Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year A) 16th February 2020
Sat 15th Feb
6.00 pm Vigil People of the Parish
Sun 16th Feb
8.30 am Thomas Kelly, RIP
10 am Edward Doran, RIP
12 noon Marie Gilgan, intentions
Mon 17th Feb Feria
10 am Margaret de Ferrers, anniversary
Tues 18th Feb Feria
11 am Funeral Mass for Tony Martin
Weds 19th Feb Feria
10 am Rosa Malpeli, RIP
Thurs 20th Feb Feria
11 am Sylvia Barnachea and family, special intentions
Fri 21st Feb Feria
10 am Patrick Brown, RIP
Sat 22nd Feb Chair of St Peter.
10 am Marie Jeanne, intentions
Confession: Saturday 10.30 am and 5.30 pm
Exposition & Benediction: Thurs. 10.30-10.45 am & Sat. 5.30-5.55 pm
Please pray for the sick and those who care for them, today especially for the frail elderly and for those who work as carers.
Parish Collection: Last week’s collection came to £ 956.97 – Thank you.
Tony Martin – RIP
The Funeral Mass for Tony Martin will be celebrated here at St Mary’s on Tuesday at 11 am. There will be no 10 am Mass on this day. May he rest in peace.
New Parishioners:
If you have joined the parish in or since 2019 please come to a New Parishioner Party in the Presbytery on Tuesday 25th February at 7.30 pm. Pancakes and refreshments will be provided. Please sign the sheet, now avaiable in the porch if you are a new parishioner and wish to attend.
Coronavirus news:
Fr Peter writes: In keeping with latest coronavirus diocesan guidelines (issued to all parishes on Friday), I have introduced alcohol gel dispensers in the porch. One will also be available for Eucharistic Ministers to use before dispensing the host or chalice. I have also put a dispenser in all toilets and kitchens in the hall. Please do not apply to damaged or sensitive skin. Our diocesan adviser – Mr Jim McManus, Public Health Officer for Hertfordshire, says the best defence against the virus is good hand hygiene. Please remember to keep gel dispensers away from candles, do not drink, do not bless yourselves with gel and as well as providing good hygiene the gel is ideal for cleaning ovens and stripping paint off walls.
Parish Council News:
Fr Peter writes: A number of forthcoming events were discussed at a recent meeting of the Parish Council. One requires you to mark a date in your diary……Sunday 3rd May! May is a month dedicated to Our Lady, and the first Sunday in May is ideal to set aside as our Parish Feast Day. So, this year, the aim is to celebrate the wonderful international flavour of the parish, to crown the Statue of Our Lady in the church with flowers and to enjoy each other’s cooking in the hall! We may also lead up to the celebration with some weekday evening Masses – but that is still in the pipeline!
Above all to relax and celebrate our parish.
New rotas for Readers and Eucharistic ministers: 8th March - 28th June 2020
The present rotas end on Sunday 1st March and new rotas for period of 8th March to 28th June will be drawn up very soon. The new rotas, though, will not cover Easter Sunday (12th April), for which, along with Maundy Thursday and Good Friday, special sign-up sheets will be available as in previous years. If you know that you are unable to serve at a particular mass or if, on the other hand, you wish to serve at a particular mass, please let the parish secretary know by Monday 17th February When you receive the new rota, please check the rota in advance to see when you are scheduled to serve.
Our Youth Group, Incensed, will meet again on Sunday, 23rd March. If you are aged 10+, please come and join us in the Community Room after 10 am Mass for snacks, games and a look at how we can prepare for Lent.
Access to the Hall:
Please access the hall via the walkway between the church and the presbytery. Access to the hall via the left hand side (on the other side of the church) is a bit slippery and unsafe.
Safeguarding Reminders:
Please ensure your child is accompanied by a parent when using the toilet in the church porch and keep a watch on them when they are playing outside the hall.
Lent is coming:
This year, Ash Wednesday falls on 26th February. Mass will be at 10 am and 7.30 pm.