33rd Sunday (Year C) 17th November 2019
Sat 16th Nov
6.00 pm Vigil Mary Agnes McWilliams, RIP
Sun 17th Nov
8.30 am Holy Souls
10 am People of the Parish
12 noon Aldisia Rakowitsch, anniversary
Mon 18th Nov Feria
10 am Mollie Donnelly, anniversary
Tue 19th Nov Feria
10 am Charles Corceran
12 noon Funeral Mass for Cornelius McGlynn
Wed 20th Nov Feria
10 am Tom Lobo, RIP
Thurs 21st Nov Presentation of the Bl Virgin Mary
10 am Holy Souls
Fri 22nd Nov St Cecilia
10 am Julie Rayner, RIP
Sat 23rd Nov Feria
10 am Holy Souls
Confession: Saturday 10.30 am and 5.30 pm
Exposition & Benediction: Thurs. 10.30-10.45 am & Sat. 5.30-5.55 pm
Please pray for the sick and those who care for them, today especially for the frail elderly and for those who work as carers.
Parish Collection: Last week’s collection came to £ 1172.90.
Sick and Retired Priests Collection
The collection for the Sick and Retired Priests last weekend raised £563.33. Many thanks for supporting this appeal.
Cornelius McGlynn - RIP
The Funeral Mass for Cornelius McGlynn is on Tuesday 19th November at 12 noon. Cornelius will be received into the Church on Monday at 4pm. May he rest in peace.
Lila Cresswell - RIP
Lila was a regular member of the St Mary's congregation around the early 1970s and an active organizer of the senior citizens lunch club which took place at that time every month or so. The club organised lunches, entertainment and days out for the elderly. Sadly she died, aged 90, in the early hours of 31 October and her funeral was on Friday. Let us keep in our prayers her son Ray, and his family.
INCENSED Youth Group – Sunday 24th November 2019
INCENSED will be meeting again on Sunday 24th November after 10 am Mass in the Community Room at the side of Father Peter’s house. If you are aged 10+, you are very welcome to come along for the usual snacks, fun and a look at getting ready for Advent!
Safeguarding Reminder:
Please accompany your child to the toilet in the church porch and keep a watchful eye on your child if they are playing outside the parish hall.
First Holy Communion – Registration Closed
Registration is now closed. A reminder: we have a meeting for parents/carers on Thursday 28th November at 8 pm in the Parish Hall. Please remember to bring your child’s Baptismal Certificate and your course contribution. If you have any questions, please e mail Holly at finchleyeastcat@rcdow.org.uk
November is the month of Holy Souls
You will find at the back of the church brown Holy Souls envelopes and white slips for you to complete with names of loved ones who have died. Please return these slips within the Holy Souls envelopes to the presbytery. During November the completed lists which you have returned are held within a folder placed on the sanctuary, and Masses are offered for the Holy Souls.
CRISIS Carol Singing:
It has been great having parishioners taking part each year in the carol-singing at the opening of the Crisis Centre at Westminster Kingsway College in Grays Inn Road
This year it is 23rd Dec 5-6pm -The more the merrier and you don’t need to be an experienced singer but you will need to register due to security
Details from Helen Tierney on tierneyhelen63@gmail.com
Constituency Hustings:
Churches Together in Finchley is organising a hustings for the candidates in the Finchley and Golders Green Constituency on Wednesday 27 November 7.45 pm - 9.15 pm at St Mary at Finchley Church, Hendon Lane. All are welcome
It will soon be Advent!
Fr Peter writes: Advent is soon upon us, and for each Sunday I would like us to focus on an aspect of “The God Who Speaks”. The First Sunday of Advent we shall be looking at the Jesse Tree – a scriptural advent calendar – and we will use one to decorate our Church. The Second Sunday will be about Bibles – yours in particular – but more about that nearer the time….
Our Lady of Lourdes, N12 - Applications for Reception & Nursery Sept 2020
Our Lady of Lourdes, Bow Lane is now accepting applications for Reception and Nursery for September 2020. If your child was born between 1/9/15 and 31/8/16 please apply for Reception. The deadline is 15th January 2020. If your child was born between 1/4/17 and 31/3/18 please apply for Nursery. The deadline is 31st January 2020. Application forms are on the school website http://www.ololbarnetschool.org.uk or from the school office on 0208 3461681. We welcome applications from non-Catholic children. The school is having its Open Day on 20th November if you would like to view the school.
Reception School Forms:
Parents of Catholic children who need to have their reception class school forms signed by the parish priest need to present themselves to Fr Peter after the Saturday evening and Sunday Masses. Please have the child’s name, address and date of birth filled in, and bring applications for all the Catholic schools you have chosen.
St. Theresa's Catholic Primary School, East End Road, London, N3 2TD -
Open Day:
Open Day for prospective pupils due to start Reception Class in September 2020.
Open Day is as follows: Thursday 28th November 2019 at 9.30am & 2.00pm.
Please call the school office on 020 8346 8826 to book a convenient date/time.
Missio Red Boxes:
Please return your Red Boxes to the Church or presbytery before the end of
Hall Dishes and Tins:
In the very near future, Fr Peter is going to organise a “declutter party” to spruce up and tidy the hall kitchens, before then…. could you please reclaim any dishes, containers or tins you may have left behind from previous parish events.
Parish Car Park:
For most of the week ahead the parish car park will be used by a film company to park their vans and equipment. A security guard will be on duty overnight while the car park is in use. Apologies for the inconvenience – the income from the car park hire will go towards the “wall repairs”.
In case you are admitted to hospital........
In light of data protection please indicate on entering hospital that your details are to be passed to the RC Chaplain. Also state that you would like the RC Chaplain to visit you.
For those couples wishing to get married it is important that you notify Fr Peter at least 6 months before your wedding date.
If you would like your child to be baptised please contact
Fr Peter.