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Fourth Sunday of Advent (Year A) 22nd December 2019

Fourth Sunday of Advent (Year A) 22nd December 2019


Sat 21st Dec Advent feria

6.00 pm Vigil Susan Faughnan, RIP

Sun 22nd Dec

8.30 am People of the Parish

10 am Edward Doran and family

12 noon Veronica Filippin, anniversary

Mon 23rd Dec Advent feria

10 am Rita Doran, RIP

Tue 24th Dec Christmas Eve

6pm Children’s Nativity Mass

– John McGrory, anniv.

10 pm Mass for Midnight – Natasha McGuire, RIP

Weds 25th Dec The Nativity of the Lord

10 am People of the Parish

12 noon Christine Cunningham, RIP

Thurs 26th Dec St Stephen, Martyr

12 noon Eamonn and Annie Joyce, intentions

Fri 27th Dec St John, Apostle & Evangelist

12 noon Mary Murphy, RIP

Sat 28th Dec

10 am Michael Lee, RIP

Confession: Saturday 10.30 am and 5.30 pm

Exposition & Benediction: Thurs. 10.30-10.45 am & Sat. 5.30-5.55 pm

Please pray for the sick and those who care for them, today especially for the frail elderly and for those who work as carers.

Parish Collection: Last week’s collection came to £ 1085.52 – Thank you.

Mass Times for Thursday 26th and Friday 27th December 2019

Just a reminder that Mass on Thursday 26th December and Friday 27th December will be at 12 noon.

Christmas Fair and Raffle

A further £309.26 was raised for our Christmas Fair and Raffle. Thank you to everyone who helped and supported this great event!


You are very welcome to St Mary’s Church. This parish has always been involved with work for the poor and marginalized, both in this country and abroad. If you are new to the area and would like to become involved in the life of our Parish please complete one of the ‘New Parishioner’ forms in the porch and give it to Fr Peter.

Once a Catholic ?

On that first Christmas the shepherds were the first to learn of the birth of Jesus. Those shepherds felt outcast and not welcome. The birth of the Saviour showed them to be at the very centre of things. If you were baptised into the Catholic Church but have not practised for some time and are here for Christmas then you are very welcome. Please consider introducing yourself to Fr Peter and perhaps making an appointment to see him in the New Year. You can be assured of a warm welcome.

Readers for Christmas:

Those who read at Mass are invited to add their names to the Christmas rota in the Church if they would like to read at Mass over the yuletide season.

CRISIS Carol Singing:

It has been great having parishioners taking part each year in the carol-singing at the opening of the Crisis Centre at Westminster Kingsway College in Grays Inn Road

This year it is 23rd Dec 5-6pm -The more the merrier and you don’t need to be an experienced singer but you will need to register due to security Details from Helen Tierney on

New Year’s Eve 2019

Fr Peter writes: “For the past few years I have tried to celebrate a New Year’s Eve Mass in honour of Our Lady at midnight on 31st December. I see it as a way of beginning the New Year in the presence of Christ, who I know, will be accompanying us through 2020. So on New Year’s Eve I will be celebrating a quiet informal Mass in the Church beginning at Midnight – and you are most welcome to join me.”

Lego Competition!

Build the Bible in Bricks Lego Competition. Looking for something to do over the Christmas holidays? Why not enter our Lego competition, simply choose a favourite Bible story and then build it in Lego. Bring your creations along to the Parish Hall on Sunday 5th January for judging. If you don’t have any Lego at home come along to teas and coffees after the 10am Mass over the next few weeks and you can use some of ours, you can’t take it home but we can keep it safe for you until judging day.

Christmas Eve Children’s Mass:

Our First Communion group will be acting out the Nativity story for us at the 6pm Christmas Eve Mass. All children of the Parish are invited to come along, dressed as angels or shepherds….not angels and Saints (as Fr Peter announced)

Christmas Offerings:

The collection at all Masses on Christmas Eve & Day is your gift that contributes to the salary of your priest. Alternatively, you may wish to give Fr Peter a personal gift.

Our Lady of Lourdes, N12 - Applications for Reception & Nursery Sept 2020

Our Lady of Lourdes, Bow Lane is now accepting applications for Reception and Nursery for September 2020. If your child was born between 1/9/15 and 31/8/16 please apply for Reception. The deadline is 15th January 2020. If your child was born between 1/4/17 and 31/3/18 please apply for Nursery. The deadline is 31st January 2020. Application forms are on the school website or from the school office on 0208 3461681. We welcome applications from non-Catholic children.

Reception School Forms:

Parents of Catholic children who need to have their reception class school forms signed by the parish priest need to present themselves to Fr Peter after the Saturday evening and Sunday Masses. Please have the child’s name, address and date of birth filled in, and bring applications for all the Catholic schools you have chosen.

Hall Dishes and Tins:

Fr Peter is going to organise a “declutter new year’s party” to spruce up and tidy the hall kitchens, before then…. could you please reclaim any dishes, containers or tins you may have left behind from previous parish events. Your last chance will be after the Christmas Fete.

Christmas cracker Crowns

Children…. please save your Christmas cracker crowns and wear them for Masses over the weekend of the Epiphany (4th & 5th January). Paper crowns in crackers represent the crowns worn by the three kings (3 wise men).

Gift Aid

A big “thank you” to everyone who “gift aids” offertory donations or money given to appeals. Due to gift aid a few thousand pounds is added towards the upkeep of St Mary’s. It is all so simple and effective, if you would like to “gift aid” – please see Fr Peter.

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