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5th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year B) 7th February 2021


Sun 7th Feb

10 am Giovanni Necrotti, RIP

11.30 am Mary Brennan (Int).

Mon 8th Feb Feria

7pm Toby & Michelle Ikwueke, thanksgiving

Tues 9th Feb Feria

10 am Chindedu & Goziem Onuchukwu, thanksgiving

Weds 10th Feb NO MASS


Thurs 11th Feb Feria

7pm People of the Parish

Fri 12th Feb Feria

10 am Holy Souls – Intention of Ikwueke family

Sat 13th Feb 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time

5pm Tess Nestor RIP

Please pray for the sick and those who care for them, today especially for the frail elderly and for those who work as carers.

Your Prayers:

This week, let us particularly remember: Teresa Fanning, Nicholas Pignataro, Jill Thrum, Rafael Guerrero, Wilfrido Mendoza, Bertha Tello, Francesca Kent, Joela Flugge, Patrick Halloran, Daniel Clifford, Daniel Falvey and John Joseph Ryan.. who have all died recently. May they Rest in Peace.

Let us keep in our prayers: Lilian Murphy, Mary, Edward Reeks and Danusia Lissowski – all unwell at this time.

We continue our prayers for all healthcare professionals, care home workers, those working in the community and all those with the coronavirus.

An Important Letter from Father Peter

Dear Parishioners and Friends,

First of all, I want to thank those of you who have generously donated money towards the £30,000 wall project and the Foodbank. Wall donations have amounted to £19,000 and with the addition of two substantial legacies making up the difference, the wall can now be repaired. This work should begin after Easter.

The Foodbank has also greatly benefitted from your donations and I now feel it can operate on its own without further parish funding. Food donations are still very welcome.

However, the parish now needs your continued, careful and considered support. As you know Peter, our caretaker has been on furlough since April. Last week I sadly had to furlough Holly. Holly provides invaluable support to the parish delivering a weekly liturgy of the word to children and providing catechetical support for parents. With Holly furloughed, it means I have to defer First Holy Communion and Confirmation preparation until the autumn. All enquires must now come to me for the time being.

Our main income comes from the offertory collection. Understandably this has fluctuated in the past year. On average our offertory would be £1000 a week in normal circumstances. This would typically just meet expenditure. This will include utility bills (on average one of our gas bills can be £465 a month (as we have three sites), the salaries of three parish workers and our diocesan assessment contribution (on average £2500 per month). It excludes my salary (£8500 a year) which comes from the Easter and Christmas collections as well as funeral, wedding and baptism stipends. I am, of course, making economies wherever possible: you may have noticed that I have switched off outside lights, particularly the “disco colours” above the entrance to the church and reduced other lighting to save money (although security lights and alarms remain on).

Since the pandemic, our offertory income has been less than half the usual level (around £4000 a month) and we are facing a shortfall. We are not alone; every parish has had a deficit. Considering you have raised £19,000 for a wall and consistently donated to the foodbank, I think you have been amazing. However, if you are able to increase your offertory by a fraction, that would help see St Mary’s through the next year. I do not want those of you struggling at this time to feel under obligation to help, only those who might be able to increase their donations. I have dedicated the remainder of this week’s newsletter to help those who might be able to contribute.

I love being part of St Mary’s for we are a unique spirit-filled prayerful community. Together during the pandemic, we have supported each other, provided food for the vulnerable, and with the help of our wonderful stewards have kept the church open. We have a marvellous future as one large St Mary’s family beautifully diverse and wonderfully creative.

Blessings, Fr Peter.

Ways to financially support St. Mary’s:


You can donate by credit or debit card via our Diocesan website:

If asked to add a reference, please use ‘Collection’.



If you would like to donate on a regular monthly basis, please consider setting up a standing order via your bank. Contact the parish office on 0208 883 4234 or to obtain a form.



You can arrange a bank transfer, either online or in person at the bank. Please instruct your bank to use the following as a reference:

Your surname and your initials, followed by the word “Collection”

e.g. Smith J. – Collection

St Mary’s bank account details are as follows:

Account Name: WRCDT – Finchley East

Sort Code: 40-05-20

Account Number: 71265733

Bank: HSBC



A Just Giving page has been set up for St. Mary’s. You can donate by going to the following link and clicking on “Make a donation”:



Cheques should be made out to “WRCDT – Finchley East” and can be posted to the parish office at: 279 High Road, East Finchley, N2 8HG

-or dropped through the presbytery letterbox with a note saying “Offertory Collection”


If you are a UK taxpayer, please consider signing up for Gift Aid. Donating through Gift Aid means St Mary’s can claim an extra 25p for every £1 you give. It will not cost you any extra. This is because charitable donations are tax free meaning we can reclaim the tax from the government. If you would like to find out more, please contact us on 0208 883 4234 or email

Alternatively, the quickest and easiest way to do Gift Aid now is to send an email to with the following information:

· Your parish name

· Your title, first name and surname

· Your address and postcode

· The date of your gift, or start date of Standing Order

· The amount

· Please add the line: ‘Please Gift Aid my donations’

The Diocese Gift Aid office will add your declaration immediately, on behalf of your parish, and email you a confirmation.


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