The Most Holy Trinity (Year A) 7th June 2020
Sun 7th June 10 am People of the Parish Mon 8th June Feria 10 am Marie Bloom, RIP
Tues 9th June St Columba, Abbot 10 am Nancy O’Shaughnessy, RIP
Weds 10th June Feria 10 am Holy Souls
Thurs 11th June St Barnabas, Apostle 10 am Mary McDermott
Fri 12th June Feria 10 am Michael Day
Sat 13th June St Anthony of Padua, Priest and Doctor 10 am Ward Family
Please pray for the sick and those who care for them, today especially for the frail elderly and for those who work as carers.
An alternative way to give your offertory collection: Our new “Just Giving Money Page” operated by Virgin. The link is A big thank you to everyone who has contributed and who continue to do so. Baptisms, Sacrament of Marriage and Funerals. Fr Peter writes: Sadly baptisms and the Sacrament of Matrimony will be deferred until such time that the public health advice is that congregations can gather safely. Funerals will now take place at the graveside or at a crematorium, subject to the conditions laid down by the cemetery or crematorium authorities. Mass will be celebrated in memoriam when we are allowed to gather. We must keep in prayerful solidarity those who are grieving the loss of a loved one at this difficult time and offer as much support as we can. Saturday Evening & Sunday Mass Intentions: Fr Peter writes: As public Masses cannot be celebrated at this time, it is generally no longer appropriate for priests to celebrate Mass more than once a day, including on Sundays. This will mean that all Saturday evening and Sunday Masses which were to be celebrated for a special intention will now not be celebrated. Instead I will celebrate one Sunday Mass at 10am for the “People of the Parish”. If you have arranged for an intention for a Sunday Mass, I will defer this to the first available weekday Mass. I totally understand your disappointment, and if you would prefer to send your Mass intention to a missionary or enclosed community, let me know and I will arrange a refund. Do not forget: Fr Peter writes: Even though you cannot come to church, I can still light a candle for your intentions. If you would like me to place a lighted candle underneath the statue of the Sacred Heart, Our Lady or St Anthony, please give me a call, or leave a message, and I will do so before the daily 10am Mass. Being St Mary’s Parish - Staying in touch - Registration & Parish Census: Fr Peter writes: It is very important that I am able to keep in touch with you. The shepherd needs his flock. Please update your parish details using the parish census sheet and return to me hand delivered via a volunteer who can come to the presbytery. It is so important that we stay in touch with each other. I will endeavour to send out a weekly newsletter to those without computers. If you are receiving post from us but have an e mail address, please let us know your e mail address. I will also use the live streamed Masses to convey notices. UK Mutual Aid We connect volunteers to those needing assistance while self-isolating during covid19.To request help leave us a message: 020 31 377 488. We have volunteers in Barnet. We are good at Picking up Shopping • Sending Post or providing useful information • or just a friendly chat. Yvonne Plourde RIP Fr Robert’s mother died peacefully on Thursday - feast of Christ the High Priest. She was a 100 years old. We hold Yvonne and Fr Robert in our prayers, may she rest in peace. John Allison RIP John had been unable to attend Mass for a while and sadly died last week. His funeral will be on June 15th. We remember him and his family in our prayers. May he rest in peace. Sheila Fitzgerald RIP Sheila was new to St Mary’s and died earlier this week. Her funeral will be on June 15th. We remember her and her family in our prayers. May she rest in peace. We are a step nearer: Fr Peter writes: Over the past few days I have been getting the church ready to be opened for prayer. No date has yet been decided – but the Cardinal has given parish priests the go-ahead to do a Covid 19 risk assessment on church buildings and to begin to mark out social distancing measures around statues and pews. Some recommendations are very clear – everyone must use alcohol hand gel when entering and leaving St Mary’s, all toilets must remain closed, social distancing means every other pew is closed and only end seats are available for use, after leaving a pew, it must be cleaned before someone else sits there. there is only one direction of flow – so you enter via the main doors and must leave the church by the side exits, statues must not be touched. Stewards are required in church while it is open for prayer. Mass will continue to be said without parishioners present. These measures mean it would be prudent to open St Mary’s for a limited period each day, so that pews and surfaces can be cleaned. A suggestion could be 2-4pm one day and 6-7pm another. As referred to, the church will need “stewards” while these measures are in place – and due to Covid 19 diocesan requirements – the church can only be open, if stewards are present. Stewards must be in good health and ideally under 70 years of age. They would be required to direct people into church, ensure social distance guidelines are respected and clean a pew seat once someone has left. The more stewards we have, the more times the church can be left open. If you can help, please let me know. Mass on the Radio from Westminster Cathedral: On Sunday 14th June, the Sunday Worship Programme, which airs at 8.10am on BBC Radio 4, will broadcast Mass celebrated by the Cardinal in Westminster Cathedral.