primary School is looking for a Breakfast Club Supervisor to start asap. Hours: Monday to Friday 7.30am - 9am term time only. Salary: Barnet Broadband Scale 7 (£19,635 Full Time Equivalent). Please contact the school on 020 8346 1681 or office@olol.barnetmail.net for an application pack.
Inquirers about the Catholic faith
If you are not a Catholic, but interested do let Fr Terry know, as we may begin an inquirers class known as the RCIA. Also, if you are already an adult Catholic but not confirmed, this course might suit you. Written contact details would be helpful.
Charities Trust
We are grateful to the parishioner who donates monthly via the Charities Trust, but we would be grateful if you would identify yourself. We need to know your name in order to allocate your donation correctly. This is a technical issue.
Teaching Assistant Vacancy – Bishop Douglass School
Bishop Douglass School require a teaching assistant to support children with additional needs on Monday and Tuesdays, core hours are from 8.30 am until 4.15 pm. A good standard of education is required and a willingness to work as part of a cohesive team. If you are interested, please submit a brief letter of application and CV to the PA, Mrs Saleem at msaleem@bishopdouglass.barnet.sch.uk