First Sunday in Lent (Year C) 10th March 2019
First Sunday in Lent (Year C) 10th March 2019
Sat 9th March
6.00 pm Vigil Joseph Brohan, RIP
Sun 10th March
8.30 am Dorothy Breen,RIP
10 am Donald Alagiah, anniv
12 noon People of the Parish
Mon 11th March
10 am Joseph Brohan, RIP
Tue 12th March
10 am Agnes O’Boy, RIP
Wed 13th March
10 am Tom Lobo, RIP
Thu 14th March
10 am Funeral Mass of Edward Caddle
Fri 15th March
10 am Nancy O’Shaughnessy, RIP
Sat 16th March
10 am Dan Meally, intns
Confession: Saturday 10.30 am and 5.30 pm
NB no confession Sat 9th morning because of first communion confessions
Exposition and Benediction: Thurs. 10.30-10.45 am & Saturdays 5.30-5.55 pm
Parish Collection last week was £1083
Please pray for the sick especially James Corr, Carmel Bates, Finola Hickey, Bridget O’Donnell, Kelly-Marie O’Donnell, Simon O’Donnell, and Mary Myles.
On Thursday 14th March we have the funeral of the late Edward Caddle snr at 10 am. He died on Friday 28th February. He lived for many years in Tarling Road and was previously the caretaker of St Theresa’s School for 22 years.
Lent 2019
Fridays we have Stations of the Cross after the 10 am Mass
Friday Lent Lunches
Churches Together in Finchley is also organising a Friday Lent Lunch which will offer bread, soup and fruit. A donation is invited for the work of Noah’s Ark Children’s Hospice. The lunches take place each Friday in Lent 12.30-1.45 pm. Each week meets in a different church. The locations are as follows:
15th March St Mary at Finchley, Hendon Lane N3
22nd March Christ Church, High Road N12
29th March St Barnabas Church, 913 High Road, N12
5th April St Philip the Apostle, Gravel Hill N3
12th April Trinity Church, Nether St N12
The celebrant at the 12 noon Mass today will be Fr Lawrence SJ and at the 8.30 am next Sunday it will be Fr Khiet SJ.
New Programme: Learn From Me
Two programmes are about to be launched offering structured distance learning about the faith. The programmes include study days with tutors from Maryvale Institute at Vaughan House, as well as the pastoral support of the Agency for Evangelisation team. One programme is designed for those involved in parish and liturgical ministries. The other is for parish catechists and for those considering this ministry. You can find more details here:
There are associated fees, but if you are already involved in parish ministry do have a word with Fr Terry about this.
Caritas Volunteer Service
Many people want to help in some way by giving something back to the community, but don’t know where to begin. If this is you, you would find Caritas Volunteer Service helpful. This is a service to support and develop volunteering in the diocese. The aim is to make volunteering as easy as possible for everyone.
You can visit the website to find a role for you. Alternatively contact them directly by emailing or by telephone 0207 798 9063 or 077 3818 3833.
Cardinal’s Mass of Thanksgiving for the Sacrament of Matrimony
Westminster Cathedral, Saturday 8th June at 3 pm: The Cardinal will be inviting to this Mass all couples in the Diocese who are celebrating their 5th, 10th, 25th, 30th, 40th, 50th, 60th (and every year over 60) wedding anniversary. If you are elebrating an anniversary, please give Fr Terry a note or email with the following details: husband and wife’s names, wedding date, full postal address and email (or telephone number, if you do not have email).
Lighting Improvements
Work on these have been postponed to allow for improved specifications.
European Citizens: Advice on their rights
If you are a European citizen and want clarification on your position after Brexit, you might be interested in a free, but ticketed session at St Joseph’s Centre, The Burroughs, Hendon Tuesday 19th March, 6-8 pm. This is organised by Caritas Westminster. There is a presentation with a Question and Answer session with a specialist lawyer regarding UK Settled Status. It is for EU citizens, or individuals that will be assisting EU citizens with the process. Please reserve your ticket here:
CAFOD Family Fast Day: Friday 15 March
CAFOD’s Family Fast Day this Lent is an opportunity to support our brothers and sisters around the world. Drought, floods and storms are having a devastating impact on our global family. On Friday 15 March, can you eat a simple meal in solidarity and give what you save to help who are without the resources that we take for granted? Through CAFOD’s global Church network - one of the largest aid networks in the world – your support can reach to the ends of the earth. Please collect your Fast Day envelope from church this week and give whatever you can.
Cardinal’s Lent Appeal
Cardinal Nichols will also be asking each parish to support his annual Lenten Appeal. This year it begins from the weekend 16th/17th March.
Parish Council
There is a meeting of the Parish Pastoral Council this Tuesday 12th March at 8 pm. If there is anything you would like discussed please tell Fr Terry or leave a note for the Chair, Paula Murphy, via the presbytery.