Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe 20.11.2022
Sun 20th Nov
8.30 am People of the Parish
10 am Christopher McCarthy, RIP
12 noon Catherine O’Mahoney, anniversary
Mon 21st Nov The Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
10 am Zodi, intentions
Tues 22nd Nov St Cecilia, Virgin and Martyr
10am Maureen O’Sullivan, RIP
Weds 23rd Nov
Thurs 24th Nov St Andrew Dung-Lac, Priest and Companions, Martyrs
10am Holy Souls
Fri 25th Nov Feria
10 am A private intention
Sat 26th Nov 1st Sunday of Advent
5 pm Holy Souls
10am – 11am; 4:30pm – 5pm: Confessions and Exposition.
Your Prayers:
Let us keep in our prayers: Christna Cahill, Eric Nicholas Darwent, Therese Kemp, John O’Shea, Rekha, Bina, Jose Luis Pérez, Alice, Lilian Murphy, Karina McKiernan, Izabela Lissowska and Florida Regina Karawgodage– all unwell at this time.
We also pray for:: Gino Tomei, James Meally, Peter Sartori, Noel Ryan, Donato Merola, Aurora Lobo–Buckland, Christine Pavlou, Tom Lohan, Siobhan Lynch, Dennis Lennane, Susan Wren, Geraldine Day, Catherine Kelly, Josephine Okuyiga, Betty Murray, Jane Ikwueke, Gail Yates,Ronald Kinsella, Maureen O Sullivan, Patrick Reilly, Ann Gourdarznia, Nina Cole, Lorenzo Marcantuono, Pat McMahon, Michael Walsh Esther Ampomah Arhin, Peter McHugh and Marguerite Kyunga, whose anniversaries occur at this time or have died recently. May they Rest in Peace.
The offertory collection for week ending 13th November - £988.81. Many thanks. Please do not forget, that arranging a standing order is the easiest way to support St Mary’s.
Circles of Life talks:
Continuing on Tuesday there will be another talk exploring a different “circle of life” either preparing us for the year ahead, for Christmas or for eternity! Each evening will either be presented by Holly, John Colby, Fr Peter or Deacon Dom. They hope to be informative, fun and prayerful:
On Tuesday 22nd November at 7:30pm it will be an opportunity to use your craft skills to make an advent wreath and learn its significance and symbolism.
Finally, on Tuesday 6th December at 7:30pm, over some mulled wine and the odd mince pie there will be a presentation on the Advent “O” Antiphons. All are very welcome – let us learn, share and pray together.
70th/125th Anniversary of St Mary’s:
Earlier this year we celebrated 70 years since the foundation stone of the present church had been blessed…………next year we celebrate 70 years since the church was opened and 125 years since the parish of St Mary’s was established. Double celebrations! In the next couple of weeks, you will hear about some fun events to help commemorate this marvellous year. It could be a Zumba, a quiz, a pilgrimage, a calendar!
It will be a fun and holy year nonetheless. Watch this 70th/125th space for more details
First Communion Parents Meeting:
Meeting of parents who have registered their child for First Communion is at 7:30pm
On Monday in the small hall.
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament:
There is a unique chance to pray in front of the Blessed Sacrament every Saturday morning between 10am-11am (and go to confession) and during weekdays (except Wednesday) from 9:30am to 10am (just before Mass).
Bishop Douglass School – French Speaking Assistant
Bishop Douglass School is looking for a native/fluent French speaker who is able to support our GCSE and A Level students in conversational French a few hours a week, for an hourly rate of pay, to help them prepare for their public exams. If you are interested, please e mail your CV to Mrs Saleem, PA to Headteacher at msaleem@bishopdouglass.barnet.sch.uk
St Michael’s Catholic Grammar School – Teacher of Italian Vacancy
The Governors are seeking to appoint an enthusiastic and well- qualified graduate teacher of Italian. Start date 1st January 2023. The successful candidate will teach Italian to GCSE and A Level. Closing date is noon on Monday 28th November. An application pack is available on the school website www.st-michaels.barnet.sch.uk. Please send completed forms to applications@st-michaels.barnet.sch.uk . For further information contact 0208 446 2256.
SVP – Vinnie Packs
Siobhan Garibaldi, SVP Vinnie Pack Project Coordinator writes: "The SVP are distributing over 10,000 Vinnie Packs containing cold weather essentials to the homeless and those spending the principal part of their day on the streets. Each pack contains thermal gloves, thermal hat, two pairs of socks, wet wipes or flannel, toothbrush, toothpaste, information sheet and pen. Please could you consider sponsoring packs at a suggested donation of £4.10 per pack? Donations can be sent to Vinnie Packs, PO Box 72264, London SW1P 9EZ with cheques made out to SVP or by bank transfer to Nat West sort code 60-60-04, account no. 4608 8237. Thank you so much for your support."
Hosting a Ukrainian Refugee Family in East Finchley Muswell Hill
Can you help a mother and daughter who have been in hosted by a family in East Finchley since April? They need to find a new host family or possibly a flat or room to rent. They would like to stay in the area as they have made friends and the little girl is attending and well settled in school. If you could consider helping please contact Fr Peter as soon as possible 0208 883 4234 or peterscott@rcdow.org.uk