4th Sunday of Lent 27.03.2022
Sun 27th Mar
8.30 am Sister Felicity, RIP
10 am Alison St Ann, RIP
12 noon Mary Templeton, RIP
Mon 28th Mar Lent Feria
10 am Susan Wren, RIP
Tues 29th Mar Lent Feria
10 am People of the Parish
Weds 30th Mar
Thurs 31st Mar Lent Feria
10 am Holy Souls
Fri 1st April Lent Feria
10 am Mary Giblin, anniversary
Sat 2nd April 5th Sunday of Lent
5 pm Kitty Pollard, RIP
10am – 11am; 4:30pm – 5pm: Confessions and Exposition
Your Prayers:
Let us keep in our prayers: Therese Kemp, Frank Kilbride, Kathleen Lancaster, John O’Shea, Rekha, Bina, Gale Yates, Jose Luis Pérez, Alice, Michael O Boy, Lilian Murphy, Karina McKiernan and Izabela Lissowska – all unwell at this time. Please add the Dixon family to your intentions. We also pray for Shirley Bates, Hugh Daniel Doherty, Peter Sartori, Noel Ryan, Donato Merola, Aurora Lobo–Buckland, Larry Tuohy, Elizabeth O’Sullivan, Monica Thomson, Christine Pavlou, Tom Lohan, Dennis Lennane, Vincenzo Gagliardi, Verna Duffy, Susan Wren, Albertina Alves, Jasmine Geddes, Geraldine Day and Josephine Okuyiga who have all died recently. May they Rest in Peace.
Fr Peter writes: “The ordinary offertory collection in church for week ending 20th March - £795.42. Allcontributions, every penny, is greatly received and I am very grateful for your continued support at this difficult time. Please do not forget, that arranging a standing order is the easiest way to support St Mary’s.
Lent Reconciliation Service:
There will be a chance to go to confession with a few visiting priests (and Fr Peter) at 7 pm on Thursday 7thApril.
Reading The Bible: A Taster in Studying Scripture
Fr Peter writes: “As part of our Lent journey, John Coleby has kindly agreed to present talks on scripture. John is a parishioner and Director of Caritas. The course is for everyone; those unfamiliar with scripture as well as those who read and study the Bible. The third talk is Tuesday 5th April. We will gather for a cup of tea at 7:15pm and begin shortly afterwards. The venue will be the small hall.”
Mother’s Day Mass
All Masses this weekend but particularly this Sunday’s 10 am Mass, will be a chance to celebrate all mums and grandmothers in the parish. Everyone is welcome.
Lectio Divina:
The St Mary’s “Lectio Divina” zoom is every Monday from 7:30pm – 8:30pm. “Lectio” involves reading, reflecting and discussing the gospel passage used each Sunday at Mass. Please email Fr Peter if you want to be part of the “Lectio Zoom Team”.
Prayer Workshop: Part One:
Fr Peter writes: “Whichever way we pray, it is always good. I am going to lead one or two workshops on different types of prayer. Please come along at 7:15pm on Thursday in the small hall to try a “prayer type”. I am not going to tell you which one, as that would spoil the surprise, but rest assured, it will probably be one that you have heard of or are familiar with. We will meet for just over an hour, and finish with a time of prayer. All are welcome.”
Planned Giving Envelopes
Planned Giving Envelopes starting 10th April 2022 are available for collection from the porch. Please do not use these envelopes until 10th April 2022. Many thanks for your contributions and support.
Your Prayers during Holy Week:
Fr Peter writes: “Holy Week is a precious few days when we are brought into the heart of God’s love. It is an ideal time to pray for the needs of the world and for friends and family. At the back of the church is a special letter box. Please post into the box the names of those you wish to be placed on the altar during Holy Week……that we may pray for them all during this remarkable week of forgiveness and resurrection.”
Reminder to Parents:
Fr Peter writes: “Mass can be a busy reflective time. Please do not worry if your pre-school child has a charismatic moment, everyone understands, and parents of whatever age child will be sympathetic to your plight. I have asbestos ears and rarely hear a child when they have an inner compulsion to yell. Do not worry! Also, please, all parents, always accompany your child to the bathroom in the porch. Many thanks.”
The Streaming Service:
Fr Peter writes: “The streaming service for the 10am Mass on Sunday was a very quick response to the pandemic. It has been assiduously repaired and maintained by young Peter Murphy and Holly. However, in the last few weeks, the iPhone which operates the streaming service has been failing and interruptions have been constant. It needs a complete overhaul and an investment of funds. For the remainder of March and April, the streaming service will be turned off while repairs and new equipment is sought.”
“Holy Week Pack” for Families:
Fr Peter writes: “Holly’s ‘Children’s Stations of the Cross’ have received so much positive feedback, that we are in the middle of devising something similar for Holy Week. We will have more details next week, but can reveal that “Family Holy Week Packs” will be available after all Palm Sunday Masses.”
Jars of Resurrection:
Fr Peter writes: “How are your Lent Loyalty Cards? Are you completing tasks? You still have quite a bit of time. Do not forget the opportunity to take advantage of confession at 7pm on Thursday 7th April. If you are on the way to achieving the required 8 tasks, please write your Christian name on the sheet in the porch so we can order you a “jar of Resurrection”. Jars will be given out on Easter Sunday (anonymously – so do not worry)!
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament & Rosary during Lent:
Fr Peter writes “Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament during Lent will be available on Monday and Thursday mornings at 9:30am until the 10am Mass. Adoration is always available every Saturday from 10am to 11am. On Tuesday’s the Rosary will continue to be recited after the 10am Mass.
Stations of the Cross:
Fr Peter writes: “This beautiful meditation will be celebrated every Friday morning in lent after the 10am Mass. The outdoor Stations of the Cross are also available for those who would like to follow this important spiritual exercise by themselves”
St Michael’s Catholic Grammar School – Vacancies
Exam Invigilators/Cover Supervisors/Admin Assistant
Exam Invigilators and Cover Supervisors are required as soon as possible to work on a flexible basis. Closing date Tuesday 19th April at midday – interviews that week. A post for an Administrative Assistant to work in the school office has also arisen. The closing date for this position is Monday 18th April – interviews that week. Support Staff application forms and Job Descriptions are available on the school website. Please send completed applications to applications@st-michaels.barnet.sch.uk week. For further information please contact the school on 0208 446 2256.
Our Lady of Lourdes Nursery
Our Lady of Lourdes School in Bow Lane, N12 are still accepting applications to our Nursery for September 2022. If your child was born between 1st April 2019 and 31st March 2020 please apply. All information can be found on the school website http://www.ololbarnetschool.org.uk
Nursery Application Forms:
Fr Peter writes: “If your child needs their Catholic Certificates of Practice” stamped and signed, please attend one of the Sunday Masses with your child, bringing their nursery school application forms. Please make sure you have completed address and dates of birth before coming to see me.”
St Mary’s Parish Hall is a Polling Station!
If you live in the local area you might be casting your vote in St Mary’s Parish Hall. The small hall will be converted into a polling station for May 5th local elections.
Clocks go Forward One Hour – THIS WEEKEND!
Clocks will go forward on Sunday at 2 am. Mass times remain the same !!!