Second Sunday of Advent (Year A) 8th December 2019
Sat 7th Dec
6.00 pm Vigil People of the Parish
Sun 8th Dec
8.30 am Maureen O’Mara, RIP
10 am Anne Marie Murphy, 9th anniversary
12 noon Maurice Smith, anniversary
Mon 9th Dec Feast of the Immaculate Conception
10 am Fiona MacQuire, intentions
Tue 10th Dec Advent feria
10 am Betty Whitley, RIP
Wed 11th Dec Advent feria
10 am Nora Delaney, intentions
Thurs 12thh Dec Advent feria
10 am Betty Whitley, RIP
Fri 13th Dec St Lucy, Virgin & Martyr
10 am Una Carmody, anniv and Bridget Noone, RIP
Sat 14th Dec St John of the Cross
10 am Betty Whitley, RIP
Confession: Saturday 10.30 am and 5.30 pm
Exposition & Benediction: Thurs. 10.30-10.45 am & Sat. 5.30-5.55 pm
Please pray for the sick and those who care for them, today especially for the frail elderly and for those who work as carers.
Parish Collection: Last week’s collection came to £ 1022.94
Christmas Fair
So far, the Christmas Fair has raised £3858.87. There is still time to buy raffle tickets – the draw will be held on Sunday 15th December 2019. There are many people to thank, particularly Helen who co-ordinated the organising team, and Nicola who stepped into the breach and synchronized the day. Fr Christmas was thrilled with the event too!
Readers for Christmas:
Those who read at Mass are invited to add their names to the Christmas rota in the Church if they would like to read at Mass over the yuletide season.
Advent Reconciliation Service.
Our parish advent reconciliation service will be on Tuesday 17th December at 7:30pm. There should be a few priests to hear confessions and help us declutter our souls to welcome Christ at Christmas.
Safeguarding Notice:
St Mary’s has two websites: the address of our bespoke page can be found at the top of the newsletter.
We also have a diocesan This diocesan webpage details our safeguarding principles and information about Educare – a course for all parish volunteers – you might like to take a look.
CRISIS Carol Singing:
It has been great having parishioners taking part each year in the carol-singing at the opening of the Crisis Centre at Westminster Kingsway College in Grays Inn Road
This year it is 23rd Dec 5-6pm -The more the merrier and you don’t need to be an experienced singer but you will need to register due to security
Details from Helen Tierney on
New Year’s Eve 2019
Fr Peter writes: “For the past few years I have tried to celebrate a New Year’s Eve Mass in honour of Our Lady at midnight on 31st December. I see it as a way of beginning the New Year in the presence of Christ, who I know will be accompanying us through 2020. So on New Year’s Eve I will be celebrating a quiet informal Mass in the Church beginning at Midnight – and you are most welcome to join me.”
Chris McCarthy RIP
The funeral of the late Chris McCarthy will be held at St Alban’s, North Finchley on 10th December at 10 am. The body will be received into the church the evening before for a short service at 7 pm.
Red Boxes
Please note that the Missio Red Boxes are available for collection. Please speak to the ladies in the Sacristy.
The administrator is away:
Yvonne, our wonderful parish administrator is on leave this week, so please be doubly extra patient with Fr Peter if he gets muddled or is looking more lost than usual.
Our Lady of Lourdes School is coming to Mass:
Year 6 pupils from Our Lady of Lourdes Primary School will be coming to the 10am Mass on Tuesday. They will read and sing during the celebration. Parents are welcome as are you.
Calling all Carol Singers…..
Fr Peter writes: “On Wednesday 18th December at 2ish – Helen (organist at Sunday 10am Mass) and I will be singing Carols for the residents of Nazareth House (our local elderly care home – quite a few retired clergy live there) for about an hour. Please come and join us (ideal for those about to set off for the school run)…. if only to disguise my flat warble! Please let either myself or Helen know if you wish to sing. Santa hats provided.
Our Lady of Lourdes, N12 - Applications for Reception & Nursery Sept 2020
Our Lady of Lourdes, Bow Lane is now accepting applications for Reception and Nursery for September 2020. If your child was born between 1/9/15 and 31/8/16 please apply for Reception. The deadline is 15th January 2020. If your child was born between 1/4/17 and 31/3/18 please apply for Nursery. The deadline is 31st January 2020. Application forms are on the school website or from the school office on 0208 3461681. We welcome applications from non-Catholic children.
Reception School Forms:
Parents of Catholic children who need to have their reception class school forms signed by the parish priest need to present themselves to Fr Peter after the Saturday evening and Sunday Masses. Please have the child’s name, address and date of birth filled in, and bring applications for all the Catholic schools you have chosen.
Our Lady of Lourdes Primary School N12 – Open Day
Our Lady of Lourdes Primary School - Open Day on Monday 16th December - tours will take place at 9.30am, 2 pm and 7 pm. No requirement to book in advance – everyone welcome to visit the school.
Hall Dishes and Tins:
Fr Peter is going to organise a “declutter new years party” to spruce up and tidy the hall kitchens, before then…. could you please reclaim any dishes, containers or tins you may have left behind from previous parish events. Your last chance will be after the Christmas Fete.
“The Westminster Record”:
Fr Peter writes: “For the past few years I have written a very small insignificant column in the diocesan newspaper called ‘Inside the Hospice’. Now that I have moved to St Mary’s, the editorial team would like me to continue with ‘Inside the Parish’ - the first one of these will be in the December edition. As with the hospice, I will never make reference to anyone in the parish, rather I will be reflecting on my own small spiritual observations as your priest. If anything, the articles will give you a peek into my mind and how proud I am to work and pray alongside you.”
In case you are admitted to hospital........
In light of data protection please indicate on entering hospital that your details are to be passed to the RC Chaplain. Also state that you would like the RC Chaplain to visit you.
What did Adam say to his wife at Christmas?
It’s finally Christmas, Eve.