The Presentation of The Lord (Year A) 2nd February 2020
Sat 1st Feb
6.00 pm Vigil Angela McGlinchey
Sun 2nd Feb
8.30 am People of the Parish
10 am Hannah Falvey, RIP
12 noon Shaun Harkin, Daniel Scott, John Harley, Michael Roarty, anniversary
Mon 3rd Feb SS Laurence, Dunston & Theodore
10 am Angela Cotter and family, intentions
Tues 4th Feb Feria
10 am Eugene and Margaret McGivney, intentions
Weds 5th Feb St Agatha, virgin & martyr
10 am Chris McCarthy, RIP
Thurs 6th Feb St Paul Miki & Companions
10.30 am Funeral Mass for Margaret Dunlea
Fri 7th Feb Feria
10 am Sarah Maloney
Sat 8th Feb Feria
10 am Marie Bloom, intentions
Confession: Saturday 10.30 am and 5.30 pm
Exposition & Benediction: Thurs. 10.30-10.45 am & Sat. 5.30-5.55 pm
Please pray for the sick and those who care for them, today especially for the frail elderly and for those who work as carers.
Parish Collection: Last week’s collection came to £ 1014.33 – Thank you.
Margaret Dunlea – RIP
The Funeral Mass for Margaret Dunlea will be celebrated here at St Mary’s on Thursday 6th February at 10.30 am. There will be no 10 am Mass on this day.
Cathedral Mass for the Sick:
A reminder that the annual Mass in honour of Our Lady of Lourdes and the World day of Prayer for the Sick will take place in the Cathedral at 2pm on Saturday 8th February. All are welcome.
This Sunday we welcome Bishop John:
As a lovely surprise, Bishop John will celebrate this Sunday’s 10 am Mass and enjoy a cup of tea with parishioners afterwards. Welcome Bishop John.
New Parishioners:
If you have joined the parish in or since 2019 please come to a New Parishioner Party in the Presbytery on Tuesday 25th February at 7.30 pm. Pancakes and refreshments will be provided. Please sign the sheet, now avaiable in the porch if you are a new parishioner and wish to attend.
The foodbank would be particularly grateful to receive Tins of Corned Beef, Fray Bentos Pies, Toilet Rolls, UHT Milk, Cereals, Pasta Sauce, Men’s Toiletries (in particular disposable razors) and Womens Toiletries. Either leave in the Church (near the Sacred Heart Statue), the sacristy or the presbytery. Please check that all foodstuffs are “in date” – all donations are very welcome and gratefully received.
The Confessional:
The confessional is now open – and will hopefully be painted…… this week!
Year of The Word Talks
Exploring Old Testament Treasures – ‘Finding Christ in the Old Testament’ by Fr John Hemer MHM on 5th February, 7pm at Allen Hall, 28 Beaufort St, Chelsea, London SW3 5AA. Refreshments will be served at 7pm, followed by the lecture in the Chapel at 7.30pm, and Night Prayer at 8.45pm. Donations welcome. Please register at
Senior Citizens Lunch:
A big thank you to the wonderful SVP for laying on a delicious lunch last Sunday. Over 80 attended – marvellous! Particular thanks to “Gertie Browne's Pub”, for assisting with the provision of wine and their gift of some of the raffle prizes.
Anxiety Workshop:
Last Tuesday was the first St Mary’s sponsored “Pop Up Workshop” offering advice to parents. Over 40 people attended – great input and the beginnings of something very important for mums and dads. Another workshop for parents will be announced very soon, and a “Pop Up Workshop” is being organized for those involved with dementia care. – watch this space.
Reminder: First Holy Communion Meeting for Parents
Please note that there is a meeting for the parents of those children who are making their First Holy Communion this Thursday 6th February 2020 at 8 pm in the Parish Centre.
Parish Council News:
Fr Peter writes: A number of forthcoming events were discussed at a recent meeting of the Parish Council. One requires you to mark a date in your diary……Sunday 3rd May! May is a month dedicated to Our Lady, and the first Sunday in May is ideal to set aside as our Parish Feast Day. So, this year, the aim is to celebrate the wonderful international flavour of the parish, to crown the Statue of Our Lady in the church with flowers and to enjoy each other’s cooking in the hall! We may also lead up to the celebration with some weekday evening Masses – but that is still in the pipeline!
Above all to relax and celebrate our parish.