Fourth Sunday of Lent (Year C) 31st March 2019
Fourth Sunday of Lent (Year C) 31st March 2019
Sat 30th March
6.00 pm Vigil Angela and Eamonn Doherty, intentions
Sun 31st March
8.30 am Bridie Gilligan, RIP
10 am S. Fernandes De Souza, RIP
12 noon Kitty Smith, RIP
Mon 1st April
10 am Baylon family, intentions
Tue 2nd April
10 am Vitorio Barani, 15th anniversary
11 am Funeral Mass of Patsy De Souza
Wed 3rd April
10 am Santana Rodrigues, intentions
Thu 4th April
10 am Agnes O’Boy, RIP
Fri 5th April
10 am Sister Conleth, RIP
Sat 6th April
10 am Bernadette Cremin,RIP
Confession: Saturday 10.30 am and 5.30 pm
Exposition and Benediction: Thurs. 10.30-10.45 am & Saturdays 5.30-5.55 pm
Please pray for the sick especially James Corr, Carmel Bates, Finola Hickey, Bridget O’Donnell, Kelly-Marie O’Donnell, Simon O’Donnell, and Mary Myles.
Parish Collection last week was £1095. The Cafod Family Fast Day collection came to £737.
Baptism: Ask God’s blessing on three children to be baptised this weekend: Adeola Joy Sorbitan, Oluwatoyin Eleijah Sorbitan, Francisca Oluwa Feyishayo Sorbitan, and Alexandro Nicolás Gabuat.
Parish Administrator
The post of Parish Administrator has been offered to (Mrs) Astrid Viegas who has accepted. She takes up her post from Thursday 4th April. We will ask her to say a little about herself in the newsletter next week.
Easter Choir
Can you sing? Of course you can. So do join our Easter choir! Our 10 am organist, Helen Tierney, is once again generously organising a choir to sing on Good Friday at the 3 pm service, and at the Easter Vigil on Holy Saturday 20th April 8 pm. Rehearsals (all in church) are:
Tuesday 2nd April 8-8.45 pm
Tuesday 9th April 8-8.45 pm
Good Friday 19th April at 2 pm
Supporting Local Refugees: Eggs Please!
Please help us support the local drop-in centre for destitute refugees and asylum seekers by bringing 6 or more hard-boiled eggs to church on Sunday, 7th April. Many thanks for your help!
Day of prayerful remembrance for survivors of abuse
In February 2016, Pope Francis asked each Bishops’ Conference to establish a Day of Prayer for Survivors of Abuse. In response, the Bishops of England and Wales have asked that this be remembered on Friday 12 April. Accordingly on Friday 12th April we will have an extra Stations of the Cross at 7.30 pm, when we will pray for victims and for the deepening of the Church’s sense of repentance. Cardinal Nichols writes: ‘Day by day, the pain of those who have suffered abuse, and its lasting corrosive impact, are brought more fully into the light. The pain of that betrayal of trust is all the more profound when the abuse took place within the community of the Catholic Church. We also see so clearly the failures in leadership in the Church that have exacerbated the sufferings of those who have been abused. We have plenty of reasons to pray.’
Planned Giving Envelopes
These are now available for collection in the porch.
Please take a few minutes to collect your box. Gift Aiding
your offertory using numbered envelopes or a Standing
Order is a practical way of increasing the value of your offering by 25 pence for every pound you give at no extra cost to you. Providing you are a UK taxpayer, you can join the scheme by signing a Gift Aid Declaration taking just three minutes. It is totally confidential.
Rota for readers and ministers of communion over Easter
Because we cannot predict who will be available, we suspend the usual rotas over the Easter Triduum. If you are a reader or minister of communion and you know that you will be available, we invite you to sign up for duty for some of the services on the volunteer rota that is in the sacristy.
The Passage: Work with the homeless
The Passage is raising funds through the Big Give from 12 noon Tues 19th March – 12 noon Monday 1 April to support its work with homeless people moving from Street to Home. Double your Donation, Double your impact. This is a matched giving scheme for online donations. If someone (can be company, individual or trust) gave £10 online matched giving of £10 would bring the Gift up to £20 (and for individuals to £22.50 with Gift Aid with higher rate tax relief it may cost the donor less than £10). For more information ring Andrew Hollingsworth 020 75921856
St Michael's Catholic Grammar School - Pupil Premium Priority for Year 7
St. Michael's Catholic Grammar School is appealing to parents of Year 5 Catholic girls who may be considering applying to take the entrance tests in September 2019.
St. Michael's is expanding by an extra 32 places. Priority is going to be given to girls who are 'Pupil Premium'. This means girls who are having, or have had, free school meals because of low income or could be eligible to apply for free school meals. If you think your daughter could be in this category and you would like to find out more about the school and how to apply, the school invites you to attend on Tuesday 14th May 2019 at 7pm in the school Hall. This is a specific evening targeted at support only for families in this category.
There is an Open Afternoon and Evening for all parents on June 27th at 3.30pm and 7pm.